Rooftop hanging a long string tied with CD’s - very annoying!

Posted by ultraman17 5 yrs ago
Does anyone know what I can do if the person living on the rooftop of the next tower hangs a string tied with CD’s with the purpose of shooing the birds away? The string hangs from level 6 down to level 4 and unfortunately my floor is visible to it. CD’s are reflective, approx 5-6 cd’s apartfor each floor so total approx 15cd’s, very annoying since any light (sun/moon) reflects and my dining room window can see it directly and clearly!

The purpose is so his/her car parked directly below doesn’t get bird shit. Extremely selfish!!

Management has been informed but they seem to be useless.

Is this legal? What Dept/ Who can I contact to have it removed?

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Ed 5 yrs ago
You can get in touch with the  HK Unauthorized Building Works department to find out if this contraption is allowed -- and if there is anything you can do to have it removed.

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midorosan 4 yrs ago
Or you could collect some dogshit and put it on his car.

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