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18 yrs ago
Just wondering where to go if I want to get tested for possible fertility problems - we have been trying for about 10 months without luck now.
Whilst I know some people try for a lot longer I would like to have a piece of mind and if needed looked at our other options.
Hubby is fine and I O regularly. I am in the 30 and under category.
What tests do I need and how do I go about it in HK? How much should I plan to spend on these tests?
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hi monkeii
i think you are absolutely right to want to get answers.
if you go to a doctor stating that you want to start fertility testing, it is likely the first thing they will ask you if you ovulate regularly. you have stated you do.
the doctor will then likely ask you to chart your temperatures, to see your ovulatory patterns.
if at the end of the three months, if there is still nothing, then they will likely want to do some of the following:
dye test to see that fallopian tubes are unblocked
ultrasound of ovaries and uterus to ensure no scarring, endometriosis or estrogen coating the ovaries
blood tests to ensure blood levels are good
semen testing for count, mobility and motility
unfortunately, i don't remember the cost of any of the tests, but i am sure that someone here can help you out.
have you been temping? that is usually the place they'll want you to start.
good luck to you.
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Thanks so much ABN.
I have been temping and got charts for the past 10 months! Clear temperature rise after O, sustained rise until about day 12-13 in LP and all that.
Hubby went to do his sperm tests last month and that all came back fine - he returned proudly reporting some 140 million spermies, they looked pretty healthy too.
No pressure on me whatsover!!
I am feeling like a bit of a loser and really want to know what the problem is now.
Do you guys reckon HK is a good place to get these fertility tests done, or if you had the choice, would you do it overseas (ie, Oz).
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monkeii, you are a STAR. good for you for temping.
glad that dh's count looks good.
if you have insurance in another country, i would definitely get the work up done there. even if you dont, i would imagine the tests would be cheaper overseas.
monkeii, there are some great websites for women having trouble conceiving (as well as the hong kong support group):
as well there are many yahoo groups.
you're not a loser at all. you're a smart woman and have saved yourself MONTHS by temping already. you should be patting yourself on the back!!
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18 yrs ago
im currently seeing Dr. Derek Lo. He charges $600 for initial consultation which included an ultrasound to check for polyps in the ovary
I am scheduled to do the xray/dye test to see if fallopian tubes are unblocked/blocked - this will cost $2000 as i was told by his nurse
so far, im still on the diagnostics stage. have no idea yet on fertility treatment costs
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The other test you may wish hubby to take is a more detailed analysis on his spermies. My DH has a very good sperm count - of over 1,000M. However, our doctor still suggests a more detailed test (on morphology, motility, normality, etc.). Our doctor suggested this because we were a couple with unexplained fertility issues.
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