IVF - Egg Donation

Posted by LadyB 18 yrs ago
Hi - we are looking to pursue IVF egg donation and have just moved to HK, so wondering if anyone has experience of egg donation and can recommend a centre? Two failed cycles in the UK so we are desparate. Any help welcomed. Thx

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exeter 18 yrs ago
check with the HK Sanatorium's IVF Centre. I know they do embryo donations, not sure about gamete donations though.

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JBB 18 yrs ago

Egg donor is not very common in HK and sources are low esp depending on race etc. I know that many people pursue overseas DE (donor egg). The Cape Fertility Centre in Cape Town is very popular. Even with travel and accomodation it is much cheaper than HK can offer. I know there are various blogs that give the info and the ins and outs.




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Cariad 18 yrs ago

Just wanted to join you if that's ok. I'm looking at moving out to HK next year. I've been doing DE cycles for a number of years and just had another negative. I have just found this site and was about to post the same question. LadyB not sure if I can help in any way - my DE cycles were in Spain.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Hi Cariad--

May I ask which center you worked with in Spain? We're moving to London in a few months, and will probably try a DE cycle in Europe somewhere. I understand egg donors are hard to come by in England, what was your experience in Spain? (I'm not Spanish speaking.)

Thanks in advance for any help. And good luck with your move to HK :-)

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Cariad 18 yrs ago
Hey no problem! I went to Instituto Marques in Barcelona and then CERAM in Marbella. Both clinics have excellent English-speaking staff. IM have a quicker waiting list and you get all the eggs but they are more expensive.

You can got to www.fertilityfriends.co.uk there are loads of girls on there who are going for DE abroad.

Hope this is helpful

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
thanks Cariad. You've saved me heaps of time/research :-)

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michaelkk 18 yrs ago
Hi, this is Michael. I have exactly what you have been looking for on egg donors and the fertility doctors which we are working with or alternatively, you can have your doctor in Hong Kong perform the IVF procedure. My email is michael76992000@yahoo.com and tel. 65 9021 7996 Singapore. We hope we can assist realise your dream of having your own family.

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Pauleen 18 yrs ago
I have lived in HK 6 years and am currently going down the DE trail. I have found a clinic in Spain (IVI) which we have just signed up with - in fact just had the last of our pre-visit tests completed today. The waiting list is between 3 - 5 months and they have a fairly high success rate. Here is their website link http://www.ivi.es/eng/ and they have an international division that specialises in dealing with English, French & German speaking patients. We have not yet visited in person, but hoping to do that before the end of the year. I will keep posting updates as we progress, in case here is any interest here.

We were basically told by doctors here that we could not get this type of help in HK, so it is inevitable to seek overseas.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Thank you for posting Pauleen, this is really good information. I wish you the best of luck.

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Pauleen 18 yrs ago
I've just heard back from the clinic in Spain and we are to arrange to go there in mid January, so the waiting list really is very short in comparison to e.g. UK! Very excited and a little nervous but so pleased that I investigated this option. Will keep the "thread" posted!

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Good luck Pauleen!!

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Cariad 18 yrs ago
Just checking in to see if what's happening on this site.

Pauleen - all the very, very best of luck to you! Will be checking to see how you are getting on.I know IVI have a very good reputation so I think you'll be in good hands.Lots of luck to you!

As for me, I'm looking around - possibly Russia or South Africa but as I'm terrified of flying I may well stick to Spain.:)

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Pauleen 18 yrs ago
We had our first donor transfer at IVI in Valencia (Spain) in January; unfortunately not successful. We were also not lucky enough to have any frozen embryos at that time, as none of the cells were developing as required, which meant going back onto the waiting list.

I phoned the Dr. that had been on our case to find out if there was anything I cld do differently for next time and after some discussion she basically bumped me off the waiting list and put me straight back into the active program! Since then, we've just come back from our second transfer and I'm waiting for pregnancy test results now! This time we also have frozen embryos in case we need/want to go back for another transfer, which we can do at any time.

