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18 yrs ago
Dear all,
I am a heartbreaking woman after 3 unsuccessful iui treatments. 2nd attempt as chemical preg & m/c in w5. 3rd attempt just did in Feb and again failed.
Due to 18 months of waiting list in QM, I just couldn't wait and went to my 1st apt w Sanatorium last Wed.
As my period is not yet regulated after the last IUI cycle (just came on day 40th, today), should I start the IVF treatment right away as Sanatorium suggested or just wait till next regulated cycle? My other concern is about easter holiday schedule, the hospital cannot guarantee that they will stay open during those 5 days holidays, will my treatment be interfered?
I really need your comments, girls, please help. Thank you.
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Hi trying,
Thanks for your sharing. I had Dr. Clement Leung in my 1st apt, and he just suggested me that i should treat this project as my 1st priority. Only the nurses were worry about the holiday issues that i might not be able to receive proper (complete) treatments.
After reading the forums from other girls that some already had 3 failed attempts, and others needed 6 or 7 attempts to be successful.... it's a long term battle to fight for... physically, emotionally, and of course lots of $$$.
I just made a decision today that i might go for a short trip with my honey this easter and cutting down all the jobs to get ready for this battle.
Oh "trying", are you having any TCM treatments before/ during the IVF? If yes, who are you seeing with?
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18 yrs ago
Hi linlin123 and trying,
Would you know whether your Dr.s using short or long protocol with you? I wanted to find out the difference between the 2.
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Hi 788, I have postponed my ivf treatment till the next cycle, cause i was concerned about the interruptions due to easter holidays. I will let you know the type of protocol when I start. But I heard from Dr. Leung that he will downregulated my cycle first if I start the treatment.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks! My doc explained long/ short protocols- I feel much better now. Have you already started you IVF cycle, Trying? Good Luck! I am set for retrieval this Monday. The eggs have decided to mature at a slower rate than expected inspite of all the heavy duty medication. I think they did not feel like paying for extra for Ching Ming, Good Friday or Easter Sunday!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Trying, read your post on the other thread. Hope you are feeling better. In my last IVF, I had 12 retrieved, 9 mature eggs but the embryos turned out to be grade 3. Probably thats the reason implantation did not happen and I could not have any frozen ones either. This time I am supposed to have between 5-7 (I don't have endometriosis and am not much older than you). I know numbers matter, but there are so many variables and so much luck involved. It could drive anyone with or without hormones, up the wall.
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18 yrs ago
Thats great- grade 1+ 7 frozen is pretty good! Good luck!
Unfortunately for me, the Dr. could only retrieve 4 eggs. They are all mature. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next stages. I hope there are next stages to talk about :(
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18 yrs ago
788, just to keep your spirits up - my Dr could only retrieve 4 eggs. Of these, 3 fertilized, 2 were good enough for transfer, and resulted in 1 baby. So don't be disheartened at this stage with only a few eggs.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks, slcj. I am driving myself crazy. Numbers don't mean anything, but yet they do... Its really nice to hear your experience.
Did you or is anyone else exercising- weights/ cardio? I find myself frozen at the idea- what if I do and this happens or that happens. But no exercise is making me feel worse too.
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18 yrs ago
I say I am not expecting much because the embryo quality was not good this time around too. But of course, I am. I have been imagining pregnancy symptoms even before the transfer. Thankfully, I have started working so hopefully my brain's imagination will be put to better use.
I am supposed to go in for a blood test on Monday. I did not have a scan last ivf cycle- and not sure if they do so in this clinic either. The protocols are very different for every clinic, I guess.
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18 yrs ago
Hi trying, I went in for a blood test today and the results came back normal. Have been called for the pregnancy test next Wed on the 25th.
Yes, for some reason I haven't mentioned it to anyone either. Not sure why I am uncomfortable sharing even with closest of friends who I know would be nothing but supportive.
linlin123, just wondering where you are with your treatment and if you have started since the holidays?
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Hi 788 & trying,
Sorry for not keeping you girls updated, as I had decided to take a short break during easter holidays before starting the full treatment. But I do read your updates constantly and keep my finger crossed for you two.
I have already started some tests in Sanatorium Hospital with Dr Clement Leung. And supposely i will start the ivf treatment early next week (if my period comes :P)... for sure will post my updates.
788 & trying, which dr & which hospital are you having treatment with?
i didn't search for dr Clement Leung on purpose, as i was so desperate and wanted to see a doc in Sanatorium at that time, and he was the one on duty that day. I've tried to phone other famous docs before hand and most of them need 2 - 3 months waiting, too long for me.
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18 yrs ago
I go to Dr. Philip Ho in Central. He saw me within a week of my calling him. He has his own clinic but uses the lab and OT at the Sanatorium.
Earlier I was referred to Dr. So who is Trying's Dr.'s partner. Since I could not find any personal references for him, I called Dr. Ho based on recommendations posted on this forum.
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Lucky you 788, cause these docs are super busy, and the one i wanted to see the most is Dr Tay, who is also famous from other forums, besides Dr Ho & Doo.
Tried to book since March, the earliest available was 23th May... so i just headed to Sanatorium for help.
When will you have the result? Lots great comments for Dr. Ho, so please keep up your spirit! Hopefully you can give us great news soon :)
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18 yrs ago
So great to have people to talk to. Thanks, linlin123. Have been called for the pregnancy test (blood test) next Wed on the 25th.
Since every normal reaction (after a long day- tiredness or feeling bloated when you eat too much) has felt like a pregnancy symptom to me for the last year, so this time I am taking the opposite view! May be that would work! :)
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So 3 of us will find out the result early next week... although not yet ivf for me, hubby & i had done lots of "homeworks" during easter holidays. My cycle should begin sun or next mon.
I will keep my finger crossed for 3 of us and hopefully anyone ,or all of us will have good news next week : )
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18 yrs ago
Yeah... I am so glad I had to get a project out of the door today. As soon as I am back I check this website 50 million times for clues.
And I have been wondering why my Dr. is not doing a scan.
Re: the Pregnancy test- I think because you are testing a little later (your retrieval was 3 or 4 days before mine) than 14 days since your egg retrieval, so a HPT should be good. I am testing on Wed ,my 15th day where the hcg levels may not be detected by HPT, therefore the blood test.
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18 yrs ago
Between grade 1 embryos and thickening uterus lining, you have very much increased your chances of pregnancy- so thats a really good thing. Do wait till Tuesday. Goodness, we still have an entire week!
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18 yrs ago
Not sure, trying. Everything that I thought earlier was a symptom, was not. So...
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18 yrs ago
Nothing special. Pelvic pain here and there, real and imagined.
Well, if its negative this time- I will be pissed, not only because the I am not pregnant but also because I have put on weight. 5 whole kilos since I stopped weights and running last month and have been eating my way through tension. Besides having serious muffin tops, I now have Boobs giganticus and therefore, Nipplii giganticus- both look scary.
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18 yrs ago
Hi trying, you have tested a little earlier than your dr suggested- probably your hCG levels are not high yet. Gathering from other forums, women test several times with a couple of days in between before a +ve shows up. So don't loose hope yet. And yes, you have snow babies too. At least you won't have to go through those IVF medications again if you need to use FET.
As for me, I think the boob stuff is just because of extra weight- thats where I notice weight changes first- and not a pregnancy symptom.
What I am worried about right now, how I deal with the news on Wed. I have a lot of family (in laws) in town soon and first thing I know they are going to ask is When are you having babies or why not? Its normal for them to ask. I am getting all worked up right now assuming that their assumption would be that it must be something to do with me- which it very well may have been but I dislike anyone to have a preconceived notion. And, I would hate to be in a position where I burst out crying and then all the concern starts which would upset and irritate me even more or I'd just be down right rude to them which would not be nice either.
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18 yrs ago
What your husband is saying is true. We are hardly the unluckiest people in the world. We are blessed in so many other ways.
I transferred on Day3 because of my embryo quality. Day 5 is only when they are sure a couple embryos would be strong enough to survive in artificial medium. Not sure how one would go about in an FET situation. I guess it would depend on how well they thaw out.
I am pretty sure I am going to test negative. I have had the period feeling today. Oh well.... I am still praying for us!
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18 yrs ago
Good Luck for tomorrow, Trying. Keep me posted.
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18 yrs ago
I am so sorry to hear that, trying. Don't worry, I am sure we will succeed soon.
Believe me, I can empathize with your feeling low a couple of days before so that you are prepared- I had some yesterday and I felt I could not stop crying. My periods seem to be waiting to burst- I think the progesterone deposits are delaying it.
Its great that you have a plan and see the month break in between (specially with all the crazy meds that need to be taken) as good.
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Hi trying, I also feel so sorry about that. It's good for you to take a nice break and pamper yourself well before starting the next treatment.
As you still have lots of frozies, the next treatment will be much easier and more relax. Just take it easy for now.
I am still waiting to start my treatment, as i am late for 3 days now.... but no good news, just tested this morning and is neg. Will keep you girls posted and hopefully 788 will have good news for us soon.
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18 yrs ago
:) oh you are really sweet! wish I could give you a hug!
I wanted to thank everyone who have been so incredibly supportive. When it feels like the sky is falling on just my head, I check this forum out... and someone is there to guide you or make you feel you are not alone.
I had my panic attack on Monday afternoon- I have a freaked out/ teary post in the TTC#2. The reason to go there was to figure out my PLAN! So today I was very sad but calm.
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Take care of yourself. It will happen to all of us. Have faith!
Lots of baby dust to you!
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to all the woman on this thread -
I don't know if your doctors have discussed this with you - but my future OB (in the US - my best friend and a fertility specialist) just told me that there is research that suggests that women who EXERCISE have a HARDER Time conceiving via IVF. So the recommendation is NOT to exercise at all.
Asian doctors generally tell you not to exercise anyways, but just in case - it was an interesting comment from her.
Wishing you all the best of luck and lots of love. It can't be easy, and it can only be frustrating.
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18 yrs ago
So my plan is to stop IVF for some time.
I am tired of the meds. I am planning to give my body and emotions more than a month's rest which is the Dr's recommendation.
I also plan on exercising again which I had stopped completely (was driving me nuttier with the med combination) My ob had suggested something similar and so did my endocrinologist in the US and Dr. Ho.
My husband has scheduled his variocele surgery. We went IVF route because I hate surgeries when loved ones are in the OT. If that happens, we have to wait 3 more months for things to normalize.
In the meantime, we are going to try naturally too. There is some great advice on the TTC#2 thread on what all you can do.
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18 yrs ago
Havefaith, Goodluck on your IVF cycle! Please keep this board posted. Got to help each other out here.
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Of course - I will keep everyone posted. I said to hubby the other night that once I get pregnant I would like to try to start helping people get there quicker - from the names of the professionals to exactly what helps and what does not - like what HKCC is doing. Thank you again, HKCC.
Good luck to you all! I have been really down for the last little while - but this support group has really helped me. Thank you everyone!
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HAvefaith - you're sweet. I'm glad people thing I'm helpful - too much information I have it seems. And too many of my friends are trying to get pregnant and struggle with it. IT's hard watching them month after month feel down and disappointed.
It'll happen soon!
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HKCC, You deserve alot of "thank yous" and appreciation from us. I did not go to the gym this morning - and will not be going for the next little while. Will do more yoga instead - I will look for the one that you are using at HMV at lunch time.
Thank you. Best of luck with your pregnancy!
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Dear trying & 788, after seeing your results i'd cried and not sure what to write. But hopefully you both will be recovered soon emotionally and try again, with or without the treatment.
Just want to update that my AF just came today... 5 days late with super cramps, fainted and lots of flows.(past cycles 26 days with no cramps) Just like my last miscarriage symptoms, but no need to mention anymore.
