IVF Virgin

Posted by Angsana 16 yrs ago
My Doc and I are starting to talk about IVF after a year of failed chlomid and injections and IUI (boo hoo!) Whilst I think I am a bit of a pro with all things infertility, I do not have a clue about IVF. I think I am going to do it, but do not have a clue where to start. I do not want to steamroll into it and would prefer that I had my facts right along the process so I know if my Doc is doing it properly.

So what I would like to do (and I think this may be useful for others here) is to start a thread sharing what questions are essential to ask your Doc and what things are important to know, other tips re IVF when going through this stressful process.

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abitnaive 16 yrs ago
hi angsana

sorry to hear that your IF has progressed to the expensive point where it looks like IVF is the next step.

good for you for wanting to make educated decisions. i would say, the first step for you then is to educate yourself about the ivf process. you can do that by checking out


or similar websites like inciid.com or resolve.

for message board style conversations with women/couples undergoing ivf, try www.ivfconnections.com


and there are many blogs written about this topic.

now that you have the basic education and lingo and opinions on what is important to you (and your diagnosis), here are some questions i would ask any dr.

1) what is your screening protocol once the stimulants begin? when does bloodwork begin and when do ultrasounds begin?

2) http://www.ivfworld.com/pages.php?id=52

(some of these questions i wouldn't ask, but it is an okay list)

3) how many embryos per straw does the lab freeze any embryos that we don't use?

4) for my age and our diagnosis, how many embryos do we suggest we transfer? (do you agree wtih that? how do you and your partner feel about selective reduction?)

5) does the lab perform emergency icsi if it is needed and what percent rate of embryos that have emergency icsi performed on them go on to thrive?

6) how long will each appointment take? (how much work are you going to have to miss?)

7) how many days after transfer do you suggest i stay in bed, if any? if the dr suggests bed rest, will be write you a script?

8) why might my cycle be cancelled?

9) how many eggs do you hope to harvest?

10) do you recommend i do acupuncture?

11) do you do blastocyst transfer? why or why not?

(i would also take any questions the dr isn't comfortble asking to the lab and request answers there. the lab is v.important!)

will try to think of more and post later on. hope this is a good start.

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