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17 yrs ago
Before I jump off a building, does anyone know where I can find OTC treatment for a yeast infection (thrush)? I went to Watsons and the salesgirl called a pharmacist who recommended scabies cream. Ick.
I know treatment is available OTC everywhere in the world, surely it must be here. Pill or cream, I don't care, as long as it's a treatment not just masking the symptoms. Anyone know some natural remedies? I've read that boric acid works but I don't know where to find it.
Thank you ladies!!
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Hi Goo, Canesten cream is very good. I've just had an infection after a course of antibiotics and the cream got rid of it in a couple of days. It's OTC at Watsons at pharmacy counter.
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17 yrs ago
I dont know if it was by chance or it was really the salt water.. but i remember having an infection before and i went for a swim at the beach and it pretty much got rid of it.. you could try?
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17 yrs ago
I think I'll try both! Thank you!
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17 yrs ago
Try drinking cranberry juice.... homeopathic that usually works.
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17 yrs ago
I got a lot of this while pregnant. There's a canesten vaginal suppository that you can buy at any pharmacy. One usually does the trick but i've been prescribed it for two days (just one a day at night) just to make sure the infection goes completely. Canesten's also available in cream form.
There's also a one does tablet - am not sure if it's also Canesten or something else like Diflucan?
Not fun - hope you feel better soon. my doc told me to avoid sugars including dairy to help it but yoghurt is apparently fine as long as it's got real live cultures in it.
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Itxhk, cranberry juice is for cystitis, not thrush!
HK2, LOL, the docs recommend live yoghurt, but not for eating!!
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17 yrs ago
Hi everyone,
They definitely have Canesten at Watsons - but only the stores with a pharmacist. That was the problem, the first Watsons I visited didn't have a pharmacy and so didn't carry it (it's OTC btw).
They pharmacist said they didn't carry Diflucan, which is the one-time only pill taken orally. I also loaded up on probiotics which is supposed to fix the imbalance.
Thank you everyone!!
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17 yrs ago
Hi, I have suffered alot from Thrush & tried all sorts but the only treatment I can recommend is Canesten - it's great. Yes all of the above help but this will do it almost immediately. BUT try & get the one in the tubes that you 'insert' rather than just the external cream. The tube version will clear it up within hours. The little dispensaries have it.
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Thrust is same as yeast infection/candida albican, I suggest that before buying any treatment for the infection is to yeast infecton no more review ( first. It has detailed report on the effectiveness of yest infection no more inside.
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Read this website regarding yeast infection and yeast infection treatment has some good info!
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Thanks so much ladies, I've just joined this forum having recently relocated to Hong Kong 3 weeks ago- I am just dying of soreness so after reading I'm heading out to a Watson's with a pharmacy, thank goodness for this forum.
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Keep in mind to watch gut
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9 yrs ago
Got rid of mine by drinking organic apple cider vinegar every morning before breakfast
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