Who the hell is Sean Lee Davis?

Posted by Gardener 9 yrs ago
Every time I see this rich spoilt brat in his TV promo, it has me shaking my head in disbelief. He talks for "those who don't have a voice", eulogises about the environment, but is shown roaring up to a helicopter hangar in an expensive sports car and is seen heading off to "report" for the voiceless by heading to his private helicopter to take him to wild and untamed places.

Does he not understand that his preferred modes of transport contribute more to global warming than 95% of the regular person in the world.

Its the most hypocritical piece of TV I have seen. Urghh. I shall not be watching.

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larsvontrio 9 yrs ago
His mum owns Edipresse (Asia Tatler magazine and a shit load of other titles devoted to excess, like Yacht and Jet and Watch, etc etc). it doesn't surprise me he's swanning around in helicopters saving the world "for the voiceless" with his dynamic use of lenses. He's not a bad guy or anything, just hopelessly clueless!

I think the clueless mindset he displays is endemic to that whole class. They do a bit of coverage of half-arsed philanthropy in Tatler, which Peter Guy in his SCMP column discussed quite interestingly recently.


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