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19 yrs ago
Sorry if this thread sounds like a bit of a whinge but am starting to feel as iff my little nipper will never come out! I now have dreams that I will forever be 9 mths pregnant, trundling about HK with a huge bump.
Have loved my pregnancey but am now just looking forward to meeting our babe (we don't know the sex.) Am now 39 weeks but had been told by doc that baby could likely come from 38 weeks onward - feels like the little monkey is sticking in there to tease us!
Have all the signs that the body is readying - frequent and strong BH contractions for 2 wks now and baby's head is 4/5 engaged.
Did anyone else feel like this at the end of their pregnancey?
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Thanks, I know you are right.
Am off for an antenatal massage today to cheer myself up.
Will let you know when babes decides to make an appearance.
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Ahh Vulvic, I keep expecting to hear that you have had your baby already! Hang in there... Really sounds like any day now.
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Hi Mayafox!
I hope so, have tried all the usual suggestions - spicey food, walking uphill, foot massages, nookie. The little un is still hanging in there, lol.
So, have decided to enjoy my maternity leave and chill out until baby comes.
How is your little one doing?
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Hi Mayafox,
"They" have stop the yoga class, only a handful is attending....too bad.
Hang in there Vulvic, you must have delivered by now, so excited for you.
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Nope, no baby yet!!
Doc says if I don't deliver by Fri next week they will induce, hoorah!!! So the end is almost here.
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19 yrs ago
Vulvic, Hang in there! I know exactly how you feel. With my first I went nearly 42 weeks and remember how agonizing it was waiting, expecting for weeks that it would be any day... Now, wish I had not focussed on the "due date" and just relaxed those last few days. I'm sure everything will go well, and that any day now you'll have your little girl/boy in your arms.
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Hi Vulvic, any news? Are you having a boy/girl?
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Nope, still no baby. We decided not to find out the sex of thge baby so I am really dying to meet our little one.
Not sleeping so good at the moment, waking up every 2 hours with terrible acid reflux - thought I'd got rid of that but it has made a comeback this week.
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19 yrs ago
Vulvic, how exciting.
I had lots of trouble sleeping too.
Here is a secret. You can ask for sleeping pills once you deliver and are at hospital! I was so high on adrenelin I couldn't sleep. Matilda was great, they gave me a sleeping pill that did not go into the breast milk, and brought baby to me anytime he needed to be fed. They would just roll me over and pop baby on boob, then take him away.
I made it very clear it was breast milk only for baby and they respected that.
It was the best sleep I had in months, and now 8 months later I think it still ranks as the best sleep I have had!
Once you get home, this luxury goes away... so do consider it :)
Congratulations again, you are almost there, then the fun really starts!
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sleeping pills - wished someone told me that! i was super high as a kite (could it have been the happy-dural) after delivery and even though my body was physically tired, i couldn't sleep!!
yeah vulvic, hang in there..your time will come. i had trouble sleeping in the last few weeks too - would be up at 4am in the morning surfing the net aimlessly, watching rubbish tv...i miss those days, hahahaha!!
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Sleeping pills - thanks for that bit of advice, I had no idea that we could take those. I'll take any pharmaceuticals on offer, lol!
Well I am wide awake today. Some idiot crashed into our apartment building at 5am!! I am not joking, hubby and I heard this almight bang and were bolt upright in bed before we could even speak. Turns out the driver had managed to cross 2 lanes of traffic, crash through a bus stop, take out a 10 foot section of railing and crash into the side of our building!!!! I don't know if he was pissed or just didn't like the look of the roundabout he was approaching. Amazingly there were no injuries just a a load of debris everywhere and he bus stop seemed to come off worse than the vehicle.
Well after all that palaver, I couldn't get back to sleep so have been up watching the Weakest Link,giving the dog her worming tablets, and lining the drawers in the spare bedroom, lol!!
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Well it is nearly 2pm and hubby has just left for work, lol!!
Fingers crossed!
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Vulvic, lol. A whole weekend has passed and again, I fully expected a birth announcement!
This definitely calls for a foot massage in between the walks and lunchtime nookie. Apparently reflexology can do wonders for kick-starting labour.
My little guy is doing really well, thanks for asking -- he is growing and changing every day -- lots of joy and excitement lying ahead of you!
Honeypie, what a shame that the preg. yoga class is not running anymore. Havr you tried Yoga Limbs or Pure Yoga? I hear that those studios also have good classes.
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19 yrs ago
Ha ha! I actually laughed out loud!
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We're still waiting vulvic, you're almost 40 weeks, right?
Hi mayafox, i don't like to do yoga anymore, as i feel tired exercising now, just doing simple stretching at home.
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Mayafox - I am on it, having a foot massage tomorrow. The nookie may not have worked but I'm not complaining, lol!!
You're so lucky seeing your little boy grow every day, I can't wait to experience all that. Still can't imagine what our little one will look like and I had thought we would have a boy but now hubby reckons a girl!
Either way we are blessed. Will keep you all updated when baby arrives.
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I know I keep saying it, but really -- any day now!
I was convinced from day one that I was having a boy. Somehow all my friends had girls last year and this year we are all boys. We have a set of blue newborn onesies that have served three little boys so far. Amazing how quickly they grow (and grow out of their clothes!).
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Well just to be safe, I have bought everything in white.
Have just had an extra long foot massage. Was so tired I fell asleep and only woke up when I snorted myself awake. How embarassing.
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