Smith Grey from Juarez Mexico

Posted by emcherr 9 yrs ago
I've received this message early on and was highly suspicious of it so I ignored it. Emails from AsiaXpat warning about scammers made me look this up. So I started reading the thread and realised that scammers' presence in the classifieds is very strong.

Note that I didn't reply because I've just passed my dissertation on money laundering and so am knowledgeable about the techniques they use. They only need 3 things from any person: name, email address and phone number (fixed/mobile). It's that easy. Here's mine:

~~ "Thanks for your response..I'm quite satisfied with the condition and price,and I need you to understand that i am willing and ready to purchase it right away, end the advert, consider me as your favorite buyer.I will be paying the PayPal charges from my account and i will be paying directly into your PayPal account without any delay, and i hope you have a PayPal account. If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the email address you use for it or you can send me a PayPal money request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment. I will need your home address for it to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company..

Name:Smith Grey
Zip code:32600
House Adrress:2536 Martin Luis Guzman, México

So kindly get back to me with your PayPal details like this below
Full Name:
PayPal Email:
Best Price:
House Address:

As soon as i receive this information from you, I will proceed with the payment immediately and I have arranged for a staff of private transport to come to capture the subject in your house and take it to my door step and that will take care of collection of the document containing full information to collect the item at your door house."~~

Notice how detailed his email is, giving me instructions in full details. Sadly his ploy didn't work. Apart from specific request of my details, he forgot to remove his address..his punch line: Juarez, Mexico was the cherry on the cake. :D

Be careful out there!...I bet he/she is even using a pun/play on his/her user name (blacksmith, grey (sic) smith?...what's gray smith though?)

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juneboo 9 yrs ago
Hi, similar scam today in Singapore from this same person... something felt a little off with the email correspondence, so I google and found your listing. Our emails from him is almost identical. Be aware.

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