Driving thrugh auto toll by mistakenly

Posted by ku shan 10 yrs ago
First time driving in hong kong and was lost. . i was driving thrugh a tunnel but from the auto toll section by mistakenly ... just found out that i should call them .. but have no idea wich tunnel was that to give them proper details ... what should i do ???? thanks

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drew54 10 yrs ago
I did the same think on a motorcycle but nothing happened (3 years ago, Aberdeen Tunnel). Not sure what the procedure is. Please post a followup, I'd be interested to know.

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Xshoequeen 10 yrs ago
there's a camera close to the "yes/no you paid" signal and if it's red, the camera photos the car number. They find you by the plate # and send you the invoice. Then, all you have to do is pay. Since we have 1 car with and 1 without, sometimes, we forget when using the non equipped car. I have know idea why we haven't been charged for 1 pass through a but, the rest, we've paid via invoice.

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ku shan 10 yrs ago
yes i haven't received anything yet .... but found some one who did the same thing and he has received a letter saying to pay the toll ( only the toll ) no fine . . . will update whats happening with this one ,,,,

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mikaelarhelger 10 yrs ago
Call Autotoll and tell them what happened - best thing you can do to avoid any mess later

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JJChan 9 yrs ago
Just wait for a letter to come from Tunnel Company. They realise it's often a mistake and if you do so in the Aberdeen Tunnel they will send you a letter and a bill for $5 which you just pay by cheque. No fine.

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riverman 9 yrs ago
Let me echo what the others have said (I did the same...drove through the toll because I had mistakenly gone through the tunnel and had no money). They sent me an invoice about a month later for the toll...no penalty, no problem. I like how they do that here.

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