snacks for 8 months old

Posted by Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hi there,

my 8 month old (other than this week due to illness) does:

7am: 180ml milk followed by bowl of oatmeal porridge and fresh fruit

11.30am: 6 tablespoons of food (with protein)

2.30pm: 120-150ml milk

5pm: 6 tablespoons of food

6.15pm: 210-240ml milk

the milk intake is as good as it gets because he's never been a big milk drinker. what i have noticed is that he seems ready for food way before lunch and dinner. so i am wondering if i should introduce a healthy snack in between and if so, what are good snacks to introduce that are healthy and won't ruin his appetite for the actual meals?

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
thanks for the suggestions.

what kidn of rice cakes do you use?

i have seen lots of teething biscuits so i might buy some to try. and he loves bananas so think it'll make a great snack.

i considered feeding him a bigger portion of lunch and dinner but while he is a good eater, there is only so much that his little tummy can take at one go!!

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RiceT 18 yrs ago
Wheely -

We do ricecakes too. PNShop (and Bumps) sells the ones by Organix; they come in a airtight, metallic looking bag. There are plain and then there are ones with apple added.

We also do raisins. But watch the ingredients; believe it or not, some raisins have gel agents added to them and oils too. We buy the organic ones from Citysuper. PNShop (in Clearwater Bay, at least) have a few new organic lines out, but I had a look and the raisins they carry do contain more than just the raisins.

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crj 18 yrs ago
The midwife told us to keep feeding the baby until he stops opening his mouth for more food - so you could try feeding him a bit more at mealtimes to see what he eats.

for snacks, do a search for finger food on this forum, there are a couple threads listing out lots of options!

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