Baby in room after delivery

Posted by Dani R 18 yrs ago
To all the moms out there: after delivery did you have your baby in the room with you?

At the hospital which I'll be delivering gives you an option. I have heard that partial rooming gives moms a chance to catch up on sleep/recovery (babe in nursery at night, in room during day) and some others differ and say that having a baby in room with you all the time helps things get off to a good start (i.e. breastfeeding).

Hmmm? Would love to hear your experiences...thanks.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
I had her with me...couldn't have had her out of my sight. Besides, she was just SOooo beautiful.

Hubby held her sometimes if I wanted to sleep, but honestly, it was all so thrilling I'm not sure I did much sleeping. For the next 6 months either :-)

I'd highly recommend rooming in, it's really precious time. Besides, then you KNOW when baby cries, she/he's put to your breast, learning to latch on and helping your milk to come in--rather than being fed sugar water in a nursery somewhere.

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crj 18 yrs ago
We had planned to have baby with us, but midwife gave me some very very good advice.

That I needed my rest and sleep. So the baby would stay in the nursery and they would bring baby to me:

anytime I asked (press a button).

anytime baby was hungry.

anytime baby needed me (their judgement)

The promised not to give baby formula.

They came to the room before bath time, and taught my husband how to give the bath.

They taught hubby how to change nappies.

They taught us both how to swaddle (in our room).

I think it was great advice as I really needed the sleep. Also, they gave me a breast feeding safe sleeping pill (since I was too excited to sleep!) and it was great - they would bring baby to me, roll me over, pop baby on boob, and I would fall back asleep, they would repeat...

I missed this 'service' a lot when I returned home!!

You can always do a combination - baby in room when you are awake and take some breaks so you can rest too.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
we chose to have baby in the nursery and only have him brought to us when we requested and when he was due for a feed. despite my short-lived breastfeeding attempts, i made it very clear that no sugar water or formula should be fed to him on my hospital form. if you plan to fully bf, you should communicate this to the hospital.

as excited as i was, i don't think i could have coped with rooming in with baby...we had 3 months of that later on, which is more than enough for me in terms of being sleep deprived! :) he did spend alot of time in the room with us (he was so small, beautiful and smelled wonderfully baby-ish) but it was nice to have a nurse care for him when i really needed to rest.

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swmbo 18 yrs ago
With my first I had him in the nursery for the first couple of nights (but no formula or sugar water) as I was paranoid about SIDS. I didn't sleep very well as I was too excited, in a bit of pain, and the nurses brought him in regularly to feed anyway. With the second I had him with me all the time and I actually slept much better. Depends on how you feel - make your mind up when you've had your baby. With the second I realised that having my baby with me (actually sleeping in my bed with me) made me more relaxed at night. And they sleep so much that during the day having him room with me was no problem either.

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charis 18 yrs ago
hello Dani R,

You are based in Guangzhou?

I'm resident in Zhuhai,

i'm pregnant and just trying to work out where to give birth (my second). i really, really want to have my baby with me for the first night, as i did with the first in England. You mentioned that the hospital your delivering in has this option. Is that in Guangzhou or HK?

from Charis

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Mrs Miggins 18 yrs ago
I had my son in the room with me all day and they took him to the nursery at night, but brought him in for his feeds. You need rest at night so take advantage of it. I gave birth at the Mathilda. When I woke up in the morning I would really miss him and get up and walk over to the nursery and say "Please can I take my baby". The sun was always just coming up and the corridors were empty and all the nurses thought that was really funny. I always thought that he may get a bit lonely in the nursery ;(

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
Thanks Ruth! Was in HK for the weekend for our first birthing class and dr's appt. All is well and the little guy is 'deeply engaged!' :)

I do appreciate reading everyone's experiences, they are varied and does really differ from woman to woman. We will wait and see how I feel after this labor - who knows what twists and turns it will take. We just can't wait to meet him and hold him in our arms....

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firsttimemom 18 yrs ago
I needed my sleep badly after almost a three day labour and a c-section at the end of it, and so rested in my rooms, with the bubbs in the nursery. They brought him to me on demand every couple of or three hours. But the poor thing looked so alone in the crib that I was over there whenever I was awake. I took any chance to hold him in my arms, smell him, cuddle him... The nurses got quite fond of me heh.

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