So I just called the hospital and will start my 1st IVF treatment tomorrow . I no longer have so much hope as before, but still willing to try. Will keep you girls updated!
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18 yrs ago
We are all strong women, linlin123, including you. Look at trying, she was encouraging me after own bad news just a day before! That takes a lot of heart and so does your feeling with/ for us. Please don't cry. I can't even begin to imagine what miscarriage can feel like, but we are there to hold your hand through it not literally but at least in this virtual world.
It will work out.
Both you and Havefaith are going through your 1st IVF cycle- I am not an expert, but having gone through 2 of them and 2 IUI cycles- please feel free to ask questions. trying would soon have experience with FET too, so there is another resource. Sorry, trying, I just volunteered you!
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Thank you for offering. I will most probably have questions to ask you soon - I dont have any right now.
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Hi 788, just don't know how to thank you. I really appreciate your support and encouragement from heart, and cannot imagine how go thru all this without you girls. Now I no longer feel down, lonely ,and helpless as before, after reading your words.
Yes we should not give up, but cheerup and looking forward, for sure we will be rewarded after all.
Thanks again my girlfriends.
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Hi trying,788,linlin123 and have faith,
I have a blocked fallopian tube due to a growth being removed last 7 years. I tried A/I (artificial inssemination) 4 times with 1 miscarriage. After moving to HK, someone suggested that we should see Dr Philip Ho. We did and I had 1 A/I then. It was end 2003. After it failed again, we decided to go straight to IVF as we didn't want to waste time. I did it once and I was pregnant. During hormones treatment ie the injection, I stopped exercising, stopped aerobics, and try to stay calm. I also took some chinese herbs and some indonesian 'jamu' (herbs) to strengthen my womb in preparation for the IVF for one month. I don't know whether those herbs contributed to the success for the pregnancy, but I think it is well worth trying. We have a almost 3 year old daughter, and I am currently seeing Dr Ho again for a second child. I was told that putting on weight while trying to have a child would lower the chance of conceiving.
Good luck!
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Hi KJ, thanks for sharing your experience with us. I am starting the long protocal treatment and will start trying the chinese medicine + accupucture the coming week. Yesterday I saw Dr. Doo in Sanatorium and he prefers me to try another IUI , as I had 1 success over 3 tries, although it was miscarried in 5 weeks. But I told him I could not wait anymore, so he was convinced and my first IVF treatment is now started.
One thing I could not really control myself as suggested is to stay calm. I am a very hyper person, easily to be happy, mad, or nervous. And I love to have multiple tasks running at the same time... so I guess that's what I need to slow down my life and learn how to calm myself down.
Thanks again KJ.
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Good luck with your IVF cycle. This is my first IVF cycle. I am also doing TCM and accupuncture at the same time. My TCM doc said the same thing that KJ is saying - preparing the womb to receive the embryo. I checked with Kelly (from Dr Ho's clinic) and she said it does not hurt to try TCM and acupuncture at the same time. If nothing else it actually calms me down - I feel quite calm and confident that it will happen to us sooner or later.
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I've been following this and the TTC#2 thread closely and can't help but to add my 2 cents. I've been TTC for almost 2 years now, done a few IUIs without success, one IVF that ended up in an early M/C last November AND have finally started my second round of IVF. Just started the injections yesterday.
I feel for everyone here and all I can say is that we all have to be good to ourselves, do what we think is good for the situation and not get too paranoid about everything - in other words, relax and let nature (and the Dr) do their jobs. I'm also seeing Dr Ho (switched from another Dr) and am very happy with him. I'm also doing acupuncture but stopped taking the chinese meds since injections began. Acupuncturist's advice. Good luck to everyone here and baby dust to us all!!!
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trying, havefaith, blessed & KJ,
your words really give me big boost of hopes and broght me up from yesterdays low...
I was super depressed last night, after my husband's family found out i am on the treatment. and they brought out all the friends/ relatives who were able to get preg in age 30s, even 40s (why cann't i). the most hurting part is that one of my husband's cousin just got preg for 2 months....
i wish i could cry out but i couldn't, as i need to keep myself "smiling" while confessing how much we need to spend and the details of procedure...
it seems i need to live in this cyber world now, cause only you girls understand how much we have gone/ will go thru. i need to change my mind as 'trying' to be more logical. i will treat this as one of my lifetime project, besides university, career, and marriage.
i will give myself 6 gos in 2 years (like taking a master degree). if i fail, just move on, as i won't die after failing a school or work, i am sure i will find other way out. hopefully i could be as strong as i thought.
anyway, i really value all of you as being my 'virtual' buddies, and baby dust to us all : )
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I felt so sad to hear what happened last night. I have been there so many times.
I find the friends who care about me dont ask - because they know that we are TTC. The friends that do ask are probably not such good friends. When they ask why we are still childless - i turn to things that I have done well in (e.g. career, jobs, investments, etc). These are the things that I will trade in for a child but they dont know that - but as soon as I do that they back off.
Good luck to Blessed, Trying and you - look forward to going thru the next 2ww with you!
Your virtual buddy,
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totally sucks when people are completely insensitive and dense. Koreans LOVE talking about why so and so isn't having a baby and why someone isn't getting pregnant and it's frustrating. I have more than a few best friends who have struggled with infertility and their Korean family members and friends just won't LET UP. One got REALLY upset and said, "I've had my tubes tied permanently because I just don't want to have any children. My husband's also had a vasectomy to ensure this. So please don't ask because we just don't want children." That shut a lot of people up for a while - she did manage to get pregnant after 6 years of trying everything - naturally I might add, and most people were smart not to bring anything up again.
take heart Linlin - many people are thinking lots of good thoughts for you.
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havefaith & hkcc,
thanks for the valuable advices. i will keep in mind some of good suggestions from you and keep myself up all the time.
these days i am stating to have birth control pills to underregulate my cycle. i feel very depressed and low after having the pills, as my body is out of these pills for at least 10 years. i guess my body will get used to it later on.
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Dear All,
Taking about insensitive and dense people! I can't help but to tell you that while I was trying to have a baby, my mother in law was lecturing me that I should do this, that, etc etc and I really should start planning for a child since my husband is the only sibling who married. The stress was so great that my husband blamed me and calling me names for unable to conceive. He said he felt cheated etc,etc..but he didn't really meant it. After the successful IVF everybody was happy. But above all, I wanted a baby not because of the peer pressure, but I felt that it was time and I was prepared for it. Having a successful IVF does not end there, you've got to follow thru and avoid any kind of stress to prevent possible miscarriage. Having said that, after I fell pregnant, one two month's later, my father passed away,one month after my father passed away, my husband lost his job! The stress almost cost me a miscarriage, as was bleeding profusely at my 4th month, and I had to stop moving and had to take things easy. We got a child anyway after all that.
This time it's the other way round. We have different stress now, both of us are working and things look good. Except I could not start my injections as the blood test result was not good. I went to see Dr Ho and had a blood test last week as we are planning to have a second baby. It comes with age I guessed. I have to wait for the next period cycle. Hopefully then, I would be able to receive injections! So linlin123, trying the moral of the story is, have faith and keep trying. This can happen to anybody! I have a cousin who was married at the age of 27, she can't get pregnant, but Dr couldn't find anything wrong with both husband and wife. Now she is 35, but still hoping to conceive naturally and I told her that she should consider IVF.
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What a story, KaylaJ! No, success doesn't come easy. What we all have to do is to keep our chin up and believe in faith. It's not easy keeping away from stress in this city so since my last unsuccessful IVF, which was during a really stressful time of year, I've made myself find ways to destress and rediscover that inner peace. I know it sounds really spiritual but its kind of working for me. Too much worrying doesn't do any good.
Keep positive everyone and God will grant us with a beautiful child when the time is right.
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Trying, 788, blessed, Linlin,
I just came across a wonderful story on the internet about a woman who TTC for 10 years with 2 unsuccessful IVF before conceiving on the third IVF - Anyway, here is a quote from her story:
"Our beautiful son, Matthew, was born 28 December 2001, 10 years from the time we first started trying for a baby. He has brought more joy to our lives than we could ever have imagined and every day we thank God we never gave up hope.
Infertility and assisted conception is such an emotional roller coaster filled with a lot of pain and heartache. I've realised how important it was to try to stay focused and to never give up hope, even after disappointment or failure, because otherwise, we'd never have had our baby."
I wish you all strength, courage, and lots of baby dust! Lets do this together!
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after having a nice sunbath today, i just rushed home to check this thread. it is the must do thing for me now in everyday basis... i am addicted too as trying.
Kalaj, i cannot imagine how you could live on with so pressure around you before & after conceiving. you must be a very strong woman in order to achieve your baby goal... and so glad you made it.
my hubby also said to me last night that i should not be bothered by other people' comments, as nothing can affect our goal & no one can change our treatment results (besides God & mother nature) we should leave our concerns to them, and do what we have to do.
i wish i could have the inner peace as 'blessed' has, and lots of baby dusts for all of us. I will keep my finger crossed for 'trying' to start a successful FET in this cycle. Good Luck!
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18 yrs ago
Good Luck, you guys! I may not be posting that often but I keep an eye on the thread and you guys are in my prayers.
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Good luck! Let us know what the doc say about the FET.
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That's great news! Let us know when the 7 frozen embryos get transferred and we will all keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck and lots of baby dust for you.
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Wow, putting back 7 embies is a huge number. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you.
I'm due for ER midweek next week so am a little nervous. Went for my first U/S and Dr saw around 7 follies (same as first cycle). Just hoping that some are hiding and will show up later :-)
The shots are giving me slight headaches and a little bloating but its not too bad.
I wish I had someone who I could tell. I've got a very close girlfriend who I told in my first cycle, but I kind of want to keep it to myself (and my parents) this time round. And it has been good to hook up with you girls here.
Gotta get ready for work. Have a nice day!
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hi trying, what a great news! you will have far more chances this time with 7 embies, sending my best wishes for you!
Hopefully you won't be too rush & tired during your trip and try to enjoy yourself. Statistics showed that happy women can conceive much more easily... I saw a sharing from other local forum that a woman broght funny videos on the day of transfer. She laughed a lot while resting on bed after the egg transfer, while others were worried. She was successed with twins.
Best wishes and keep my fingers crossed for you, trying.
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Will you ask your doc why he suggested 7 at the same time? I have read that they used to transfer more embryos in the past when the technology was not so good.
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I consulted a gynae yesterday - one of the ones mentioned alot here. He scared me to death about my age and told me not to waste time and go for IUI very soon even though we have not been trying for very long. This was even before he did an ultrasound. I know my age is the biggest issue but he did not care about my cycle and did not take any blood tests. Is this normal? He booked me for an HCG which I think is a good idea so I am doing it, and hubby is getting tested too. I am not sure if he is the one I should go to for treatment.
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I would suggest going to see a different doctor. One that can help you conceive not one that discourages you from trying.
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Sorry, I meant I'll be doing an HSG (not HCG). Thanks Havefaith. Is it normal not to have blood-tests?
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I would recommend getting both hubby and you tested at the same time. Bloodtest for you and an u/s examination and semen test for dh. What do you think, HKCC?
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18 yrs ago
Baby be mine,
I don't know what your age is and how many months you've been "trying", but generally for women over 35, they say not to wait more than 6 months of trying naturally before consulting a doctor. Depending on your age and how many months you've been trying, it might be good for you to err on the side of being proactive rather than risk losing out on your most fertile years. By all means, try different doctors until you find one you trust. When I was around 30, the doctor I first consulted told me to wait two years despite a history of menstrual problems and possible endometriosis, which I thought was not responsive enough. So I switched doctors.
