dreams during pregnancy

Posted by the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Have had so many funny dreams since I got pregnant.

Here are just a few,

1. About a week before i found out that i was pregnant, i dreamt that i was pregnant and delivered a fully grown cat.

2. Before i found out whether the baby was a boy or a girl - i dreamt that it was a boy and that when he was born he was about the size of a toddler. Already standing up and doing things on his own.

3. A few weeks back i dreamt that my baby had become a ferret (i used to have a couple as pets). I was telling my mum that she really couldn't take her eyes of the baby as ferrets apart from being incredibly agile and quick they are are awfully curious and love getting into and exploring tunnels, dark places etc.

4. Last friday i dreamt that i had given birth to seven babies - two girls and 5 boys. All my family had one or two in their hands and we were all in church and amazingly enough they were exceptionally well behaved and i was super relaxed.

anybody else have weird dreams????????

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Nula 18 yrs ago
LOL - I was just thinking the same thing over the weekend! I am 26 weeks and having the freakiest dreams. Mainly about people that I haven't seen for years - so realistic that I spend half the morning trying to work out if it was a dream or something that really happened!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
exactly! i keep writing to friends of mine saying OMG - i dreamt of you last night, how are you doing?

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
OMG Goddess Kali!! I dreamt that I gave birth to a cat also, and the doctor said "it's a girl!!" (have 2 kitties, male & female). :) It must be that we can only relate to our pets, being first-timers. Well, we're having our baby any day now, it's a little boy, no cats here, ha ha.

Yes, the developmentally advanced baby, common too, have had that - the kid came out talking.

Let's see...had a desire to call a girlfriend in the US whom I haven't spoken to in ages, she called me later that day! She said she had a burning desire to talk to me. Very strange!

After a strange dream, I'd always wake up and tell my husband, he told me I should write them down, and now b/c of preggo brain, can only remember a few.

Well ladies, at least you're getting some deep sleep in, enough to dream at least.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
hmmmm i really wonder how freudians would interpret our dreams. specially the ones where we end up having animals....

DaniR - wow, you're almost there. lots of good luck with the delivery and everything.

cara - we're the abnormally normal crowd it seems.

yup i wake up and tell my husband what i dream of too. we really should keep them along with our scan reports and stuff for our kids to look at when they grow up.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
teeth falling out...

cara i used to have the same dream too....except mine didn't come loose, they all just cracked and crumbled...soo freaky!!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
hmm.. very interesting. I can't say i was altogether put off by having cat and ferret babies though :)))

Teeth falling out does sound scary. I haven't had that one yet.

Did dream of being on a plane that had some problems - but in the end the door opened and I just jumped down onto a beach..

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