adventist or canossa doctors

Posted by qwerty123 17 yrs ago

anyone know which docs work at the adventist of canossa - just found out im preg and considering either of these hospitals (they sounds like a good medium between public and the madilda!)

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SA 17 yrs ago
Dr. Robert Stevenson delivers at Adventist but I think you are mistaken that it is cheaper than Matilda. Its just as pricey - and so is he (1850 per consultation)

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exeter 17 yrs ago
Dr. Phillip Ho delivers at all three. Canossa is less expensive than Matilda and easier to get to, too!

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qwerty123 17 yrs ago
thanks - but there is no way I would go near Phillip Ho after my last experience with him - sure he is a very good doctor but was extremely rude and unhelpful with my last pregnancy - mainly - i think, cause i was just seeing him for the odd check up / scan and deliverying at queen mary....

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squiggles 17 yrs ago

you should Dr Eric Lee at the Central Medical Practice. He is excellent and was my obygyn for both my children. He is very caring and will take his time to answer any questions you have. My husband and I both like and respect him.

He delivers at both the Canossa and the Adventist.

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