HELP ! Ants and Cockroaches!!!

Posted by mijo 12 yrs ago

I moved in a new flat and I am infested by ants and cockroaches! I can't stand it, especially as I have a new born baby at home. My little one has vomited some milk on her shirt which I left by my bed side for a few minutes and I suddenly I found the shirt invaded by hundreds of ants...

Please help! Would you know any companies?


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sk76 12 yrs ago
where do you live as some areas are more prone to this type of problem than others.

Dont know of any pest control companies but there must be some as almost everyone experiences this at some point unless in very new built flats

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unattendedbag 12 yrs ago
cockroaches are a way of life in Hong Kong. Not much that can be done when living in extreme population density. Sure, you can have your flat sprayed by a pest control company, but you have countless neighbors within close proximity. Just keep your food in air tight containers and keep the flat as tidy as possible and that should at least reduce the problem, but it will NEVER go away.

And for those of you who think you don't have cockroaches, it's just that you don't see them. All buildings older than about 2-3 years in Hong Kong are heavily infested.

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community advice 12 yrs ago

Black and White (Central)

2543 2215

ISS Thomas Cowan and Co

Contact Jackson Chan

2861 0303

Pest Guy

Contact Louis Wong

2321 5222

Truly Care (HK) Ltd

2458 8378

We do hope this helps.

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italyitaly 12 yrs ago
I hear you girl...cockroaches are so gross...

We used Biocycle. They came and like ghostbusters they killed all kind of non human being in the house. I strongly suggest them. ;)

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denisiel 12 yrs ago
For professional extermination, agree with italyitaly - Biocycle is good.

When we moved to a village house, it was nearly crawling with ants, cockroaches, etc. We got ant chalk from the local hardware store and chalked all the entry points inside and out. Placed ant and cockroach traps anywhere we saw them enter. And used Biokill spray and the vacuum for invasions. That pretty much wiped them out.

When it rains, the ants come back but I just lay out the traps and chalk and that takes care of the problem. In fact, the ant chalk is the best and supposed to be safe for children but I wouldn't trust it for a baby so make sure your newborn can't touch it.

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msimbulan 11 yrs ago
We just moved at robinson Road and found roaches our first day in the closet and agent or landlord are not helpful. Getting out of lease for non disclosure is not an option. It seems this is acceptable here to have roaches. I have a baby who puts his hands and everything else in his mouth and this is dangerous. Any legal options ? We will not work withi the agent for sure going forward. Chemical spraying is not an option w the baby.

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punter 11 yrs ago
Get a professional pest control service and stay in a hotel or friends while they're doing their thing.

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HazelGirl 11 yrs ago
You may try boric acid powder. It works

Its Chinese name is 硼酸粉

You can buy boric acid powder in chemical shops.


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evildeeds 11 yrs ago
No legal option on roaches! The only way to avoid them is to move out of HK. Biocycle will exterminate all no problem, but to be honest the is no disclosure issues. Roaches are a way of life here and they will move in where they are undisturbed. More than likely the landlord and agent had no idea. Be prepared to see more roaches, wherever you are in HK

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