breast feeding help

Posted by blackpearlhk 16 yrs ago
my baby is almost 6 weeks old now. from the begining i tried to breast feed her but was unsuccessful so i am still using formula milk. even though i am healthy and breast size is quite large but supply of milk is short. baby gets tired of sucking then gives up. other down side is i got one inverted nipple. so i am trying to breast feed her only from one breast. milk come very less. should i see the specialist for any advise about breast feeding and my milk supply. i just was to be assure myself the its not my fault or i am not well trained to breast feed her.

thank you for comments.

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Judithbalatti 16 yrs ago
Try to eat USA MOTHERLOVE More Milk Special Blend (liquid form, Bitter) or more milk plus + goat's rue (capsule form, easier to eat!! ). 4~6 times per day. They could successfully increase your milk supply in a few days.

My baby needs no more formula milk now after i have taken them for about 2~3 weeks!!

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blackpearlhk 16 yrs ago
thanks for your help. i heard fenugreek capsule are good. can i try that one first see if it works out. please tell me where can i buy fenugreek capsule and what strengh they are. thanks

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blackpearlhk 16 yrs ago
dear cara thank you advise. my problem from the first day baby was too fussy to suck the breast and she is very reluctant to suck as you know milk takes time to come. if you talking 20min it think in my case impossible to hold her and wait. she will start crying after 5min. so i get tired of holding her in hands to breast feed her. now she is almost 6 week old. everyday i try to breast feed her but it only last 5 to 7 min and then i have no choice to give her formula. i really want to breast feed her. may be my feeding method is not good.

also my other problem every time i feed her formula milk just alone without breast feeding she doesn't finish formula milk as well she fall sleeps very quickly while feeding. so everytime half of formula milk is left and then she gets up after 1 hour. she is not sleeping more then 2 hours each section. should i seek help on this.

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michelley 16 yrs ago
in the meantime, keeping pumping to maintain your milk supply while training the baby at the same time.

and your baby will also be getting ur breastmilk too.

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wasabigizmobunny 16 yrs ago
there are also breast shield you can buy to help baby drink from your inverted nipple. Plaese get help an keep trying! you are doing a good job.

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Matilda 16 yrs ago
For ongoing support and advise you may consider the breast feeding clinic at Matilda International hospital on a Tuesday (by appointment), a lactating consultant can guide you any issues and monitor baby's progress.

Breast Feeding Clinic

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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