Yoga during pregnancy

Posted by ahacha 18 yrs ago
I am new in Hong Kong and live in South Side.

Does anyone have a yoga class to recommend for beginners who also are pregnant (I am 3 1/2 months on), and located in South Side?

Thank you for your advice.

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ahacha 18 yrs ago
Thanks a lot for the tip.

I think it is a bit further than I hoped but if no more ideas come up, I'll probably go for them!

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ghie 18 yrs ago
I have enjoyed prenatal yoga at Pure Yoga (Central) and Yogalimbs (Sheung Wan). Pure is very group oriented while yogalimbs is more intimate as there is only the 4 of you plus the instructor. Their prices are similar.

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ahacha 18 yrs ago
Thank you ghie, just only saw your post. Very useful.

I have not made a move as yet. Saw that a yoga club exists in Stanley, but I need to compare offers and prices I guess.

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esque 18 yrs ago
also check the times the classes are offered. Some will be more convenient than others.

I've decided to start at Yoga Limbs for this reason.

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flower 18 yrs ago
I have now checked Yoga limbs and previously Iyengaryoga and both offer classes more suitable work non-working mums-to-be...

There must be prenatal classes for those ladies who are working or not?

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