Hi all. I am reaching out to all of you amazing women for help. I know I might never get all of my hair back, but some of it would be fantastic. This may be a little long winded, but I want you to know where I am coming from and what I have been doing.
My hair has been falling out for the last 5 years. I'd say I've lost 60%. I have borderline hypothyroidism, IBS and have just been told I have cysts on one of my ovaries. I am 33, single and feel that I will remain that way because what guy would want a balding mess like me. I have decided I need to do something about myself, so I have started to try to improve my life. I have been eating right, working out and lost 7 lbs in a month. I started using peppermint oil in my shampoo and found the shedding nearly stopped completely (No more 5-10 hair clumps falling out. Started this before I was laid off).
My dermatologist had me on Rogaine (before Women's Rogaine was available Canada). I noticed a bit of a difference but because he couldn't help me he said “oh well” and then told me not to come back. My family doctor has me on Synthroid (she wont prescribe desiccated thyroid like my old dr did). She won't send me to a dermatologist until we see how the Synthroid works. I have been reading amazing things about bamboo extract so I have started that today. I also started using Evening Primrose Oil on my scalp (I cant take it orally with the Bamboo Extract). I have been trying to eat more healthy fats , whole grains, well generally more healthy things (there are still cheat days and they involve chocolate, hehe).
I have been using Toppik but the thinning seems to have gotten worse since I started using it (not sure if its caused by Toppik, but I read that the ammonium/aluminium in it can cause hair loss?!). Surgery is not an option for me due to cost restrictions.
I'm wondering if Synthroid helped anyone?
Has anyone else used Toppik and their hair loss was worse?
Anyone tried Bamboo Silica?
How about Women's Rogaine?
I want to just hide in my apartment and cry. When ever I am out and see another woman going through this I just want to hug them.
Thank you all for your time and wisdom!
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