IVF - How long to down-regulate?

Posted by Kikidee 17 yrs ago
Can anyone with IVF experience tell me how long the down-regulation phase takes? Did anyone find that the medication didn't work?

I'm on day 9 of lucrin injections (lupron in the States I believe) for the down-regulation stage for IVF. The doctor told me that after about a week of these injections I should get a period and that's a sign I'm in temporary menopause and they'll then do a blood test to confirm before starting me on stimulation injections.

I've since read, however, that 1 week is the absolute minimum time it takes to down-regulate and that 2 weeks is more the average. It can even take up to 28 days and there's no guarantee that you'll get a period. Needless to say, time is really dragging and I just want to get on with it. Apart from the absence of PMS the drug has had no noticeable effects on me. No hot flushes, headaches or anything like that. 'Tis a blessing in a way but then I worry it's not doing the job.

Any thoughts?

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exeter 17 yrs ago
It's been too long since I did a long protocol with suppression, so I can't tell you, but I do remember that it felt like forever and I just wanted to get on with it. I know it's frustrating and the whole thing drives you a bit bonkers, but hopefully, all goes according to plan and you're like me 5 years later with kids and not remembering how long it took to down-regulate! Good luck.

BTW, my 2nd two IVFs were short protocol with no suppression. Although they say that the long protocol usually results in more eggs, I had more retrieved using the short protocol. Depending on your results this time, you might want to discuss trying a short protocol next time should you need another go (I hope not!). It's less stressful because as you might guess, it's a shorter time frame.

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