Advice in theft case

Posted by kietiekat 7 yrs ago

Wondering if anyone can help. I'm totally clueless with police procedures and would love some insight into a current theft case.
I caught an ex stealing on cctv. I immediately reported it to the police, gave them all the evidence and was given a case number.
He was kept for 1 night then released on bail.
I'd consequently found a lot of info via friends of friends re the whereabouts of my stolen items which I promptly pass to the detective team handling my case.

However I'm getting no joy out of them. I have basically been told that I need to go find the laptop myself. Then call 999?!
This person is a well known conman. Has been arrested several times for assault and possession, has a court order in place to stay away from an ex for abusing her, cons people out of money, steals and then sells the items for money for drugs, wanted in the UK. etc etc. In all these cases, bar the court order and UK case, no-one has had proof. Until now.

I'd really like to know what the police procedures are right now. I believe he has to report back at the station on a certain date. But other than that, the cops aren't telling me a thing. I fear that he will get away with it.

Additionally he may also skip the country as he has a visa expiring soon.

What can I do?
Can I somehow apply pressure on the police to do something about this case? I feel that they have no interest and simply see it as a domestic dispute despite all the info that I've given to them re his history. I also have about 10 others willing to come forward who he's stolen from them, was abusive to, can provide a character reference on him etc.

Would love some advice on what I can do.
Thanks all!

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Gucci 6 yrs ago
Don't hold out any hope of the police moving the case forward. The Central Police certainly don't. I'm guessing you're a female reporting a Western guy? I think even the police are afraid of white guys! I'm a white western female but they did nothing.
My British white male neighbour was recorded stealing my personal CCTV mounted above my door as I'm a single female and was having a bit of trouble with him. Called the cops who said they'd pass the case to the CID after viewing the theft video. The CID, despite several prompts, never visited the 'scene of the crime', or took a statement from me.
They never talked to the guy let alone arrest him! I then received a letter telling me the case was closed for 'lack of evidence'. When I called the Central PS to ask why no one had referred to the video, a rookie picked up the phone and accidentally told me there was no mention of a supporting video proof in the closing report.
My request for a copy of the report both via the Internet and directly from the station were ignored and I was always referred back to the CID case officer, who was always 'out' and never returned my calls. I gave it up after I moved away.

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