Starters School in Wan Chai

Posted by pocoyo 18 yrs ago
Are there any parents with children currently studying in this pre-school? Please tell me what you think about it.

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fel 18 yrs ago
Hi pocoyo,

My kid is not in Starter, but am also currently reviewing some preschool for her and Starters is 1 of them. I have frens who kids r in tat school and they find the school good and recommended to me. I visited the school, and feel that the standard is good, but the only concern is the school compound is really small. And their putonghua is an addon program in the pm session.

You visited the school already?

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pocoyo 18 yrs ago
Hi Fel,

No, we've only visited the International Montessori School which is located on the opposite side of the road. I'm not too sure now if the Montessori method will be suitable for my son, so I'm looking for alternatives. On a previous thread (from a few years ago), it was said that there used to be a European principal but now the owner who is also the principal is a local.

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sunita26 18 yrs ago

my kids went there and now there r i bradbury schoool and ya i know school is small but they teach very nicely and kids r happy

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pocoyo 18 yrs ago
Hi Sunitha,

I read on another thread that you have 2 kids aged 6 and 7. So, I suppose they went to Starters about 2 years ago. I think they've got a different principal now so I'm wondering if the standards are still the same.

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singapore-mom 18 yrs ago
My 3.5yr old is currently in the AM session in Starters. She absolutely loves going to school and even on weekends she keeps asking about school. She is extremely happy in this school and this is all I am looking forward to. She likes her teachers and each time when she came home with some handicraft, she was eager to show me and relay what she has done. She knows all her classmates by name, whom are all from multinational or races. Anyway, she is accepted by SIS this coming August and hopefully she is happy there as well. Happiness and enjoyment in school, this is all i could ask.

good Luck :)

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momom 18 yrs ago
Dear singapore-mom

My little boy will study this school in the comming september. Can you tell me more about the school? Is there any schedule or notices given to parents? How many students in each class? Are teachers all native english speakers? Sorry for so many questions!

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singapore-mom 18 yrs ago
Your boy will probably start off with a native english speaker and there-after will be upgraded to another class with english teachers teaching english as first language. Each week or fortnight, there will be a circular anouncement about the activities, for example, each fridays there will be a show-n-tell session where the kids will bring something from home where they can share with their classmates.

My kid has gain a lot of confidence and maturity after a few months, thanks to the school's dedication. There are about 23 students per class with a teacher and 2 assistants. So, no worries.

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fel 18 yrs ago
Hi singapore mom,

Can i also find out if yr girl took up any putonghua lesson at Starters? I assume u fr Spore as well. I understand that the Putonghua lesson is an add-on subject in the pm session, and the am session is mainly English only.

I am fr Singapore as well, and am currently hunting for a billingual school for my 3 yr old to start her K1. And don seem like there is much choices ard for me. I really appreciate your input too.


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josalinekay 18 yrs ago
Hi Fei,

My girl went to KCIS (Kiangsu & Chekiang School - International Section) when she was 3 years old. She loves it there and gained confidence after a few months. Plus, they have putonghua lesson everyday.

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fel 18 yrs ago
Hi Josaline

I heard good comments on KCIS too, but the school is full and waiting list is long too. So chances r quite low for us now.

Not sure if there is any other options.


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momom 18 yrs ago
Hi Singapore-mom

do I need have my son toilet-trained or let him wear pull-up? Now he just wear underwear in his nursery and the teachers would ask them to go to toilet. Is there a toilet-time for the kid in starters school? Also does the teachers teach the class in a whole group or divide them into small groups for different task learning?


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singapore-mom 18 yrs ago
Hi fel,

My kid attends only the english AM session because she needs her nap in the afternoon and a whole day session for a kid at her tender age is too exhausting. Also, she needs to have her lunch and she is rather fussy about meals and meal times. These are my worries if she attends the mandarin class as well. So, I have to leave this option out since she started Starters last Sept. Anyway, since we have considered SIS long before, mandarin language is not a problem as SIS is academically strong in this subject. :)

Hi momom,

The teacher will politely ask you to omit the diapers or any kind of training pants during the class. And my kid was toilet trained in her first week of school. Phew.. :)

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pocoyo 18 yrs ago
Hi Singapore-mom,

Thanks for all the info. What is the curriculum like? What do they teach on a daily basis?

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pocoyo 18 yrs ago
Hi Fel,

We finally visited the school today. Seemed alright. You mentioned you have friends who've got kids in that school. How long have the kids been in the school? I read on a different website that the teacher turnover is high so I specifically want to know if you have friends' whose kids have been in the school for more than a school year?

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momom 18 yrs ago
Hi Singapore-man,

One more thing to ask: is any report or appraisalto the children given to parents for each term?


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singapore-mom 18 yrs ago
There is a parent's evening to update us in 3 months time and you can also contact the class teacher in person by appointment.

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fel 18 yrs ago
hi pocoyo,

i just checked with my fren, she said the turnover of the teacher is not high at all, in fact her daughter has been hvg the same teacher and she has been in the school more than a school year.

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momom 18 yrs ago
hi singapore-man,

thanks for your reply. Can I get the report at the parent's evening? Since some private primary school require to submit the report in the kindergarten in the application procedure.


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singapore-mom 18 yrs ago
Yes, the class teacher is willing to provide the report for the kids upon request but not necessary during the parent's evening.

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mannygomez 9 yrs ago
I can see that the original thread started several years ago, however, I did want to inform anyone who maybe currently looking at Starters of the recent experience we have had with the school and Mrs Martins the Headmistress.

Our 3.5 year old daughter completed a year at Starters leaving in the summer. We had applied for another school closer to where we had moved to, and my wife was told to place a deposit for the new term "just in case" the new place fell through for any reason. We were accepted and then went back to Starters in July asking for our deposit back. This was a full 2-months before the new term started at the beginning of September.

We have contacted Mrs Martins a number of times since July asking for our money to be returned, but she initially replied saying that my wife had signed an agreement that clearly stated that the school has a no refund policy no matter what the circumstances maybe. We understand many other schools will refund based on the circumstances.

The last reply from Mrs Martins, in BOLD CAPITALS stating NO REFUND to be rude and unprofessional. Since her last email she has ignored emails we have since sent and not returned any calls as she is impossible to get through to when calling (different days and times of the week).

While our daughter enjoyed her year at Starters, we have found this experience to be unsavoury. Having been an Expat in HK for more than 11 years and knowing how schools operate, having spoken to other parents who have children at other schools, I would strongly encourage any prospective parent/guardian to think twice before placing there child into Starters.

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mannygomez 9 yrs ago
Thanks for your input, whoever you are. However, you really aren't aware of the full background of what was committed, therefore what Starters school had asured to my wife when taking our deposit only then to back track on this a few weeks later has left a bad taste. Furthermore, the way in which our request was handled left a lot to be desired.

As mentioned, Anonymous, as you have not included your name, any shame should be levelled squarely on the employees of Starters who told my wife one thing only then to hide behind the no refund policy.

Thanks again for your comments and I hope that what actually happened is explained in my reply.

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