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18 yrs ago
does anyone who had C-section by Dr Phillip Ho? what is your commend?, thanks ^ ^
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I think he did a great job, though he was very quiet during the procedure. The anesthesiologist who he used stood by my head and let me know exactly what was going on. It seemed to be good team work.
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18 yrs ago
I second Dr Ho,great job and the least painful of my three.His anesthesiologist is awesome too.They do make a good team.I would definately use him again if I was going to have another!
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Thx Exeter & Tinky ^ ^, that's really can give me a support to have a C-section with Dr Ho
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yes, he's very neat with the stitching and his anethesiologist is a hunk!
he's a great caring gyne, I'd definitely recommend him.
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17 yrs ago
I had a C-section with him. He did a good job. However, if i have my 2nd BB, i will probably go for others. Its only because he did not really care about my breast infection after the delivery, although i asked him for help. After one month of being in bad pain, i finally had to get help from my family doctor. 3 days of antiboitics, the infection s gone completely!
But if you only want somebody who can do a very neat C'section, i think Dr Ho is not bad.
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17 yrs ago
I had a C section with him and it was fine. As others note, his Anaesthesiologist is fantastic and gave my husband and I a running commentary. In fact, he made the experience what it was! When he was stitching me up after they had taken my baby away with my husband, another doctor came in and we all had a good chat, bar Dr Ho, who was very quiet. He is very serious, but has the interests of you and the baby at heart in the lead up. I found his after care to be somewhat lacking, accusing me of "faking" a UTI, until the tests results came back showing I had one that had been resistant to the anti biotics given after the op. He was also no help when prescribing medication to overcome it, telling me just to stop breast feeding for a few days - a bit hard when you are only just starting off. He also called me a different name when I went back for my 6 weeks checkup, which I was a bit taken aback by. All in all he was good though. I'm not sure if I would use him next time (if there is one), but I likely would.
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I visited Dr Ho twice (18 months apart) re fertility issues. To me, he's very pricey and not too approachable. Altho I have heard a lot of good things about him, don't think I'll go to him again. There are many good and friendly doctors around.
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17 yrs ago
I am seven months post partum,had a C-section with Dr Ho(my first with him but third in total)It was my least painful and my fastest recovery.His skill lies not only in giving you a small and near to invisable type scar but also his excellent stitching of the layers.With each C-section adhesions become more common place making each op more difficult than the last.If you are going for a section,above all you want a great surgeon and that he most certainly is!
In my book most surgeons do not have outstanding bedside manner and its precisely this personality that makes them good surgeons.I was very happy with his care,got the "touchy feely" from his nurse Kelly and felt while he is expensive he is worth every penny.
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17 yrs ago
Hi Aussierules,
I used him for fertility issues too. He's way too busy and gives two minute consultations. Who did you end up going with? Any success?
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Hi xox,
I ended up going to Dr. Derek Lo (tel: 2522 0691). He's totally human, thorough and explained to me the success rate at my age without giving me any false hope. He's my lucky star, I ended up conceiving naturally.
Best of luck
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17 yrs ago
Exactly! I remember my breast was killing me especially at night time and i kept feeling freezing cold once in a while even though the temperture was 30'C! He was accusing me of "faking" an infection too!!! He refused to give me antibotics or other medication. He just told me to stop breastfeeding with that breast for a week or so (on phone) and he even told me only to see him when i got a fever and got red patches on my breast !!!
Since the pain got worse and worse, I went to see a very experienced lac consultant 2 weeks later. She knew it was breast infection the first sec she looked at my breast. I told her about what Dr Ho said to me. She was shocked and said by the time i got the red patches, it would be very very serious and too late. Also she told me definitely not to stop breastfeeding with that breast otherwise, my milk production would decrease. At that time the infected nipple was already blocked by a white spot. She massaged my breast and unblocked my nipple with a pin. Then it immediately sprayed out milk like the other normal nipple, but only producing about half the amount of the other one. Anyway,i went to see my family doc after a week. He gave me some antiboitics and the infection was gone completely after just 3 days!!! If Dr Ho did give me the antibotics in the beginning, my breast infection wouldn't have gone to that bad condition .....
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Are these doctors you've been discussing based in Bangkok or Hong Kong?
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