They really are thorough and I'd recommend them in a heartbeat to anyone who needs to go down the DE route.

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Cariad 18 yrs ago

I haven't been on this site for ages. I was amazed to read your post - and I am just wondering how you got on and hoping that it was good news.

Did you fly from HK to Spain for the treatment and if so did you fly straight back again?

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
I'm hoping it was successful too Pauleen.

Would you mind sharing your doctor's name/contact info (you can pm me if you'd prefer). We're in England now, which makes Spain more convenient than it was. It'd be helpful to know how you got started with IVI, also, did you need to have a HK doctor to coordinate with them?

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Melissa Y 18 yrs ago

In these websites you can find more info of egg donation.




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Pauleen 18 yrs ago
Sorry have not been on this post for a while!

Cariad - we did fly straight back after the embryo transfer (next day in fact) which the clinic said was not a problem. We had great news after 2nd week that we were pregnant, but had m/c at 7 weeks unfortunately. I'd like to think it had nothing to do with the flight, but I guess you never know about the effects on individuals.

My thoughts - we used the IVI clinic in Valencia because this is there main R&D site so we figured it would have the best treatment. There website address is www.ivi.es - just choose English and Valencia. They have an excellent international dept. who speak English and are very well coordinated. I initially phoned them and they emailed then mailed me all the documents we needed to complete to get onto their donor program - it was that easy. I used by HK ob/gyn (Dr Philip Ho) for all the blood/ultrasound tests that they required and he was quite happy to perform these are requested; I would simply send the lab/dr reports to IVI for their next instruction.

I do have a bit of a challenge ahead now though, because I want to have the 5 frozen embryos in Spain sent to HK so I can do the transfers here from now on, but having trouble finding courier company that will perform this service. I may have to go and get them myself, but if possible I want to avoid having the transfer in Spain and then flying back to HK soon afterwards. Basically I want to avoid doing everything the same way as last time to see if this eliminates another possible m/c.

Laura - congratulations! And thank you for the information on this clinic. Can I ask if you travelled straight after your transfer and if so, was it to HK?

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Melissa Y 18 yrs ago

There is a company in UK maybe can handcarry your frozen embies from spain to HK, you can contact them: kosta@kynisi.com

A friend of us was miscarriage 6 times, eventually the doctor asked her to lying in bed for 3 months after she conceive. She really stayed on her bed for 3 mths, had all her meals, reading, etc.. on bed, and she has a healthy baby.

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petitprince 17 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. I, like most of you, am desperate to have a baby. We have been trying for 4 years, but I have 3 miscarriages during these years without success.

Lately, my gyne recommended me to consider having IVF egg donation since I am about 40 and the quality of my eggs may not be good anymore (that may explain why I have 3 miscarriages). My dr suggested us to look for eggs with the Asian origin and it is very difficult to find it in France, where I am living. I saw that some of you have done this in Spain, I wonder if it is possible to find the egg donnor with Asian origin? or any other sources can you suggest to me?


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Melissa Y 17 yrs ago
Hi, many ivf clinics in thailand, malaysia or india provide ivf + egg donation program.

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petitprince 17 yrs ago
Thank you Melissa and Laura. Those info are useful for me to get started. I will keep you posted about the progress.


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JJB 17 yrs ago
Another place with super reputation and mix of donors and good prices due to exchange rate http://www.renewfertility.com/

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Dinna 17 yrs ago

i am a woman 40, i am looking for Asian egg donor, would anyone have these information share with me.

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bunchy 17 yrs ago
Hi Dinna,

You are looking for Asian egg donor? I know some couple (asian) who has many embrio left and they dont know what they gonna do? if you interested, I can give you the information.

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lookwok 17 yrs ago

I did fail IVF and miscarriage twice. I'm looking for Asian egg donor. Please provide some more regarding of the Asian egg donor.

Man K.

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baby2mom 14 yrs ago
South African egg donation is considered a major attraction becuase of the availability of egg donors and absence of an egg donor registry which empowers recipients to proceed with restrictions.


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