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17 yrs ago
We need some real advice and quite urgently as well. We have a 1 year old baby and my wife is still breast feeding her.
However she has become pregnant now even though we used preventive measures. She has recently performed the urine test and we believe that she might be 2 week pregnant. Now we are at a fix because the baby is still very young and having another one at this stage will be very difficult for us to manage. We cannot afford to have a maid either.
How do we resolve this situation ?????? Please help us out. And hey i just want to let you know its a mutual decision. In fact more so for my wife as she is not ready to become a mom at this moment.
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First you should go to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy.
Your decision is of course your own. But here are some thoughts.
- If you're going to abort, do it as soon as possible. An early abortion has fewer risks of complications.
- If you were planning to have another child anyway, this might be a good time.
- Having your children close together (ours are 18 months) is tough in the beginning, but quite nice after a while. They are close enough to be playmates.
- There's no guarantee that you can conceive again.
- If your wife is over 35, think very hard before an abortion if you do eventually want another child. Fertility drops dramatically for every year.
- If you don't want a second child, in my opinion the decision is easy. Have an abortion. But I know a lot of people don't agree with me.
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17 yrs ago
Thanks for the reply you guys, but are you aware of any clinics where we can go for legal abortion in HK. Do you think there might be a problem in getting approval for it in HK???
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The earliest an abortion can be done is 8-10 weeks I believe... so don't panic. I don't think there'd be any problems getting it approved here.
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"The earliest an abortion can be done is 8-10 weeks I believe... so don't panic."
Pretty sure you can do a medical abortion well before that. But I'm no expert.
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Family planning in wanchia can help u but the abortion can be 8 weeks only coz i tried it last year and i paid 2000hk.
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17 yrs ago
Do you mean to say that abortion will be possible within Eight Weeks????.
We initially visited Tsuen Wan FPA and then after nurses assesmemt they have provided us a follow up date at Wanchai FPA (12/2/08) for doc's assesment .
Do you have any idea how many days does it take for the Operation to take place after Doctor's assesment.
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17 yrs ago
is that EASY to make a decision to just abort a baby that is with heartbeat - so alive, so healthy and complete human! I am crying as i write this........ sorry!
When I saw my baby's fetus at 6 weeks I can't help but to cry tht there is a life within me! How amazing and i care nothing about all the incoveniences but to have him no matter what as I have no right at all to kill a life that was given from Above! 3 pregancies!
Just my opinion.
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after the doctors assesment they will sched the operation after 1 week.
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