Obtaining a spouse dependency visa and having a baby in HK

Posted by angelicab1988 9 yrs ago
I am white british and my boyfriend is chinese and from hong kong but was born in Britain and has a right to land. I have just found out I am pregnant and me and him are now engaged. I really want to have my baby in Hong Kong. The thing is my then Husband will be sponsoring me from the UK. He won't be in Hong Kong with me. He does not know how to read and write chinese. He works in IT has a fairly good income so he can support me. I will be living in his diseased grandmother's house so I won't have to pay rent or anything. Will I be able to get a spouse dependent visa under these terms? What about if he stays there with me until our baby is born and then I get a visa to stay with the baby when he leaves? If not then I am going to have go and live in North Cyprus but I would rather live in Hong Kong as I won't be completely isolated. My boyfriend has family there who will look out for me.

I also want to know am I entitled to public antenatal care? Because of previous surgery to remove fibroids I will most probably need a c section. I am also a few lbs overweight and I am worried about complications.

The story is kind of personal but I REALLY don't want a baby in the UK.

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