HK SAR Passport

Posted by peace 20 yrs ago

Can people with HK permanent ID card apply for this? or do you have to be of Chinese origin.

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Ed 20 yrs ago
I dont believe you can apply for this unless you are Chinese origin. Rather racist eh?

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peace 20 yrs ago
thanks ed that was quick...

but the commercial on local tv is not very clear -it does say something like if you are a perm res u can apply for..

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HKObserver 20 yrs ago
No, you don't have to be partly ethnic Chinese. Mike Rowse is Welsh not ethnically Chinese, and he's gained Chinese nationality and a HKSAR passport.

Now, admittedly, these cases are few and far between.....but it CAN be done. I think it helps if you've spent most of your life here and speak Chinese (like Mike R.)

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Ed 20 yrs ago
I think that Mike Rowse gave up his UK PP though ... I'd not too quickly be giving up my Canuck PP for an HKSAR one eh

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Ed 20 yrs ago
Just thinking, HK introduced an investment scheme recently - does that perhaps qualify you for a PP or is it just permanent residency?

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HkScot 20 yrs ago
Mike Rowse doesn't speak Cantonese which is the main ammunition the few racsist Chinese use in arguing he shouldn't be given CHinese citizenship. He did give up his UK pp. Do you reckon that he (or anyone in his shoes) could then re-apply for a passport from their native country after China has accepted you as a Chinese national (because you gave up your original passport)?

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TC1 19 yrs ago
You need to become a Chinese Citizen first. By doing that, you must have some sort of connnection with China like your spouse is Chinese or your kids are born in HK just for example. Also, you have to give up your current citizenship whereever it is. In my mum's case, she is a Thai Passport holder. For her to prove that you have given up Thai nationality is very difficult ( the process may take ages as per Thai Embassy in HK).

Once you become a Chinese Citizen, you can then apply for SAR passport.

It's actually not easy...... I have been trying to get one for my mum without any success while she is ethnically Chinese but born oversea.

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TC1 19 yrs ago
My mum lives in HK for more than 30 years now. She is Chinese but since my grandparents moved out from China & never went back, she is then not considered to be the descendant of Chinese citizen.

Do let me know how your case turns out though. Are you going to give up your current citizenship first? What if you need to travel during the process?

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supi101 14 yrs ago
I don't usually post comments on these discussion forums but I thought I'd clarify a few half truths written above. In order to get a HKSAR passport you need to apply for Chinese Citizenship and also be a Permanent Resident of HK. To be a PR, you need to either have been born in HK or lived in HK for 7 years. To get the Chinese citizenship part you must renounce any other nationality that you currently have as Chinese law does not recognise dual nationality.

I successfully applied and received a HKSAR passport within 3 months. The process is quick as long as the other moving parts (i.e. renouncing your current nationality) and all the documentation (i.e. tax filings, birth certificates, financial statements, a written statement as to why you want citizenship of China etc) are all in hand.

By way of background I am of Indian Sub-continent origin, born and raised in HK. I have no Chinese blood in me. In addition, I speak poor Cantonese and pidgin Mandarin. The immigration dept is not too concerned about this aspect (they barely tested me). I know of a lot of people who don't speak a word of either language who have also got Chinese citizenship and thus the HKSAR passport.

This being said I did apply in 2005 so a lot may have changed (but I have not heard of the Motherland knowledge test - I'd fail quite miserably if they had one!!)

Hope this helps!

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