Card stolen and used. CCTV?

Posted by Eddyish 9 yrs ago
Hi all,

I got my wallet stolen in the early hours of the morning in LKF on Sunday. I won't bore you on the rather juicy details of the fact that my two girlfriends immediately turned super sleuth and suspected a local girl who swore at us repeatedly or the fact that when we called the police, they had the audacity to call the cops too for "wrongfully" accusing them. Unfortunately, the search yielded no results (the girl and her posse had time to disappear by the time we found them and called the police so I believe they disposed of my young, 2 month old, black, 19 cm long, £17, River Island wallet without much thought for its sentimental value).

The main concern is the fact that my debit card was used several times in between Sunday, 2 am and 10 pm, which was when I was finally able to cancel it. I had cancelled my 2 other credit cards immediately thanks to a rather concerned, wide awake mother. Stupidly, I had forgotten that I had recently replaced my HSBC debit card and that it was now a contactless, not protected by a PIN or the need to authorise its use in another country (the card itself is English). The perpetrators spent all the 50 pounds (and went 25 pounds in overdraft) on Mannings, Mcdonald's, 759 (a more local store), various 7-11s around the Central, Sai Yin Pun and Sheung Wan area and a Wellcome. I can't say whether I was more amused or frustrated when casually looking through my online bank transactions, I discovered that there were 10 consecutive 7-11 transactions not authorised by me. I rang up HSBC and they will re-credit my money. More importantly, I am looking to contact the police about this as I am furious that these triad try-hards got away with 500 HK dollars in cash and £75 in credit. Do you think they will be able to do anything about it, with regards to CCTV footage of the various stores listed on my transactions? I'm only 20 and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me so am feeling rather wronged and annoyed. I have a friend that speaks fluent cantonese who could act as a translator if that is any help.

Would appreciate any sort of advice on this! Thanks

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