If there are any sperm issues, I think you should go for an IUI right away (provided that your tubes are clear). As for blood tests, you should have one around day 2 or 3 for FSH/LH and day 21 for progesterone. If you haven't gotten this, you should ask your doctor to do them.
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18 yrs ago
Babybemine, As JHI one mentioned, blood tests are done at different portions of the cycle. May be you were at a different point in your cycle. Could that be the reason for the Dr. coming across as not caring? I am not sure if age and blocked fallopian tubes (since you are doing HSG) related in any way. Generally, either that or egg production are the biggest infertility reasons.
Having said that, since you have not been trying for that long, my concern with all the gynaes in HK is that many are also infertility specialists. Shouldn't that be a conflict of interest at some point? I think there should be a series of tests- PCT (Post Coital test) and the ones mentioned above before you move towards infertility treatments.
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Thanks JH1, 788 and Havefaith. I am 38, so am really running out of time as pointed out by the doctor yesterday.We have only been TTC for 4 months so I am already being proactive. I do the HSG tomorrow and hubby does the sperm test today. I think he could tell from the ultrasound that my egg supply is depleting, which he said is expected for someone my age. He says he can control hormones so it makes no difference if he does the blood tests. If the tubes are clear and I am not pregnant in this cycle, then I will go for the IUI next cycle. He said he would give me a shot beforehand to boost the number of eggs that get released, and then do the IUI. I am completely depressed about the whole thing and am not able to think about anything else. I told him that I think I am ovulating every month (because of the BBT). That doesn't seem to matter. All that matters is the egg supply & age.
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18 yrs ago
Don't get too depressed! Given your age, it's good that you're being proactive. It just takes one good egg and sperm. Thankfully, you still seem to be ovulating. IUIs are not that invasive. Just think of it as a means to boost your chances of success. Do you know what kind of drugs he will put you on? Drugs like Gonal-F will stimulate multiple egg production. When your eggs are mature, the doctor will tell you to give yourself a shot to release the eggs. Don't get too discouraged and stay positive! Women at your age do get pregnant naturally - you're just giving yourself an edge!
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There is a woman in HKCC's building who got pregnant at 40 then again at 42 with the help of Red Ginseng. It is probably worth a try.
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You're all so sweet. Thank you so much for the support which is holding me together. JH1, I'm not sure what drug is used but the goal is to produce more eggs as you mentioned. Hope one of us has happy news to share soon which will give all of us hope. Babydust to all.
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18 yrs ago
38 is really not that old. I know people who have conceived right uptil 40 and they are doing great.
It is a tough process because you have to get your head around the fact that we need help with something like conception when it should be simpler. But we are all able to afford and get the help we want and we should all count our blessings for it! Plus if we can have 2 babies sooner because of this process.... how I would love that.
For my medicated IUI's I used Clomid Citrophane(sp?). It regulates your ovulation and produces more eggs, but it thins out your uterus lining, I believe. Gonal F is a much stronger (and costlier) medication. It is also used for IVF cycles.
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BBM and 788,
Yes - that is what I have heard too. Clomid is used by some doctors but my friend had 3 unsuccessful IUIs and then switched doctor and also switched to Gonal F for her last IUI and she is now pregnant. The new doc got her off Clomid because it thins the uterus wall and makes implantation difficult.
I am now in the middle of my first IVF cycle and I am using Gonal F. Gonal F is expensive.
BBM, I am 39 - and I dont believe I am too old. I believe we can still do it. I have a couple of friends who had their 2nd or 3rd child at 40 while they were trying NOT to get pregnant.
Babydust to you all!
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I have a couple of questions - hope you dont mind. I will have the embryo transferred tomorrow. As of today, there are 3 Grade 2+ and 1 Grade 2-. Will they transfer all four?
Do you have any recommendations as to what I do after the transfer? Any musts? must nots? to increase the chance of getting pregnant?
Many thanks,
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788 - may i ask why your husband is having the varicoecele surgery? is his count/morph/mot not sufficient that your dr could not perform icsi with whatever good sperm were provided in the sample?
reason i ask is that my husband had the v. surgery and dr ho was dumbfounded. why bother? was his question. icsi can take care of it. of course that varies patient to patient. dr ho felt it wasn't necessary. i wish (and my husband wishes MORE) that we had checked with him before slating the surgery.
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I would love to have kids - be in 1 or 3. Yes, if the doc gives me a choice I will opt for all 4 to be transferred.
How many of your snow babies are you having transferred? You mentioned a couple of days ago - that it will not be all 7.
Glad to have you to go through the next 2ww together.
Good luck to you too! Lots of baby dust to you and everyone on this thread!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith,
My understanding of grading is this... 2+ means simple 2 and 2- means really grade3. Hospitals here give +/- to look good in . I was supposed to have 4 grade2-, but when I saw them on the computer screen and compared to my first IVF embryos- they were very similar.
I think they would transfer 3 best ones. I know we want to conceive so badly that we would like to some way or another increase our chances. But we should think about the environment ie the uterus, we might be providing for 1 or 2 vs. 3 or 4 fetus. The chances of miscarriage/ complications are significantly higher and so are the chances of problems with the the baby when the number of fetuses get upto to 3. I am really sorry if I am coming across as a complete dampner to your enthusiasm. Its hard to compare to trying- because of her endo which is why I think the doc is transferring 4.
Try to relax, if you could!:) I am assuming you have a Day3 transfer, implantation is supposed to happen with the next 5-7 days. So Rest. No exercise, No lifting/ moving heavy things (no more than 8-9 kilos/ 20lbs). Don't run across streets crossing the road or run to get the doorbell.
My best best best wishes for tomorrow...
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Thanks. You are so right. I should do what is sensible.
Yes - it is a Day 3 transfer. I will most probably just stay home tomorrow and most of Monday. I have not exercised since HKCC's advice two weeks ago. I will also not do any running, heavy lifting. I will not travel for the next two weeks either.
Thanks for your wishes. I will keep you posted.
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18 yrs ago
I have had 2 natural cycle IUIs and I think the ovulation monitoring would be similar. They use blood tests to monitor your LH levels/ surge, so you should be fine.
Due to varicocele, my husband's sperm morphology is poor, about 1% normal. Early on, we tried IUI's. As the results for his tests came in, our doc realized thats IUI's would not succeed. Since then, we have tried 2 IVF cycles with ICSI to circumvent the problem. Cycle 1- The embryo quality was Grade 3, 9 embryos and none of them could be frozen for an FET cycle. The doc suggested endometrial cell co-culture to improve the quality of embies. Unfortunately, endo cell co-culture is not an option available in this part of the world.
We approached Dr. Philip Ho and asked him what we could do about the embryo quality since that seemed to be our main problem for embies not implanting. He said quality is dependent on 3 things, egg, sperm and lab environment. He asked us to wait for this cycle, see if results were different in the 2 labs. After my last IVF cycle with Dr. Ho, the embryos were again grade 3. When this cycle failed, he called and suggested that we get the varicocele surgery done first and then try another IVF cycle after 3 months. We are really trying this through process of elimination of possible reasons and with a belief in theory of probability-- lets hope it works!:)
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Goodluck with the ET. I'm sure everything will go well. Just get plenty of rest and don't stress yourself over the symptoms afterwards. I'm hoping to have my ER late next week. I haven't exactly been given the go ahead with the cycle coz Dr could only see 4-5follies measuring around 12mm after 8 days of stims. If I don't get more, he suggests resorting back to IUI...that would be a real bummer!
I didn't sleep well last night coz I had some pain in the ovaries. I have to do the suppressant injections this morning on top of the usual stims...feel like a walking pin cushion.
Have a nice and lazy Sunday everyone!
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Thank you for your kind wishes.
Dont worry too much about whether you end up doing IUI or IVF - as long as we get pregnant. Are you still doing accupunture? I know what you mean by being a walking pin cashion. I had three injections one day last week and felt they were running out of space to do more injections.
Was your FSH quite high this cycle? I only had 5 eggs when I went for the egg retrieval - is it because mine were bigger rather than I had more that allowed doc to proceed with IVF.
I hope the pain in your ovaries has gone by now.
Have a good and restful Sunday!
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Thanks girls...feel a lot better now.
I went for the suppressant injection this morning and was it PAINFUL!!!! Have to go again tomorrow morning too and I suppose all the way up to retrieval!!! Dreading it a lot. The nurse was really sweet though, she treated me like a little 5yr old girl going for a rubella. Anyway, I'm going in for a scan tomorrow so we'll see if the follies have grown.
Take care!
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Good luck w the scan tomorrow! Our thoughts will be with you!
I had 3 embryo transferred today. I will have a lazy day today and tomorrow.
A woman in the bed opposite to mine - had 17 eggs retrieved and 15 were being fertilized. I was so jealous. Dh calmed me down by saying it is not a competition and we only need one.
Good luck everyone!
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Great news! Now its time to get plenty of rest and use it as an excuse to do nothing. Make sure hubby does nice things for you. Did you go to the Sanitorium for your procedure?
Thanks for the well wishes and I'll let you know how it goes.
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Yes - I was at the Sanitorium. I am with Dr Ho as well. I have slept for about 8 hours since the procedure. Not sure how I can be so tired. Yes - hubby has been very nice to me.
Remember slcj - they retrieved 4 eggs from her and 3 fertilized - and she managed to have one baby. Dont be too concerned! Of course, they more eggs the higher the chance - but we only need one.
Keep us posted on the scan! We will all be keeping our fingers crossed for you!
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788 - you really have been through the ringer. good for you for listening to your drs advice and for researching options. fwiw, dr ho told us the same thing when we went to him (we started if treatments in 1999), and he still maintains that. process of elimination is a smart, methodical way to find a hopeful solution to your problem.
i am so very very sorry though, that your journey has been so long, and i am guessing, expensive. it is good that you have found a great support group.
have faith - good luck to you.
all best ladies. abn
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18 yrs ago
Thanks, Abitnaive. It is really valuable to have a support group. Just having someone empathize, relate to you and encourage you, is so comforting.
It has been a long emotional year since last June. And with so many IUI's, IVFs and now surgery, it sure is expensive. My life, in spite of all the hectic changes over the year, sometimes feels on hold because having a child is all I can think about. We have given ourselves the end of the year... till then we will try whatever we have to/ need to.
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I am so sorry to hear what you and dh have been through in the past. We are all here for you! If the TCM, Accupunture and IVF combination work for me - then I would definitely share that with you (and others) and see if you want to give it a try.
Abn, Thanks for your kind wishes.
Blessed, How did the scan go?
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havefaith - fwiw - i used the exact combination that you are using, tcm, acupuncture and ivf. i made mistakes with the acu at first, starting too late (just before or during a medicated cycle) but eventually the combination worked.
788 - what you wrote about "my life...sometimes feels on hold because having a child is all i can think about..." really struck a chord with me. at one point i felt like my year was divided into 12 opportunities to have a child. there was really nothing else. no holidays, and i pretty much shut myself off from the rest of hong kong, and my husband. sad, lonely times. thank goodness for the internet and IF groups where others "get" what you are saying, feeling and experiencing.
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ABN, did you keep up the acupuncture and tcm since your last IVF? I had been on tcm for about two months before I got pregnant last year. I did not start the accupuncture until last month. You mentioned before that you have stopped your tcm after the injections - are you back on tcm now?
How did you scan go?
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I went in for the appt today and the numbers seem OK so I'm being booked for the ER on Saturday. Since upping my meds, I've been mega bloated and tired. My waistline feel like it is ten inches more. The things we go through!
