Over-plucked eyebrows!

Posted by mrs o 18 yrs ago
Help! Had my eyebrows threaded the other day and the therapist accidentally overdid one brow. The bit where the eyebrow starts (you know, the bit closest to the nose, and the lower part). Well, where there was supposed to be a curve, she straightened the brows and it has been a week and I cant see any little hairs poking thru. I have little hairs of reasonable length poking thru in many other places. Is this because that area had never been plucked in the first place? Please give any hints and experiences! I know that it is like watching the pot but Im getting a little nervous here! Cheers!

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Ladybird101 18 yrs ago
My mother used to pluck her eyebrows when she was younger until there was practically no hair left in them - apparently that was the fashion back then. Now she has practically no hair in her brows; HOWEVER this is because she would ALWAYS pluck them so much like this. If you have done this to your brows many times before, then the hair will gradually stop growing back, but if this is the first time that you have plucked them in an unusually big way, then you should start to notice the hairs grow back - BUT they do grow back slowly!! You said you had it done the other day....you need to give it a bit more time than that to grow back.

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fishmate 18 yrs ago
It depends on your age.If u r in you 20s.You don't have to do anything,and they will grow back when you don't remember them.

You may want to try this. I find it quite effective. When you bathe, assuming you bathe with warm/hot water. Let the water spray on the area and scratch it lightly. Do it everyday. You'll see something.

Be patient !

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mrs o 18 yrs ago
Thanks everyone! I'm still waiting!! :( By the way, saw two miniscule 'spots' and I rubbed the skin just in case there was any dry skin preventing the popping out of the brows and they snuck back in and cant see anything now!! AHHHH!!! It's getting me down...i know that sounds ridiculous. Has been 10 days now and patience isnt my best virtue....mind you sooooo many of the others have grown back except those that i desire!! I'll keep in touch....

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PrintDesigner 18 yrs ago
You might want to try Talika eyebrow growth products. I used the eyelash growth one (same product in different packaging, I think) and it worked. Though mainly on my right eye where the lashes are now visibly fuller than the left (I'm working on the left eye now). But baby eyelashes are growing on the bottom lids where there was none before on both eyes! You can find the whole line of products in Sasa.

Or can check online for similar products? But yeah, just wait and I'm sure they'll grow back since it's your first time plucking them.

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Refugee 18 yrs ago
Maybe you can get eyebrows tattooed on. I've seen it and it doesn't look too bad from a distance.

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Taps 18 yrs ago
Never have it tattoed, they turn blue after sometime. Look at the ladies around here sporting blue eyebrows, looks funny.

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