Too late for IUI tomorrow if I ovulated today??

Posted by Sarsky 16 yrs ago
I'm confused and I guess a bit mistrustful of doctors.

I've been taking Gonal-F and seeing my dr. regularly. I did a urine LH test yesterday which showed the start of an LH surge, so advised by Dr to do the ovulation injection. I'm scheduled to go into see him tomorrow for the IUI procedure.

My query is this. From the tenderness in my tummy and the increased mucus (yuck..sorry!!) I suspect I ovulated today. So wouldn't that mean that IUI tomorrow is too late. ??????

Anyone have a clear answer on this.

This is my 2nd month of IUI and I need some hope.

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Angsana 16 yrs ago
With the test sticks you get a faint line, the next day darker and only when it is as dark as the control line will you ovulate within the next 36 hours. The Ov injection gets your ovaries ready to release the egg which will happen at around 36 hours later. My doctor usually gives me the injection to take for example between 5-7 pm on the Sunday night and then have my IUI on Tues at 12.30pm. When he scans me on the IUI day I am either just about to OV, had one egg just ov and the other just about to or both eggs just burst out literally a few hours before. That's how accurate he is on the timing. I sometimes think I have ov'd already as my ovaries feel like something is trying to batter out of them, plus the mucus up to 2 days before but then when I am scanned I have not ov'd.

In short, no I do not think you have OV'd get.

Good luck with your IUI. I wrote on here a few months back about being disheartened with IUI after not falling pregnant with this method quickly (since my 1st child was conceived on #1 IUI) and they told me that the average person takes 3, 4 or 5 goes to make IUI work due to timing, are the egg(s) OK, did they survive the journey etc. I personally have just completed my 4th IUI. If this does not work I will do 2 more and after this.

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