I'm also doing acupuncture with Dr Helen He and she's pretty good, but she's only in HK on Tues and Thurs which is a little inconvenient. I can't remember but are you supposed to do a session before or after the ET?
Havefaith - How are you feeling? Have you taken some days off work? I'm thinking of taking 3 days off if I can (I didn't do that last time so I partly blame the lack of rest for the failure)
788 - Keep positive! As a friend told me, a woman's body was meant for having babies so it will happen one day. Don't lose faith although it is easier said than done.
It's 9.30pm and I'm knackered. Off to bed. Goodnight!
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I am doing accupuncture with Dr. Ceclia The. I like her very much. You supposed to have an accupuncture session before egg retrieval and then one day before and one day after the ET. I skipped one session and only did a session before egg retrieval and then one day after the ET.
I am feeling fine. A bit gassy. I rested both yesterday and today. I cant really take any more time off work.
If you can take 3 days off then that would be good. Get plenty of rest!
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pg mentioned
i continued with acupuncture throughut the 2ww with two of my six fertility treatments (one iui, two fresh ivf, three fet's). i would definitely recommend it.
never did i have treatment the day of transfer.
my issue was a weak liver meaning there were blocked meridiens resulting in by the time the blood flow hit the uterus there was not a strong enough pull for even great quality embryos to implant. accordingly, my acupuncturist recommended we start aucpunture three months before transfer, twice a week.
he also started me on some chinese herbs four months prior to my cycle commencing. that cycle was successful. however, i also had a successful cycle using no acu/tcm at all, however i felt healthier, stronger etc when i used the acu/tcm.
hth. since i am no longer actively cycling, if you don't want "hi-jackers" on your thread, i completely understand.
all best
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18 yrs ago
Thanks, ABN, Havefaith and Blessed for your kind words. I am reasonably positive (I am so positive sometimes that I hope I am pregnant even after the full force of AF!!:)) but these days I feel tired of the dual life I seem to be leading. I recently organized a baby shower for a friend. I really wanted her to have a good time but I wished I did not have to go. During supper last evening with a couple of girlfriends, one of them announced she was pregnant with her 2nd. The entire conversation focused on experience of being pregnant, giving birth, raising children, made it a really long supper. I was fully involved all evening giving my 2 cents worth... but it is tiring and my tear ducts were active in the taxi back home.
Wanted to ask you ladies about tcm/ acupuncture. Do they really help? I am changing my tune somewhat and more receptive.
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I am so sorry to hear what you went through. I have been there so many times. It is really difficult - I know but try to be strong and stay positive.
I was on TCM for only two months last year before I got pregnant. Yes - I believe it helped me. TCM doc advised me that my blood flow is stagnant - making it a less than desirable place for the empbryo to implant.
I did not start acupunture until one month ago - it is along the same line of treatment - helping my blood flow.
I feel much stronger after receiving the accupunture and TCM.
Look at it another way - it wont hurt to give it a try.
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ABN, we love success stories so you are not hijacking at all.
Havefaith & Blessed, fingers crossed for you both.
788, completely understand how you feel - we're all feeling similar pressure. I think I need to learn from you about being positive.
I did my HSG and it came out fine. Hubby is doing his test in the two week wait.
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Thanks for your kind wishes.
Glad to hear your HSG level is fine. That's great news.
Blessed, How are things? When is the egg retrieval?
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Hi All,
My ER is scheduled for Sat morning and I trigger tonight. I hate that trigger shot! I'm just keeping cautiously optimistic about the whole thing.
ABN - you're more than welcome here...don't mind your friendly invasion at all...the more the merrier.
Havefaith - how's everything going? Have you done the ET yet? Get lots of rest and keep the ab area warm.
I'll keep you all posted!
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I hate the trigger shot too - it is always the most painful one. Good luck with the ER on Sat - I will keep my fingers crossed for you! All will go well!
I have the ET on Sunday - I stayed home both Sunday and Monday - only place I went to on Monday was to have my acupuncture session. Thanks for the tips. I have been taking my folic acid, no sex or heavy lifting, no exercise. I think I have put on 10 lbs in the last couple of weeks.
I am going to a Ball this Sat - should be fun trying to fit into one of my old dresses.
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I had my ER today and 16 eggs were retrieved. I thought I heard wrong when my DH told me. And before we left the clinic told us that all 16 were mature. Just hope that they fertilise well and the grades are good!! But whatever the case may be, it only takes one good one!
How are you feeling? Did you do a 3 or 5 day transfer? Hope everything is going well for you.
Baby dust to us all!
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That's great news! 16 - wow! So happy for you - Keep my fingers crossed - yes, we just need one good one but there is nothing wrong with having 16 good ones.
I am OK - just got back from a ball. I had to go thru 3 dresses before I found one that would fit.
I did a Day 3 transfer. Are you going to go for an accupuncture session before and after the ET?
Good luck and baby dust to you! Gets lots of rest. Hope you have a restful and great Sunday - did you manage to get 3 days off for the ET?
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The lab called me today and told me that I had 8 very good embies, 7 good ones and 1 fair. I didn't bother asking about the +/- coz I don't think it would make a huge difference. Dr Ho suggested that I do a 5 day transfer this time around so I'm cautiously excited. I think I'll ask the lab tomorrow when they update me again whether there is any fragmentation with the embies coz I read from Zita West's book that a near perfect embie shouldn't have too much fragmentation.
How's your 2WW going? Any signs yet? And when do you go for your first beta?
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8 very good ones, 7 good and 1 fair - that's great. Did you ask them for the grades? The grades will give you an indication on the degree of fragmentation, if any.
2ww is going ok. Going in at the end of the week for the blood test.
Did you manage to get 3 days off? Are you going for your accupuncture sessions before and after the ET?
Take care of yourself! Get tons of rest before and after the ET. Lots of baby dust to you. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!
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I got the last update today coz they won't be 'disturbing' the embies tomorrow. 8xGr2+, 2xGr2- and 3xblastocysts, which have divided into around 100cells already. The lab sid they were the best ones. The others are 6-8 celled ones so the figures seem to be on track so far. I wonder if these blastocysts would grow really crazily! I've still got another day before the transfer.
Thanks for all your well-wishes. You're lucky that you're almost at the end of the 2ww. Are you planning to do a HPT? It's tempting isn't it?
I'll see if I can schedule an acupuncture session after the transfer. The hassle is to get to Central for it and I don't know if I should be moving around like that. I'll just see how it goes. I'm going to be off on Thurs and Fri and the weekend is of course time to rest. Do you know how many days the embies should start sticking after transfer? I want to take it easy on and around those days.
Good luck on your beta and HEAPS of baby dust ot you too!
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That is great news! Your embies are doing really well. I have read on various websites that blastocysts have a very high chance of implantation and successful pregancies.
I am going to try my best to wait - til the end of the week.
When are you going for your ET? I have heard that embies will implant from 5 to 7 days after the ET. Does it make a difference if you are doing a Day 5 transfer?
Take it easy - get lots of rest!
Wishing you tons of luck and baby dust!
Keep us posted,
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Blessed, I hope your ET went well? Day 5 transfer of blastocysts should improve your chances - only 50% of embryo's reach blastocyst stage (so well done!) and as per 'normal process', they apparently reach the uterus around day 5 so it's more in line with nature's timing. Implantation would happen shortly after ET.
Havefaith, hope you're still feeling ok? Not much longer to wait now...
Keeping my fingers cross for both of you!
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Thanks for your kind wishes! I am so nervous. I think I am going crazy and imaging all these symptoms.
Good job I am quite busy at work right now - otherwise I would definitely go crazy.
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Hi all,
I had my ET today and I'm feeling OK. They transferred 2 blasts. Went for a session of acupuncture afterwards around noon in Central and that wasn't such a good idea! It was so hot and the lunchtime crowd was the last thing I needed. I'm walking around really slowly now like I'm moonwalking and slept for around 2 hours when I got home.
In the afternoon I got a call from the doc and was told that my progesterone was good so that's a relief!
Anyway, will definitely have a slob of a night and day tomorrow.
Goodluck Havefaith!! And thanks for the well wishes Lena. It's nice to get this sort of support during these times.
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18 yrs ago
Hi all,
I’m in my early thirties, had 2 IUI, 1 IVF and 2 FET. My first IVF resulted in pretty sever OHSS and a heterotopic pregnancy. The uterus pregnancy couldn't survive and stopped developing in my second trimester.
I am now in the 2WW for my 2rd IVF with the same Doctor. Not getting any good vibes about the outcome. Doc is very very nice, attentive and ethical compared to some of the other doctors I checked out before I embark on this fertility marathon. He is also a friend. I know he is trying his best to help me but insofar, I'm not seeing any result and am getting very frustrated.
Wondering if I should change doctor or stick to him since he is familiar with my history. Any suggestions?
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Dear All,
I just got a -ve test. I got the results over the phone when I was at work. I called my hubby -I felt like crying but didnt.
Hope everything goes well for you, Blessed. Lots of Baby dust to you! Take care and give us all hope!
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Havefaith, I'm so sorry to hear this. I know its easier said than done, but just put it behind you, keep trying, and believe it will happen when it is meant to happen. This is all so out of our control. Take care.
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Thanks for your comforting message. I am OK - it is so great to have all of you! I still have faith that we will all have LOL soon.
Have a good weekend,
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18 yrs ago
Havefaith, I am so sorry you got a -ve result. Do be strong. It will happen! Did you get to talk to the Dr. yet on why what when kind of stuff? Probably tomorrow or so. Keep the board posted.
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I thought I would be in tears. Last night when I was thinking about getting tested - I did not want to think about getting a -ve result. I thought I will feel like the end of the world - but it is actually OK.
I have also decided I will go part-time. I talked to my boss and he said it should be OK. I think going part-time will help me relax more and enjoy life.
One thing I have been meaning to ask is what does AF stand for. I know it means period - but cant work out what it is the acronym of.
I will definitely ask the doc - these questions. I never thought of asking before. I did everything I was supposed to - and avoided everything I was supposed to avoid. At the end, it was still - ve.
Take care! Lots of babydust to everyone.
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Havefaith -
I'm so sorry to hear of your result. it can't be easy after hoping for something for so long - but like your login handle says - havefaith and it will have to happen soon.
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AF = Aunt Flo. An easy way to get out of something - "oh I can't go swimming today. My Aunt Flo came over today." not at all's a euphemism.
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Good to hear from you! Thanks for your comforting words - I am fine.
I once read somewhere that the thing to do when you find out you are not pregnant is to do ALL those things you cant when you are waiting. I had ice-cream tonight.
Aunt Flo - that's funny. I will have to remember that.
How is your pregnancy going? Hope your morning sickness is not too bad.
I still have faith that it will happen soon! I am quite excited about working part-time. It should give us time to do something fun during the week.
Wishing everyone on this website tons of babydust and everyone else out there who TTC.
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I'm so sorry to hear of your result. But you are a really strong woman. Keep your head high and talk to the doc about what might have went wrong. I've actually decided to quit my job in a few months to take it easy, whatever the results may be. Take care and it will happen one day!
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Havefaith -
my best friend is going through the same process as you. 6 years of trying, 2 miscarriages, and three rounds of IUI and still nothing and is just starting on IVF. So I told her to do ALL THE THINGS she won't be able to do once she does have kids - drink, eat lots of sushi (her personal favorite) travel to non kid friendly places (currently on a much wanted trip to France) and shop for herself instead of the children. It may be small consolation, but I think it's a great way to live - you shouldn't live your life on hold - but instead live your life the way you want it to be.
Anyways, - me - I'm feeling a bit nauseous but nothing too horrible, going for another scan next week. Hopefully all is still well.
