Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi everyone! I'd like to share with everyone our way of trying to conceive.
TCM for 2months now with herbs & acupuncture including moxibustion after ovulation (last time)
Primrose capsules, Omega-3 capsules, Folic acid and Robitussin x3 a day.
NO ANTIHISTAMINES!! I have allergic rhinitis and use to take Clarityn once aday- then I found out that it significntly reduces womens CM making it more difficult for the spermies to swim. Was also
told that i had a retroverted uterus during my pap smear, doc suggested we ML from behind.
Checked my eggs via ultrasound and they were developing ok, Day 12 it was 1.91mm (told by the doc ovulation would come today).
I've been charting my Basal Temp last month and found that my luteal phase is only 11 days- told my doctor who suggested that I should take 2 shots of progesterone 4days and then 8 days after ovulation to help with possible implantation.
I'm on the dreaded 2 week wait now and need to really divert my mind, so any stories/tips would sure be helpful.
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Dear Lisa
Good luck to you during this two-week wait. We are in the same boat and I certainly know how it feels. We are anxious too but have not done as much as you. If this month fails, we will be heading for IUI next. Also taking folic, B complex and E. Refraining from alcohol. Trying to exercise regularly. Started to chart my BBT again and so far my temp has stayed consistently up for the first week.
We had a glimpse of hope last Nov when I had early pregnancy symptoms but my system rejected it soon enough. I am nervous too; on one hand hoping for it to come through, on the other, wondering if I will be ready to take another blow. I guess it's out of our hands now. Sorry if i am not sounding too positive. all i can say is good luck - hope this month is your month!
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18 yrs ago
Hi expresso
Fingers and toes crossed for you too dear- somehow I know we'll both hit jackpot soon...
Our next step if this month doesn't work out is also IUI- DH is getting alittle bit stressed out having to perform on the time (hence could affect quality), so doc recommended it to us.
Im off to my TCM today to start the post ovulation treatment, not really looking forward to the toe heating, but I'll try anything!!!.
Loads of Baby dust to you expresso- I feel you gonna have *good news* this month- keep us updated and good luck!
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Good luck to you both!!!!!!!
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18 yrs ago
Thanks Verellene.
I'm now on my 9th day post ov- 10 days post trigger. Went past Watsons yesterday and couldn't control myself- got 2 Home pregnancy kits and did a test straight away- there was a very faint positive! Was jumping for joy until DH reminded me that it might be traces of my HCG injection. Bugger!!
Did a test this morning ( 10days after trigger), still had a faint positive and the line *looked* more stronger than the one last night (then again maybe I was concentraing too much and it was wishful thinking??). Hubbie is very cautious, but we're both kinda excited- he wants me to test on Day 14, but I'm gonna sneak into the chemist today and stock up on HPT and check everyday, my theory being that if I check at the same time each day using the same brand the line should get lighter if its traces of HCG leaving my system, or darker if I'm truely preggers
this 2WW really sucks!!
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