Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi- originally posted this in the tech section, but didn't get any responses...
Does anyone have any recommendations regarding a shop in Wanchai Computer Centre (or oriental 188, 298 hennessy) for custom built pc's? Looking for knowledgable, trustworthy service. Thanks!
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18 yrs ago
At Wanchai Computer Centre I used Patrick Yau from Match Power Repair Service (Shops 208,269) to custom-build a new desktop PC. While there were teething problems, he cheerfully dealt with them and even came to my place once so I would not need to lug the tower back. Everything is fine now. Price was reasonable and you could at least talk to him, without commitment. It does help if you know a little bit of what to ask for. BTW I think the 298 centre has faded a bit. Wanchai Computer Centre is much busier now. Frankly I think you could walk in "cold" to almost any of the shops and get similar service.
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Sg Ed
18 yrs ago
We started to use a company called Protech, Shop 125-126, 1/F Wan Chai Computer Centre, ask for Thomas Kei (Manager). Great service and really good advice.
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Thanks for the recommendations!
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18 yrs ago
Agree with Sq Ed. We have been using Protech (yes, Thomas is the right guy) for a few years and have referred friends to buy a few IBM laptops. We have also asked him for quotes and fixed our computers e.g. replacing the fan, recovered lost files from computer crash, etc. for reasonable charges.
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