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Blessed, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I think it is a great idea to quit your job - I would too but I get stressed when I am not working so thats why I decided to go part-time. It is so tough to go part-time in HK - it is almost shocking news to people when I tell them that.
HKCC, I am thinking of getting my hair straightened, having a facial, probably having sushi at some point next week. I will go back to the gym and try to lose some of the weight I have gained in the last few months.
Good luck with your scan next week - I am sure everything will be fine - is it every 3 weeks that you go in for a scan. Just collecting data for one day when I do get pregnant.
Good luck to your friend, HKCC, it is a tough journey but one that is paid off at the end. I am sure you are doing an excellent job at cheering her up.
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Havefaith and anyone who is reading this, I'm new to this forum and have been following this thread and TTC#2 for a long time now. As with many of you I'm addicted too to this forum, simply because I'm on the same boat.
I'm in my late 30s and have been trying for as long as I can remember. Lots of IUI (can't remember how many), 1 IVF and 1 FET with no success! I know how it feels and I haven't given up hope, so stay positive everyone it will happen very soon!!!
Babydust to all
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Good to "meet" you and thank you for your words of encouragement.
I still have faith and believe that it will happen to everyone that wants and tries to make it happen.
Let us know your progress.
Babydust to everyone!
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Havefaith -
scans are generally not "necessary" according to my father. He warns me that private docs like to do a lot of them because they get more money! When I went public at Queen Mary, I didn't have them every month - I had about a total of four I think, and then I had an additional one under the care of my father in order to make sure that there were no major defects visible. (called something like a level 4 scan, which is generally reserved for women of a certain age - I wasn't, but I got one day anyways.) He said that four is more the norm - if the doppler can pick up heartbeat, mom is healthy and whatnot - no need to do too many scans. It's our current obsession to SEE that makes us do more.
My first one was more just a "confirmation" of heartbeat - especially since I was so worried. But my dad said again it was unnecessary - they should have been able to pick up on the doppler, but I did feel better having seen the little thing flutter.
My first pregnancy, I didn't go to a doctor until I was 10 weeks along, and even then I didn't have a scan.
Generally speaking, it seems most private docs in HK will scan you each time you go - which is around once a month. If you're a higher risk pregnancy, or for some other reason, perhaps more often. Towards the end, the scans are more for positioning of the baby - and just overall birth preparation. My 2nd baby - I got scans in the last two months every two weeks - and it was a good thing because I had multiple random presentations (breech, transverse, breech transverse etc.) and then I got diagnosed with low amniotic fluid, which no one would have caught without the ultrasound. Enough about this.
Ooh - go get your hair straightened - I say hair straightened, lots of yummy forbidden foods (I currently massively crave major soft cheese as well as squid which is forbidden on the Korean diet) and a facial where you lie on your back (because this also becomes uncomfortable.) Ahhh....the things I would do. What else - maybe a major hike? Rock climbing? Paragliding? Something adventurous and dangerous?
How is hubby holding on? It sounds like you've got the right attitude - a break from work also sounds like the trick. Another girlfriend of mine, stressful job as an attorney, couldn't get pregnant for 5 years, and then upon quitting her job, stopping all fertility treatments got pregnant naturally!
Longing - what a long haul for you. You will still try and continue doing what you are doing - which is more education, more effort and continued hope. I hope you also enjoy what you have now - (sleeping in, quiet nights, lots of dates with hubby) in the process of trying to expand your family!
I am gearing up for minivan mom butt - which is not a pretty sight..
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Thanks for the info about scans. I will watch out for the unnecessary scans. Is there any harm in getting the scans? That's a real concern for me.
Hubby is doing OK. He told me before we started IVF that we have to be prepared for a -ve result. I am also a lawyer (with a managerial role and lots of travelling involved as well) - none of this help. I am really looking forward to part-time.
I had smoked salmon for dinner last night - havent had that for a long time. I would love to go to Tibet - but hubby is not that keen - but we have made plans to spend 2 to 3 weeks in Canada - we will do some major hikes when we are there.
How far are you along now? Is it 7 or 8 weeks? I just remember you had your first scan on 2 or 3 May.
Take care! Lots of baby dust to everyone!
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Morning all...
What a miserable day it is here....but perfect for sleeping in.
I'm OK so far, no real symptoms yet. I keep having this internal soliloquy about whether the embies are sticking, whether I should be feeling any different and just very paranoid in general. This week is going to be hard and knowing me, I'll be off to Mannings to buy the Clearblue next weekend. I was thinking to myself, even if I do get a +, I'm not going to be able to really relax until after 12 weeks coz anything could still happen. What a journey!
Yes, it's been such a good feeling since informing my boss about leaving the job. I'm not the type to do nothing, so I've secured some freelance jobs that I can do from home.
Anyway, I might snuggle back into bed and do some reading. Enjoy the wet Sunday.
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I have heard from someone who was successful with their IVF that she did not experience any symptoms. I know it is hard - but try to relax and get lots of rest.
Lots of luck and babydust to you!
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Hi All, I'm going through my 3rd IUI this year as the experience of going through another IVF is giving me the creeps. All the bloating, injections, tests and waiting was too much. Hubby wants me to try if I can for another IVF in a couple of months if this 3rd IUI fails which I will know in a couple of days. The worst thing about this process is all the waiting and imaginary symptoms of being pregnant. I suppose when you want something so much for so long it's hard to stop thinking about it. The amount of money we've spent on this process is enough to buy a small seaview flat in HK!
Anyway, we mustn't give up hope which I did several times in the past. Be positive everyone and HKCC your advice and experience is very useful.
There really is nothing we can do except do what we can and hope for the best...surely it can't be this diffcult!!!
Good luck everyone
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Good luck with your test in a couple of days time. You are absolutely right - the waiting is hard.
Count on us to be here for you - hopefully it will be of some help.
Lots of baby dust to everyone!
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hello ladies
just wanted to drop by, wish blessed a swift 2ww, and say hello to everyone else.
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hi there,
thanks for the well wishes...i can either do a beta on sat which will be 9dp5dt or monday which will be 11dp5dt...still struggling!! DH tells me to go on monday so I might cave and POAS this weekend.
Hope everyone else is doing well. Longing, how're things with you?
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Let us know how it goes once you have decided. In any event, good luck with the test. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
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Hi all...
Well I got a positive!!! I couldn't wait and POAS, saw a positive, then went and did the beta. I'm soooo happy now but I just hope the numbers double and triple nicely. Next beta is on Wed. so I'll update you all.
Thanks for being so supportive and this thread is truly a saviour.
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Hi Blessed,
Congratulations! What a great news for person like me by giving me lot more hope toward this ivf treatment. Please keep us updated for the next scans, and I have a feeling that you will have twins : )
Now I will start to update this forum again. I have just started my gonal-f shots this week, and will have my scan next monday to check the embies status vs.drug reactions. Well my tummy is already bloated like balloon, feeling depressed and light headed all the time...
I also have accupucture & tcm with Cecilia this moment. I don't know what else I need to do to have myself ready for this treatment. Any kind of food I should/ should not eat?
Hi 788 & trying, are you still with this forum? please keep us updated when you can.
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Blessed, That's great news. I am so happy for you! I too think you are going to have twins. You have given me hope. Is this your second IVF?
Linlin123, Kelly (Dr. Ho's office) suggested fish maw soup after the ET and avoiding papaya too.
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Hi Havefaith,
Thanks for the info.
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Thanks Havefaith and linlin123. Yes, it's my 2nd IVF and I hope it holds out this time. It's been a long struggle and I've always believed that it will happen one day. I'm still cautiously optimistic about it and hope that the coming betas will rise nicely.
I had quite a lot of chicken soup (as advised by my acupuncturist) and did have some fish maw soup, although I didn't know it was good for post ET. I was also told to stay away from bananas, bitter gourd and green beans (the dessert type) as they're cooling foods. I sometimes wonder whether I'm getting a bit schizo over what to eat and what not to but after thinking about the amount of time and money that goes into getting to this stage, anything goes!
linlin123 - I read on another site that gatorade is supposed to get rid of bloating and some women swear by it but I haven't tried that. You might want to ask Dr Ho about that one. Keep up with the acupuncture coz I think there is some truth in it.
I don't know about twins but I would be very happy with even a healthy singleton.
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Hope you dont mind me asking you more questions. Did you have alot of eggs your first IVF? What did you do or not do this time that is different from the last time? Sorry for the no. of questions - I am just hoping to learn from your experience.
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I don't mind the questions at all. Although I'm not completely there yet, I'd love to help others out who are in the same boat.
I had more eggs this time. Last time I retrieved 7 but this time it was 16. Also, I transferred 3 so-so quality ones last time (3-day transfer) but this time, I transferred 2 blasts (5-day transfer).
The difference between this and last time... well I started acupuncture in December and have been doing it on average 2-3 times a month. I'm also less stressed at work. But I think the main thing is I was put on a different protocol. I took the nasal spray last time, but didn't do that this time. And I've been put on a slightly higher dosage of gonal-f and towards the end of the stims, it was less gonal-f + menopur and that's when the U/S showed the sudden increase int the number of eggs. Because we have MF, hubby has been taking the vitamins 'c*cktail' so I don't know if that helped as well. As you can see, it's really a hit and miss situation and I had complete faith in Dr Ho coz all along, he just gave me the feeling he knew exactly what he was doing and it was working.
What kind of protocol are you on? Have you spoken to the doc and has he suggested anything different for your next cycle?
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Thanks for sharing your experience.
When was your last IVF? Did you wait a bit until you started this IVF cycle? How did your FET go?
I was on the short protocol too - started GonalF on Day 3. I had a brief discussion with Dr. Ho - he said there was not enough eggs. I only had 5 and 4 fertilised. He ended up putting in 3 (Grade 2) - Day 3 transfer.
I have also read on the internet that Day 5 transfer has a higher success rate because it is closer to nature.
Hubby wants to do the next cycle next month. I started accupuncture about one month ago.
It might be an age issue too. I am 39 - are you quite a bit younger?
Sorry for all these questions -
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Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I don't want to get my hopes up too high but I've at least jumped the first hurdle.
Havefaith - I didn't do an FET for the first cycle coz we didn't have any to freeze. The quality wasn't so good and the other embies just didn't last. This cycle, we've frozen 3. Yes, i think the 5 day transfer has made a difference and the egg quality this time was a lot better. Trying is does depend on luck. I'm 35 so am slightly younger but am pushing it. Don't worry, other websites have stories of a lot of women in their 40s who are successful, so 39 isn't an issue. How's your FSH?
Feeling tired and bloated all day and don't feel like leaving the sofa. Better go and grab something to eat now.
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pg mentioned
BLESSED - many many congratulations on the bfp! you're right, a huge hurdle has been passed.
havefaith, i also have several good friends who have been successful through ivf who are in their 40's.
linlin, my acupuncturist and TCM guy told me "everything in moderation" regarding food. there is an old wives tale regarding pineapple assisting with implantation, please do not overdo the pineapple, as it is so very acidic. don't go overboard with anything was his advice.
good luck.
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18 yrs ago
Congratulations, Blessed! Its great to hear of your success after 2 tries. I am sure the embies are holding on quite well. Good luck for the next stages.
I have some questions for you too. Do you think the quality of your embryos improved because of acupuncture or something else? You mentioned you have MF. What does MF mean? and what kind of a Vitmain c*cktail was/is your husband taking?
Hi trying and linlin123- I do keep checking in in this forum. Am doing ok. We are headed to nyc next week for my husband's varicocele surgery. It seems that the sperm produced, say today, is actually processed by the male body 3 months prior- so we have to wait 3 months for the surgery to take effect.
