Divorce Lawyer

Posted by HKRunner 15 yrs ago
I'm in search of a divorce lawyer ASAP

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Ms Goodwill 15 yrs ago
Dear HKRunner,

Please check your inbox, I've sent you a message. Take care...

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mucilagineux 15 yrs ago
Dear HK Runner, Ms Goodwill and hereiam5, could you PLEASE alsp provide me with your information - it's rather urgent and going to be a pretty nasty battle unfortunately also including our poor little children :((((((((((

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Kumander 15 yrs ago
hahahah - know who u mean...

Seriously there are many law firms in Hong kong that eye the prize and not the interest of the client!

be careful and if you need help message me.

Gud luck and dont let the anger take control of sense, especially with the children. Am fortnate am still cordial with my ex after what at one stage was going to be a disaster. wise words and simple advice helped me keep access and defy a snake oil lawyer who was abusing the situation at every step and opportunity. We resolved matters eventually when the damge they had done was rectified by the court.

keep it cool and fair. revenge is the gift of the lawyer!

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mucilagineux 15 yrs ago
Thanks for your advice Kumander. So you were 'happy' with your lawyer? Can you provide me with the details please (PM me or give details here if ED allows it?). Thanks!!!

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Ed 15 yrs ago
You can communicate via the messaging system in your control panel - if you post emails in the forums you risk it being picked up by spam trawlers...

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Ms Goodwill 15 yrs ago

I sent PM to you, please have it check. Take care..

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D-Man 15 yrs ago
Hi, could you PM me with the details to please?

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aqua72 15 yrs ago
ms. goodwill and hereiam5,

can you PM me your contacts?

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gingko 15 yrs ago
hello ms.goodwill and hereiam5,

i need urgently also your info pls, can you send PM me?

many thanks.

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Ms Goodwill 15 yrs ago
Dear Gingko,

You are based in Bali.. that would be in Indonesia.. do you need lawyer in Indonesia or Hong Kong?

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Ms Goodwill 15 yrs ago

I just replied Ginko and I dont know if that reply will affected you.. sorry for that.. as am not smarter as you I think..

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gingko 15 yrs ago
Thank's Ms.Goodwill, yes i need in Hongkong .

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lllsss 15 yrs ago
I had an experience I wish no one will have.

I have some advice I'd rather not have in print. It is very important. Some lawyers are actively supportive of making the process as awful (and expensive - i.e. lucrative for them) as possible. They will deny this to high heaven, but it is the case with some. You don't want to use these lawyers - there is only really one firm with this reputation - and you don't want your ex- to use them either.

After experiencing a horrible costly and lengthily divorce in Hong Kong, I started to explore the divorce system in Hong Kong and I found out that there is no information that s available to the layperson when facing or even considering divorce.

Knowledge is power, information make it clearer in a circumstances that even the terminology is new and a law-glossary is needed.

My 'expensive' experience is valuable and it is rare that someone is willing to share, especially the mistakes. (Which become mistakes only after you finish the process and then you realize that you had other way to do it – even throughout litigation). I can share with you what the law can do and can not do for you - information that you can not / will not get in another way.

A divorce coach can guide you thru the process saving you a lot of money, time and pain. Get the information first - I truly believe that getting all the information available before taking the next step and understanding the options you have – can make the difference.

DIVORCE COACHING: Before you start getting into the horrors of it all, and in order to try to steer clear of it as much as possible (in a nasty divorce, the lawyers end up with your money). If you are getting divorced it is because you have issue you cannot resolve. The Court is the last place for these issues to be resolved. It can cost millions, as well as years of your life.

Let me know if you are interested. It is MUCH cheaper then lawyers – as a start, and then when you have ALL the information you are able to see the choices.

Send me your contacts / Email and I will contact you.

it is not too late

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foxmulder 15 yrs ago
I was a divorce lawyer for many years in England and finally got out of it because I was totally fed up of the attitude of clients towards each other and any children. The biggest reason for legal fees to soar is the bitterness, vitriol, and unrealistic expectations of the parties. "I want to screw him (usually "him" but, sometimes "her") for all he/she has got" is a common thread. Equally so is the "I'm not paying him/her a penny more than I want to". The truth is that it is often so difficult, sometimes impossible, for a divorcing spouse to see sense. (And, altho I will be pilloried for saying this: there is truth in the saying: "Hell hath no fury....").

I saw this most often when it came to children. Using children as an instrument of revenge, punishment, blackmail, whatever, was too prevalent. A lawyer who gives a client advice they don't want to hear risks losing the client. They just go looking for someone who will tell them what they want to hear. For example, I lost quite enough clients when I pointed out that visitation rights are rights of the children, not of the non-custodial parent. So, instead of lawyer-bashing (we are quite used to it, however and have developed thick skins), divorcing parties should be realistic from the outset. Set aside bitterness. Consider the children above everything. Do you think they want to witness such appalling behaviour between people (their parents) who used to love each other? Isn't it difficult enough for them as it is to see their world torn apart? Do you think they want to be put in the position where they have to choose (or show an apparent preference for one parent over another.) OMG, this used to happen all the time. It fair made my blood boil and does to this day. Do you think they want to told: "You can't see your dad/mum this weekend because he/she deserted you/doesn't love you/brought you back too late last time/took you for a Big Mac/is trying to buy your affections/let you stay up too late/isn't paying enough money/is the devil incarnate"?

And keep off the bl**dy phone will you? Lawyers charge by the hour. The hour is divided up into chargeable units - usually of six, sometimes ten, minutes. So, for a two minute call you get charged one sixth of the hourly rate. A one page letter is charged the same. For every meeting there is usually preparation time and time spent doing a file note. Telephone calls also require a file note so, one two minute call equals twelve minutes charged.

What's more, your lawyer is not your therapist. Keep to the point: don't waste time telling him/her interminable stories just to get things off your chest.

In short, just be reasonable. Get things settled amicably between you. Keep legal fees down. Think of the children and get on with your lives.

There, I feel better now.

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lllsss 15 yrs ago

I agree with most of the things you say. However, as I said before , some lawyers are actively supportive of making the process as awful (and expensive - i.e. lucrative for them) as possible. They will deny this to high heaven, but it is the case with some. You don't want to use these lawyers - there is only really one firm with this reputation - and you don't want your ex- to use them either.

Some lawyers ‘value’ you at the first meeting and immediately deciding if your are a ‘small case’/’no-money-case’ and will recommend mediation or let their assistance work on your case, while wealth clients will have the ‘opportunity’ to spend so many years (yes, years) with their lawyers, just because there is more money to charge.

Some lawyers are causing acrimony and they are well known in HK.

I also agree what you say about clients – however I can understand their situation, first of all there is no clarity in their mind, ego and emotions are leading the process, pople feel confident because they know they are represented by a lawyer and because they believe they are ‘right’. Then again, the other side will also be confident from the same reasons.

Bottom Line:

Litigation and other legal actions, from my point of view, are the worst places to deal with it. ‘Win Win’ situation in court, according to 90% of the cases I know, means only one thing – win for both lawyers that represent the parties.

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4flats 10 yrs ago
How does one get an ex out of the matrimonial home after divorce ?

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