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14 yrs ago
Dr. Edmund is Dr. Philip Ho's partner, they have a clinic in Central. Is Dr. Edmund good? I was supposed to make an appt with Dr. Philip Ho as recommended by a friend, but Dr. Philip was super busy so the nurse suggested me to see Dr. Hon.
What about Dr. Patrick Chan?
Are both dr. chan and hon pro natural delivery? Anyone can share her experience? Thanks
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14 yrs ago
I m currently using Dr Hon. My hubby and I really really like him.
I have heard from a friend that Dr Ho has pushed her to do IVF and told her that she couldn't get pregnant due to some reasons (I've heard that from a friend only so i don't know if that's true or not). She got pregnant naturally after a few months...
I have 2 miscarriages and Dr Hon has been very supportive and told me that i DO NOT need an IVF. I was the one who was panicking. Now i am pregnant.
He's a very calm and nice guy. I have been having some infection problem and he went to the hospital at 10:30pm to give my hubby the medicine for me. I was in seriously pain. He has called me personally to ask me if i was ok and etc. I don't think i will use any other doc in HK apart from him.
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Dr Edmund Hon was our Ob with our first baby :) we love him. I went to him at week 36, recommended by my GP. My first OB kept telling me that I could not manage natural birth. And i was panicking about it. Dr Hon was very calm and gave lots of good advice throughout the last few weeks of my pregnancy. My baby was born naturally without much medical intervention. We were all very pleased. We highly recommend Dr Hon if you are looking for a Ob. HTH!
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I LOVE DR HON! He was my OB with my first and I wouldn't consider seeing any other doctor for my next pregnancies. Prior to joining Dr Ho's private practice, he was at the Queen Mary and before that at St Barts in London (top hospital). He is very pro natural birth and doesn't push lots of unnecessary medicines etc like some private practice doctors in HK do. When I was breastfeeding I had an infection with a very high fever and he offered to visit me at home. We ended up seeing him on a Sunday. He answers emails promptly, will take as much time as you need during an appointment. I can't recommend him enough. Top top doctor.
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I just found out I am 14 weeks pregnant and this is my 2nd. I have gone through great experience with Dr Patrick Chan but he is fully booked until Oct 2011 so my family dr recommended me Edmund Hon, I am sure he is going to be great too.
Does anyone know if Edmund Hon associated hospitals?
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