We are also about to put ourselves on a potential adoptive list in India. Still making some inquiries on the process. Seems it can take a while (1 to 2 years) to get that processed too.
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Hi Blessed,
Thanks for sharing the food advises. Today my hubby just went out and buy a chicken for soup as suggested, and will try the fish maw soup too.
Nice to see you back again and thanks for yur wishes. If everything goes fine, I will have my ER around beg June, will keep you updated too.
So pineapple is good for implant. Will try maybe couple slices a day, thanks :)
Good luck with your honey's surgery and will keep my fingers crossed for you both.
I will have my U/S tomorrow to see how my embies react with gonal-f, will update you girls.
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Thanks for sharing your experience and info.
My FSH is quite good - I think it was 7 last month when I did the IVF.
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How many embies did the doc ended up transferring? Was it 4?
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18 yrs ago
Has anyone done an egg retrieval without undergoing general anaesthesia? If so, can you feel the needle during the extraction? Is it painful?
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Hi Ladies,
I was there like most of you but the only thing is that i did not go for all these tests while waiting to get pregnant except praying and thanking God for a healthy and beautiful child. Got married in the age of 35+ in 1999, 6 months later got pregnant on first try but miscarriage at week 6. 2nd time was 9 months later in the States and skiing Canada, miscarriage at week 10. after that I told myself to rest for as long as I want... 2 years later, trying again but did not get pregnant at all till last June, woke up one morning feeling all the symptoms of having period,. Bought a bunch of sanitary pads but the period did not arrive after 5 days, every part of my body including my hair was telling me that i am pregnant. At week six just went to a gyne that we don't know from Adam in Tsuen Wan.... He asked me and hubby why wait till now to get pregnant, should come to see him earlier.... very nice doctor who told me to have chocolate, ice-cream, Mac Donald etc if milk or cheese is not my best friend!! Got a handsome son on Feb 14, 2007 by way of C-section at PMH due to breech. Yes, he is our valentino! Dedicated back to Jesus on May 13, 2007, Mother's Day. Finally I am holding a child on Mother's day.
So ladies, be encouraged, i was one month b4 turning 43 to have a child. you have plenty of time to go. take heart and enjoy the treatment. Ladies, you are a mother even now!
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Thanks for your encouraging message.
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Blessed, that's fantastic news. Congratulations!
My hormone tests came back fine and hubby's sperm is in the normal range also. Doc recommends I do a natural cycle IUI this month. As we haven't been trying very long, he doesn't recommend drugs this month, but I'm not getting younger, so why not try it and monitor my cycle at the same time. Hope it works.
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Hi Ladies,
Just got my u/s today with dr. Alex Doo. He didn't say much after the scan. He said woman in my age (i am 35) should have more eggs.... that sounds depressing. Anyway, he saw 3 follicles around 10 - 7 mm, and other small ones, with total of 10, after 5 stims. He suggested me to continue the gonal-f for 2 more days and will scan again this Wed.
Blessed, can i know how many gonal-f shots did you have for the treatment? I have 2 x 300ml, 3 x 225ml, and will have another 2 x 225ml for next 2 days. Thanks ahead!
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Hi linlin123,
I was on gonal-f from day 3 until 36 hours before retrieval. I was on 300 all along but towards the end, I was put on 150 gonal-f + menopur (not sure what the dosage was) for 3 days and that's when my eggs really appeared I think. So I think I was on 12 days of stims altogether. Don't worry, I had slow growth at the beginning but for some reason, it caught up afterwards and I retrieved 16 mature eggs. How are your shots? Are you bloated?
I'm feeling nervous about the second beta on Wednesday. I wished it could be earlier. I had cramps on the weekend but they seemed to have gone away today...don't know if that's a good or bad sign. I hope everything is OK....
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Hi Blessed & Trying,
Thanks for your sharing. I hope the eggs will catch up like you, in the meantine I might just stop the tcm as the doc suggested while having the stims. Although I don't know if it's related, but I guess it's good not to mix both the shots & tcm at the same time.
And Blessed, please be happy and relaxed! I am sure you will have lots of great news waiting for you on Wed. Lots of baby dusts to you!
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18 yrs ago
Thanks for your wishes, linlin123. The very best to you in the coming weeks!
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Hi all,
I'm at work now and just want to leave a quick message...I went for my 2nd beta today and it came back 1300! I'm so delighted and over the moon. Going to see doc this afternoon. There are so many more hurdles to jump but I hope each one gets a little easier.
Thanks for all the reassurance from everyone here. Although I'm no expert, I'm glad I can be of help to you all.
Better Go!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Narnia/ Blessed, Thats GREAT!! Must be a relief!:)
I had some questions for you earlier, I think they got a little buried among various posts. Would very much appreciate if you could explain, at your convenience. We have been struggling with the quality of embryos and since yours moved from one spectrum to another, I was curious how. Do you think the quality of your embryos improved because of acupuncture or something else? You mentioned you have MF. What does MF mean? and what kind of a Vitmain c*cktail was/is your husband taking? I am going to start mine on ginseng as some other posts had suggested after his surgery.
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Yes, it's a big relief. Sorry I overlooked your questions. I'll try to answer them now.
I don't know if it was the acupuncture or whether I was just generally more relaxed this time around. Personally, I think acupuncture isn't for everyone, but for some reason, I seem to react quite well to it. The acupuncturist said that if DH was willing to visit her, she could help him out with his problems. And this leads to the second point. MF means male factors - DH has low motility and his sperm quality isn't too good either. So my doc put him on vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc and he's been on it for about 6 months now. I don't know whether his sperm quality has improved coz there we only needed 16 sperms for the 16 eggs this time.
I hope I've answered some of your questions and I'd be happy to answer anything else you're confused with.
Take care!
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18 yrs ago
Thanks! The high use of abbreviations in HK leave me very confused:) I still have a long way to go with them. Ofcourse MF!- thats the trouble we have as well. But Dr. Ho asked us to go ahead with the surgery. I still haven't made up my mind about acupuncture. May I ask who your acupuncturist is? Would you recommend her?
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You had mentioned in one of your previous responses that you have become quite spiritual. Do you think that made a difference? If it was not you that said that, please forgive me. Thank you.
Take care,
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Well, I didn't it isn't exactly 'spiritual' but I was a lot more calmer, and did some meditation at night before bed, but that was about it. I think it really is how you handle it yourself and how you approach the cycle. Are you going to take a break or start a new cycle right away?
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That's funny - I just started mediation again (having stopped for several years).
I am taking this month off. If my FSH level is low next month, I will probably go ahead with the IVF next month.
I ended up resigning - and will not be starting my new (part-time) job for a few months. I think it will be good to de-stress and relax this summer.
How is everything with you? When is your first scan?
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Havefaith, I read an article saying how relaxing and getting rid of mental barriers helps. I can PM it to you if you are interested.
Part-time work sounds great, whether you are TTC or not!
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I'm sure you'll be able to start this cycle afresh. Just keep calm about it and take each step as it comes. The 2nd cycle is usually easier coz you'll be used to everything and will know exactly what happens. I remember fretting in the OR last time but this time around, I knew exactly what they were going to do to me.
I'm just mega tired now and almost fell asleep at work today. I feel like a slob coz as soon as I get home I'm on the sofa. Also am starting to crave kimchi for some reason and I get hungry easily. Better watch what I eat otherwise I'll be packing on the weight unnecessarily. My first scan will be 11/6 - seems ages away.
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I am going to start my 2nd IVF in June (provided my FSH is low then). I do not have any FE - so a fresh cycle next time. Hopefully, next time I will have more eggs and would not have to start the cycle all over again.
I am feeling more relaxed these days.
I have also come across a success story that I would like to share. A friend has been TTC for 6 years - decided to go for IUI a year ago. After 10 IUI's - she got pregnant - she just saw the heartbeat last week. This is a really encouraging story for all of us. Let's keep trying together - and succeed together.
Blessed and Babybemine, Thanks for the tips. I will try to stay relaxed and calm - off to my weekly massage now!
Lots of babydust to you all!
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I am trying to calm myself down too, and even had an appointment with kinesiologist to relief most of my stress and anxiety. My accupucturist said that she found myself very tense from the treatment which can actually affect the quantity/ quality of my embies.... I really hope by de-stressing now is not too late.
Tomorrow, sunday morning will be my ER day. I was almost told to abandom the treatment by having less follicles than expected (only 10, around 5 mature ones from scan) But good thing is that one of the doc told me not to give up.
Anyway, I really hope I can have some good news from the ER tomorrow. Will keep you girls updated.
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Good luck with your ER tomorrow. Lots of babydust to you!
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All the best and don't lose hope. You might be unexpectedly suprised!
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Hi, just got my ET this morning. I had total of 7 retrieved on monday, 3 are very good quality according to the doc, but the rest were not developed as expected, so no freezing embies for next time. A little bit dissappointed, but maybe I won't need them anyway : )
I was quite nervous today and I just cannot stay still on bed for so long. But I still managed to lay down for 5 hours before leaving the hospital.
On 16th will be my day... I really hope those "very good ones" embies can do their job and grow up! I will have more chicken soup as suggested by blessed, and warm up my tummy with a hot water bag.
The most concern I have is that I just don't sit or lay down still, and do many sudden movements, like pickup falling books etc... I worry if that will make my embies falling out or injured...
And how are you girls doing? Haven't hurt any news from you for a long time. Hopefully everything is going well to you all.
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Good luck with 2ww. The two things Kelly (from Dr. Ho's office) recommended were fish maw soup and stay away from papaya.
Dont worry - just relax!
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Thanks so much for your recommendations. So have you started your ivf treatment yet? How are things going?
This morning my husband and I went to buy ingredients for chicken + fisn maw soup. Had some easy (but very hot) walks, feeling guilty from walking so just heading home. I am having 3 days off plus weekends, so 5 days for relax : )
After the ET, I am having very bloated tummy, some PMS symptoms and cramps, even feeling like the AF is coming... I worry, but I know there is nothing to do except waiting and praying.
Hi Blessed, how were your scans? Do you know yet whether you have twins? Just wondering if you took some day off after the ET? And how did you relax yourself? Did you really just lay down on bed all the time in your 2ww? I am feeling guilty by just walking or moving myself... sorry for the questions, I must be too paranoid.
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hi linlin - you're in my thoughts. to hear an update.
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Hi linlin,
Good to know that you had 3 good embies to transfer. I really did take it easy for 4 days after transfer and didn't do any walking around the streets. After that I was walking around slowly. I didn't use a hotwater bottle unless my tummy was cold and surprisingly, it was OK this time. I wonder whether the acupuncture helped. Take it easy and drink lots of 'nourishing' soups and go to bed early if you can. Are you using cyclogest?
As for me, my scan is scheduled for Monday. It's been a week since I last saw the Dr so I'm also getting paranoid about whether anything is happening inside me. Apart from getting tired easily and a slightly bloated tummy, I don't have any of the typical symptoms...hmmmm.... Monday just seems a lifetime away.
I'll definitely keep you all informed. Keep positive!
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Hi Blessed,
I totally understand the wait. Just write us more to make your time flies faster and we are all here with you : )
Thanks for your advises. I will stay home as much as possible for the rest of my holidays as you do, as the implantation should occure around 6 - 10 days after ER.
More strage symptoms from me besides PMS. I also feel gasy in my uterus. Air actually extracted out from there when I squat down.... this already make me worry whole day scaring the embies falling out.
Anyway, tomorrow I will have my hormone test and hopefully everything goes well.
