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18 yrs ago
Hi,..... I am new to Hong Kong and I was found to have a 8 cm ovarian cyst durng checkup. I was referred to Dr Joe Chan by my GP. I am going to see him tomorrow. Can anybody give me any of your experience with Dr Chan?
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Hi, Lilicat
I second to Dr Joe Chan. he removed my ovarian cyst about 2 years ago. I was then pregnant and delivered my girl by C-section by Dr Chan about 13 months ago.
I have to say that Dr Chan is very caring, patient and professional. He always listen to my concerns and help me to make my own decisions. He never rushes. His surgical skills is also excellent. I barely felt any pain after both surgeries. I could get out of bed the next day. The wound healed extremely well and was below the hairline. Our family are very happy to have him as my doctor. I am now planning for another baby and I will certainly use him.
Lilicat, you are definitely in good hands. Please let us know your feelings after seeing Dr Chan.
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Hi, Ann.... I saw Dr Chan yesterday. I agreed entirely with you that he is very nice and caring. He repeated the ultrasound scan and explained to me in details of the findings and his plan of treatment. Unfortunately, I have to have a lapsroscopic surgery, which will be done next week. Dr Chan did reassure me that the cyst is probably benign and I shall be able to return to work in a short period of time.
Really thanks for giving me the support and information of Dr Chan. I do appreciate if anyone can share their experience with me.
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hi lilicat
so glad that you are pleased with dr joe chan. last year i had fibroids in my uterus removed and i chose dr chan to remove them.
i found him to be an excellent surgeon and his bedside manner was fantastic.
he came round the morning of the surgery to chat with me and in the operating room right before the anaesthatist went to work, he talked to me a bit more, and then as soon as i was out of my drugged stupor (which was spectacular) he came in and told me how well the surgery had gone. he made sure to cut along the lines of a previous caesarean section, which is a small but noteworthy comment! also noteworthy, he came out and talked at length with my husband post surgery, and that was really appreciated. he took time to answer all my questions, and i really appreciated him.
he called us at home when the fibroid analysis was in, and used medical terminology and then quickly explained it, as well as giving me clear ideas of follow up treatment. he is genuine, and a very good surgeon. not that i'm planning on needing any more surgery, but he'll be the doctor i go to, should it be necessary. i would recommend him to anyone.
his wife is an ob/gyn and she is fantastic as well.
i hope your surgery goes well.
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18 yrs ago
lilicat, I may need to do a laparascopic surgery as well, early next year.
Do you know how much Dr Joe Chan is charging for such a surgery?
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Hi, can anyone provide me the contact details of Dr Joe Chan? Thanks!
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Hi, PyoPyo.....
Dr Chan's contact no. is 25233328.
His office is at the Rm 1301, Tak Shing House, Central.
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