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18 yrs ago
hi everyone! i'm 4 months pregnant right now and based in manila. my husband and i have decided to fly back to hong kong to have our baby. we have a doctor's appointment in hk mid-june. i want to fly back after, but my mom & dad are suggesting i stay put until after delivery, as they are worried about me flying too frequently.
has anyone had any problems with frequent air travel?
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18 yrs ago
Unless your doctor specifically advises you otherwise (higher risk pregnancies), you should be fine flying during pregnancy (until the airlines say no - usually between 32 & 36 weeks). I have flown regularly during all of my pregnancies, especially the first (combination of the fact that I travelled a lot for work and had no children in tow for holidays). Almost all of my flights were longer than the HK-Manila trip. I've never had a problem. BTW, my mother kept nagging me about staying put too.
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thanks very much for your reply. i feel much better :)
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18 yrs ago
You may want to consider your back up plans as well... 1) in case you have to stay put in HK and 2) in case you need to stay in Manila --- both countries will be able to provide you with great prenatal and post natal care.
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you should not have any problems flying, I flew to Australia back and forth about 6 simes with my first pregnancy 8.5/9 hours each way and that was not including the small 1/2 hour flights once I got to Australia.. just note your baby will need to get a passoprt before it will be allowed to fly... it took 7 weeks for my bub to get his Australian pasport to fly back up to HK after delivery in Australia(and that was paying for it to be done express) as you need to register the birth then get baby's birth certificate and then get the passport.
good luck.
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