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pg mentioned...
some reassurances for both blessed and linlin..
blessed, i never had morning sickness, swollen breasts, or traditional pg symptoms with either of my pregnancies. no symptoms are a symptom!
linlin, there is no way that your embies could fall out. your lining is thick and "sticky" and excess air would not be coming from the uterine cavity or fallopian area.
here is a recent thread from ivf connections regarding the use of hot water bottles/hot lights on stomach after embryo transfer:
it's not that definitive.
hang in there ladies.
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Thanks abitnaive, I guess I found out the "air source". It must be the progesterone caps which inserted in my vagina.
I feel so hard this 2ww without this forum. Thanks for your supports and updates.
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I am starting to feel no symptoms right now. I think I just got used to the progesterone drugs and just had lots of rests these days. My head is all about how the blasts implanting and growing... I really hope they can grow healthily instead of dying like my other 3 embies in the lab.
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Try to stay calm (I know it is hard). I will keep praying for you! Have faith!
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hi linlin
if you're feeling symptom free, then remember all the thousands of women out there who conceive naturally (what's that?) each month, who have absolutely no idea that they are pregnant until several days or weeks after they realise they have skipped their periods.
the drs selected the healthiest blasts and transferred them, and the best place for them is in the natural environment of the womb. i know it is easy to compare them to your other embryos, but there are many differences.
like have faith said, it is hard, and we are praying for you.
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You mentioned the thread about hot water bottle - I could not get access to the thread. Please let me know the latest view on this. Thanks.
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Hi Abitnaive & Havefaith,
Thanks for your cares.. you really feel soothing after reading your replies.
Yes I do have problem to access that hot water bottle thread too. Kindly tell us what is in there.... Many thanks!
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that's odd...
consensus has it NO to the hot water bottles/heating lamps after transfer.
happy sunday.
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That's consistent with my TCM doc's view. I generally use a hot water bottle at night (except in the summer). She advised me against it for the latter half of my cycle and also after ET - something about it being too hot for the embryo.
Thanks for the information.
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hi havefaith
my tcm guy and both clinics (in canada and here) were also very anti anything too hot after transfer. that's why they say no hottubs/saunas, etc.
ivfconnections was a life saver for me back in 1999 and 2000 before asiaxpat really contains a wealth of information.
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After reading your messages (abitnaive & havefaith), I was a bit concerned about the use of hot water bag on my 1st day of ET. Good thing I just used it for a short time, covered it with heavy blanket, as i wasn't confortable at all while using it in this hot weather. Hopefully I didn't do any harm to my embies, and thank you so much for the info.
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Dont be too concerned! It was wrapped in a heavy blanket - so the temp would have been much lower than if it was directly on your tummy. Take it easy and dont worry about it! Just relax!
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Thank you Havefaith,
I've been agonizing myself with all the strange thoughts in this 2ww... thanks for your warming messages.
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A friend of mine did 10 IUI's - after the first 9 IUI's she did everything she was supposed to and they were not successful. Three months ago - she did her 10th IUI - she felt her AF was coming and had raw oysters and wine one night - she found out she was pregnant after that dinner. She is now three months along with a strong heart beat.
Nature has its ways of working out!
Just relax and take it easy!
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Hi everyone,
Just want to update you all...I went for my first u/s today and we saw the heartbeat! It was quite an amazing experience. At first I couldn't see it then Dr Ho zoomed in and told us to look at a little white 4mm flashing spot - that's the heartbeat! He said everything looked normal at the moment. PHEW!!! Another sigh of relief! I go back next week to see that it has doubled in size and then my visits will be less regular. I just hope on my dear life that everything goes to plan.
Girls, just hang in there. It WILL happen for you all. Just 6mths ago, i was wondering when I could start my 2nd IVF because of cysts. Stay positive and rest whenever you can.
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That's great news! Was it one heartbeat - I was betting on twins.
Thanks for your words of encouragement - I will stay positive and hopefully in 6 months' time I will have some good news.
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Hi Blessed,
I am so happy for you. The heartbeat really means so much and you should worry less now, and just be a relaxed healthy pregnant lady.
These days I am taking progesterone shots & inserting the caps in daily basis... today the hospital just called me in to have one more extra shot, which helps me to thicken the uterus walls even more. Due to this shot, the bloodtest is now postponed till 18/6.
I am now super bloated and with lots of PMS feeling, just feel like the AF is coming in any min. Cann't wear jeans or normal pants anymore... feeling like gaining extra 10 pounds fat around my lower tummy. I hope this 2ww can pass super fast but safely.
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hi linin
don't worry about the heating pad....remember all those superfertiles who are sunbathing during implantation... my personal feeling about this all is "what will be will be".
will you poas???
blessed - congratulations. this is very very good news. as you are aware, now that you have seen the heartbeat, that is a HUGE hurdle overcome.
xo tess
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Thanks Havefaith, linlin123 and abitnaive for the kind words. Yes, the sign of the heartbeat makes things a little more reassuring BUT I don't consider my self out of the woods yet until I'm clear of the 12wk safety period. ANYTHING could still happen and that's the scary bit. I've always been a fairly cautious person so I can't really jump up and down with joy at this point. Actually I haven't even told ANY of my close friends (like I did last time) and only my parents know (in-laws are still kept in the cold about it). So this thread has been the best outlet and you girls are such a great support system.
linlin - I totally understand the bloating bit. It will ease later on. I heard it's because of all the progesterone. I was like that too but now, I'm back to normal, believe it or not. I'm feeling a little groggy, tired and I don't wanto to be hassled at this moment. Not much of an appetite either.
Anyway, better go. I have a kid coming around for some English tuition soon - last minute exam cram.
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It's been a long wait my 2ww. Starting yesterday I feel discomfort in my tummy and pms like symptoms... just feel like my period can come anytime. Have my pads ready just in case. Feel frustrated but again, nothing i can do but waiting till monday to get my blood test (just don't know if i can hang on for that long.
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Linlin, hang in there and please don't give up hope when the blood test is still a couple of days away. Fingers crossed this is it for you.
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PLEASE don't give up hope! It's normal for some people to feel AF symptoms around the time of testing. Keep positive!!!
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Yes - keep positive. I have heard some BFP stories when the women feel the AF is coming - and ended up getting a BFP.
Take care and keep calm,
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hi linlin
i'm going to chime in with the others, please disregard these symptoms. don't second guess or torture your sweet self. xox
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Dear all,
Just got my blood test result back today... BFN
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Sorry to hear that! I know it is tough but try to stay positve.
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Linlin - been following this thread as best friend back home is going through the same thing.
So sorry to hear your result - but everyone is right - being positive and trying to stay positive is the way to go!
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hi linlin
so very very sorry to read this news. i remember how i felt each time i have gotten "the call". please know you did nothing wrong.
lots of wine at dinner tonight, maybe some sushi...hang in there.
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Thanks Havefaith & hkchoichoi. I really appreciate your kind words and supports. Although this "game" is now over, but I will definitely try again, after my body is fully recovered from all the drugs I've taken during the treatment.
I was questioned by the doctor after the result, as he thought I should 1st of all, produce more eggs than only7, and how come I couldn't hold the 3 embies in my body??? My mind was all empty while listening his phone call and could not say much while working.
I guess all those questions are not important anymore... I am surprised myself that I don't burst in tears as I supposed to. I am very calm typing this at work... thinking that I will definitely try again, no matter naturally or IVF.. or even IUI.
I will be following this thread and please keep us updated when you have any news. I will update mine when I am ready for another shot!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Linlin123, I am really sorry to hear about your result. Definitely not lose heart. The first IVF is generally a shot based on very generic assumptions about your responses. Next time, the doctor has a much better sense of how your body responds and can adjust medications to suit you specifically.
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Hi 788, Thanks for your comforting and valuable message.
Yes, I hope all I have done this time can help my future success of IVF.
Now I just wait for my AF, start to enjoy those "forbidden" food again, such as nice foaming cappuccinos and ice creams; will loose some extra belly... re-organise my life, then will see if I will try again... maybe IUI, before the breaks of my public waiting list till end of next year.
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Hi linlin123,
I'm SO sorry to hear about your result. But I'm glad you're taking this well because to keep positive and as you said, to get your body ready for the next cycle is the most important thing. When my first cycle failed, I said to myself that this is an 'experimental' cycle (an expensive experiment!!) and my body and mind will be ready for the next cycle. Like the others have said, enjoy the sashimi and wine for a couple of months!! (I'm actually craving sashimi at the moment but can't touch it!!!)
I went for my 2nd u/s today and everything is fine. I had a bit of light brown spotting on the weekend and freaked myself out! I was a bit worried I wouldn't see the h/b anymore today. Thank goodness things are OK. Every little thing that doesn't seem normal to me is going to freak me out until the 12wk mark is over....sigh!!
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Yes - enjoy sushi, foie gras, wine, facials, etc. I was very upset with BFN after my IVF last month - but I am Ok about it now. I know I will have a LOL soon - it is just a matter of time. This is a very testing period but it all be worth it. How about arranging to meet when we both have our own LOL? I know it will happen for both of us - Have faith and stay positive.
Like what Blessed said - the first IVF is to see how our body would react to the drugs and then based on that the doctors will be able to increase our chance next time round.
Take care and have a good day off - spoil yourself and do and eat something really BAD for you!
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Hi Blessed & Havefaith,
While I was super low and sad afterwork, my honey told me to "celebrate" the completion of this project, no matter its result. So he brought me to a Japanese restaurant to enjoy the sushi, sashimi,and sake. I thought he was crazy, but I did feel much better after that and started talking to him. (He got the news from my MSN cried smiley... no words spoken afterwards)
While waiting for our food, I burried myself again by digging the past what I've done wrong before and after the ET.... feeling guilty about all the $ spent for nothing... my honey just woke me up. He encouraged me to move on to other "projects" in our lives, and he is willing to support me again to have 2nd try when I am ready. : )
Blessed, please be very careful in your first trimestre. Good to know that the spotting was normal... I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Pamper yourself a lot with plenty of rest and healthy food!
Havefaith, thanks for your lovely support. You and Blessed just helped me to gain back great hope again. We should definitely meet out when we achieve our LOL ! Imagine one day we can meet each other with a big tummy or carry our new born babies :D
You girls should take care yourselves too.
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Glad to hear that you are feeling much better. After every BFN, I try to think of all the "projects" that we have done well in and not the one that we have just failed in. It's hard to think of anything else when one is TTC - when every year is divided into 12 opportunities to conceive.
I am going to try another cycle of IUI without meds (my second)this month. I dont think I am ready for another cycle of IVF - quite yet.
I sometimes think most of the "subfertility/infertility" issues are in our heads and brought to our attention by modern medicine. Nowadays, we start worrying after 35 (and even more so after 40) because studies have shown that fertility reduces at that stage. However, our mothers and grandmothers were still having babies in their mid and late forties - without ART.
Keep smiling and yes - I do look forward to meeting you when we have our big bumps. That will be really lovely!
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I think I am not fully recovered from the heartbreaks. I had bursted out in tears this morning on bed with lots of strange thoughts in my head....I was thinking whether I could prepare to accept the fact of infertility and just announce to everyone that we won't have any children... Will that be a relief to what I am suffering, both emotionally and physically? No answer for me yet, but definitely I felt much better afterward.
Havefaith, I totally support you to start IUI when you can, and please do not stop trying. I will start mine after 2 months later.. I guess, when I feel ready.
So where are you going to have your IUI this time? Is the place same as your first one? I had mine (3 in QE) but thinking to try it in private.
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I am so so sorry, my dear. I know what you mean -sometimes it is so much easier to give up then keep on fighting and hoping. I pushed my DH away and asked him for a divorce a few months ago - it seemed like a way out for me. He knew that was what I was doing - and he hugged and kissed me afterwards.
