So, I am 8 weeks pregnant with my first and am looking into the public hospital route as my husband and I cannot realistically afford to go private.
I live in North Point, and from the stuff I've been reading, Pamela Youde would be the hospital we'd go to. Is that correct?
Does anyone have any experience, positive or negative, that you could share? I've been browsing previous threads, but most of them seem to be about Queen Mary or Kowloon side hospitals. Any help would really be appreciated, as I am really nervous about this baby.
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I'm getting my checkups done at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital and I'm very happy with the service I'm getting (I'm due in late Nov). I've seen two private doctors before going to the hospital and those doctors were expensive and I had to wait a long time despite having an appointment. Usually, I wait for between 15 to 30 minutes to see a doctor at the hospital, unless most of the doctors were busy delivering babies. The wards look great and they have special accomodation wards which cost a fraction of what you would pay in a private hospital. I would suggest you give them a call and make your initial appointment. You can request for a hospital tour if you really want to check them out.
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