I will be going back to Dr. Ho - same Doc I had my first IUI (with meds) in March and then IVF in May with. I dont think I can handle the drugs right now - hence, the natural cycle of IUI (which I did last month as well). Then next month DH and I are going away for a couple of weeks and we will have lots of BD.
Take care of yourself and lets do it together!
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Hi Havefaith and everyone,
Just wondering is there anyway we can "improve" our egg quality to increase our chances of pg? Any supplements/ TCM/ or anything can help? If any method works for you, please kindly share with us.
As the IVF has done most of the important process (conception, embie selections, balancing hormones for thick lining), the egg quality is one of the factors not under control.
I think if we don't do anything to improve the egg quality, any repeate methods: natural TTC, IUI & IVF treatments are just like gambling; depending how lucky we are, how much monetary reserve we have left, and how many heartbreaks we can take.... And just hoping 1 day 1 good egg can be found and survived before the ovarian pool dries. (Sorry for the pessimistic expressions)
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hi linlin
i did tcm and acupuncture to improve egg quality, although egg quality was not our "primary issue". i do think it made a difference. acupuncture three months before the session should make a difference.
right now you are recovering from very sad and discouraging news, you can be as pessimistic as you wish. good for you for looking for alternate ways to improve the situation. lots of women here go to troy sing, who seems to specialise in if treatments.
how are you holding up? how is dh? xo abn
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I think Blessed did accupunture and TCM for several months after her first IVF before her very successful one this time around. I am not sure whether it helped with the egg quality - may be Blessed can confirm.
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Yes, I did acupuncture starting in December 06 and went two/three times a month. I don't know if it really 'helped' in egg quality but it has definitely improved blood circulation and relaxing at the same time. I was on some herbs for about two months. I went to Helen He in the same building as Dr Ho but she's only in HK every Tues and Thurs so you'll have to work around your schedule.
Also, if you're working, take it easy and do anything that keeps you away from too much stress and worry.
Hope this helps!
Don't lose hope.
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Hi ladies, thanks so much for your valuable sharings. I just had my AF today, which means a brand new cycle to start for me.
What a learning experience with all of you. Just went to start the TCM treatment today. This time I will take things more slowly and easily, while waiting for the tcm to take its effects.
Have you ever heard of supplements such as DHEA? I've read lots of goodies online about it. Does it required any prescriptions from docs?
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Havefaith, 788, trying,
How are you girls doing recently? Have any one of you started another treatment?
I went to see a chinese doc on my day 1, just hope she could help me out to improve my health. While having the herbs, I still feel anxious thinking if I should start my next treatment soon.
Blessed, would you please let me know who is your chinese doc besides Helen for accupucture? Thank you.
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Hi there,
I'm planning to try IVF. Can anyone tell me which hospital is famous ? When is the best time to do and what's the cost?
Thank you
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sorry posted twice..heehee
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I did not start any treatment this month - I am not quite ready for it yet. I am going to sit out the next month too.
Take care and keep positive
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statistics showed that using acupuncture (under certain protocol) as an adjunct for ivf, the success rate can be raised a lot.
you may then decide to choose a TCM clinic from the service directory of AsiaXpat :
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I used Helen for acupuncture and she also prescribed the herbal medicine. It's powder form so it's easy to take. I don't think I could boil the stuff myself. I'm actually going for a session tomorrow, but of course now, I'm not taking the herbs.
Good luck
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hi jcheung
After reading website, it built up my confident.. i would want to try for acupuncture before going to the ivf procedure.
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18 yrs ago
GingerAn, You might want to go through some of the older posts about IVF on this site. They have a lot of information in them about all the details you are looking for.
Hi Linlin, I am fine. Thanks for asking. Just waiting till its the right time for us to try again.
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hi linlin and blessed,
just wanted to stop by and say hello to you both.
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Hi abitnaive,
thanks for remembering me... well, these days I am just trying to phone the clinics to see if there is any quick spot I could fit in for my next treatment, either IUI or IVF. I don't want to go back to Sanatorium again, cause no one really following up my case. The drs just treated me when I visited, no one I could turn back and ask for questions.
I checked other forums, that Dr. Tay in TST charges very reasonable and has lots of good comments for him. But the waiting list is now in November, the earliest.
Maybe I will check more drs, like dr Ho & dr Lo next week to see if I could have earlier booking. In the meantime, I am seeing a chinese dr and taking some herbs to "regulate" my body. According to her diagnosis, the ovaries/ egg qualities can be "improved" by proper tcm treatment. And accupucture sometimes could be stressful to the muscles due to the pain... Well, every dr has his/ her points anyway. So I will try to have the herbs for 3 - 6 months while waiting for my next treatment.
I feel much better these days, trying to be relaxed and be distracted with stuffs. Hopefully you girls are doing well too.
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Hi there,
abitnaive - Nice to hear from you. I'm doing well so far. Had a few scares in the past two weeks with spotting etc. so went in for a checkup to see that everything was OK...and it was, thank goodness. Every little thing just freaks me out.
Linlin - Good to hear that you're feeling better these days. I hope the acupuncture helps and try to enjoy the sessions. I tend to fall asleep if I go after work, which makes the sessions very relaxing. I highly recommend Dr Ho but of course you pay for the good service and reassurance, which is so important while going through all this.
Take care and enjoy the public holiday!
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Sorry to hear you had a few scares - glad to hear all is well now. Take care of yourself!
788,Linlin, HKCC, I hope you are all well!
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Hi Havefaith,
I am doing ok, thanks for asking. I am planning to have IUI treatment asap... cause I prefer not to waste my time. But I don't know if it is good for me, and whether I should have more rests or just go ahead after 1 normal cycle.
I know dr. Ho is good, but I guess for IUI is not a difficult process, so I would like to try someone close where I live in KLN area to save my travel time. Either dr. Clement Leung, or Dr. Tung from Union Hospital are my quick choices for now (end Jul or beg Aug), but I haven't made up my mind yet which dr I should go for.
Hopefully you ladies are still working hard and take care yourself too!
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Good to hear from you! How are you finding your TCM treatments?
Lots of babydust to you!
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I found my tcm treatment great.. the herbs are in powder form, twice a day. After having them for 2 weeks, I found myself more "urge" for sex than before... :P that makes my ttc process more fun rather than seriously counting dates & bbt etc. The dr explained the herbs actually direct the blood flow to the uterus to nurish the ovaries.
She was recommended by a friend of mine got preg at age 38, also her other 2 - 3 friends around age 40....
The dr told me that the process is to improve the ovary functions for better eggs, which do not exist in western medicine.... (for poor eggs, western med look for donor or adoptions)I was suspicious about her statement, in the meantime I found lots of good comments from other forums, so I am willing to try for at least 6 months.
The dr also told me that she doesn't fully support accupucture during the IVF process, as the pain will actually tighten up the muscles and making the patient more nervous.... well, although it sounds reasonable for me, but I know lots of people were helped by accup. anyway.
I was also recommended by a nurse from Sanatorium not to try any Eastern tcm, cause one of their patients' cycles were irregulated for about a yr due to tcm... well, everyone has his/her points, i was quite confused after my failure....
I know above looks very confusing too...same with my thoughts after crazy researches. But I know this is what I want to do: while taking tcm for egg quality improvement, I will try IUI to stimulate more eggs for better chances to conceive. I may try 3 more IUIs once every 2 or 3 months ... then IVF again, but with short protocol (I might be over suppressed last time with little eggs).
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I am often confused and contradictory - somedays I wake up optimistic about the whole TTC thing - somedays I wake up totally pessimistic.
I know what you mean by Western doctors not agreeing with TCM - and vice versa. My TCM doctor (in Beijing) who has a post PhD degree in TCM was quite against me going thru IVF. She is of the view that IVF drugs are very damaging to our bodies. I too am confused after my failed attempts....
Who is your TCM doctor? I might see her - while Dr. The (my regular TCM doctor) is on holiday.
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Hi Havefaith,
I hope you can read chinese...she is Dr Chung in Quarry Bay: 鰂魚涌海光街 10 號地下 Tel 2563 9911. no appointment is needed, just walk in...the clinic opens from 8:15am - 8 pm Mon - Fri, Sat till 4 pm. Only cash is accepted. Her charges are also reasonable for me, $40/ consulting fee, $50/ day for herbs... she might also ask you to buy the David ovulation kit to chart ovulation ($70 for 2 sticks, but I found it much cheaper selling over the web, about $150 for 100 slips (without plastic cover))
I hope above have enough info for you. If i miss anything just let me know.
One thing is that I am on the trial stage at the moment. But I really hope she could help you like my other friends. The one she was preg at 38 is now seeing dr Chung again. She is now 41. I have been loosing hopes after my last IVF. Only those friends had helped me to regain my hopes to move on.
Please let me know how you feel after seeing her. Good luck my friend.
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Thanks for the info - the characters are simple enough - so no problem. I will give Dr. Chung a go when Dr. The goes on vacation.
One more question - where do you buy your ovulation sticks from - you mentioned $150 for 100 - that's a really good deal.
When are you going to start your IUI cycle? Have you decided where to go in Kowloon yet?
I did IUI (natural cycle) this month. I am not that hopeful - but we will see.
Thanks for all the information. Dont forget our date (with our LOLs once we get there). Take care + lots of baby dust to you!
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Hi Havefaith,
I got the ovulation sticks from HK Yahoo auctions. You can just type the word "ovulation" in auction to find them. The one I got from was already off from the auction, but you can still find the others online. (If you really cann't find any, I can spare some to you.)
I am not fully comfortable with the bank deposit or credit card payment in HK. So I asked to deliver the goods to me by courier (free shipping over certain amount), and exchange the good by cash.
About IUI, I will have my 1st booking with dr Clement Leung next monday, as he is one of the dr in Sanatorium and he already got most of my record.. and most likely I will start the IUI cycle by end of this month, if my cycle is back to normal. But I guess I will also go to dr Tung for 1st booking just in case. Cause the 1st visit is now taking much longer to book... I've found lot more patients lining up for help, and the queue is now required 3 - 6 months in KLN area for those famous dr with reasonable $$$. (checked from forums that those dr only required around 1 month queue 6 months ago).
So you have already started your IUI cycle. Good for you! As long as our hubby is still with us, loving us, I feel after all these hard works one day we will think back and feel totally worth it. No matter what are the outcomes.
I won't forget our date when we get there.... please cheer up for your 2ww and lots of baby dusts to you too!
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Thanks I will do a search on the internet. Thanks for the offer of sharing your supply. I will let you know if my search fails.
Let us know how your appt with Dr. Leung go. A 3 month long queue is quite bad.
I agree - as long as DH is with us, loving us and wanting this- it is worth it.
I dont have any symptoms - I will know at the end of the week. Not that hopeful - but we will see.
Take care + lots of baby dust to you too!
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How is everything going? Hope all is well. How far along are you now?
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Hi girls & Havefaith,
Luckily I had an appointment with dr Tay last Saturday, due to someone's cancellation. ( I suppose to see him on Nov). He was very patient studied my case and couldn't find our problem... but based on my last failed ivf, he prefers me to give another shot asap.
After his 1.5 hour appt, I wasn't totally ready for the 2nd IVF attempt. As I am still emotionally unstable and not sure if I will get the similar "bad" result as June.
I wonder if I should give myself another go on mid July, isn't it too soon for me?
Hi blessed, Hopefully you are doing well with your baby. Please let us know how you are doing.
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I am not an expert on IVF (having had one failed IVF) - but it does not sound like you are ready for it. With the costs/time/stress involved, I would suggest wait til you are emotionally ready for it.
Are you still thinking of doing IUI this month (if you dont go ahead with IVF)?
Take care of yourself and lots of babydust to you!
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