Happy news! And another question!

Posted by wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Hi, everyone...after five positive HPTs (all today...yes, I went a little crazy) and one positive blood test, I'm finally convinced that I'm pregnant. I am thrilled. And grateful to all of you! The lovely people on this board have been so kind and supportive throughout the TTC process. Now my question is: what are the immediate next steps/dos/don'ts after you find out?

I didn't actually get to talk to the doctor today (just got a call from his nurse re. the blood test results) so I'm not really sure what to do next. Would appreciate any advice you care to share!

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pinklotus 18 yrs ago
Wishing and Hoping..

I think you can officially change your name now to " Wishing and Hoping and Came True!!""

Very happy for you..all the best.xx

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HK2 18 yrs ago
Congratulations Wishin and Hopin!

Just a few things i'd suggest - don't eat papaya, bitter gourd - my doc actually told me this in addition to all the other usual dont eat like sooft cheese, deli meats unless well heated, smoked salmon, sushis, etc.

Start taking Materna vitamins - if you aren't on them already.

Rest, relax - it's a journey ahead!

All the best to you!

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miffy 18 yrs ago
Congratulations WnH! You are definitely going to have to change your name...

We're expecting a Golden Pig baby too, they are supposed to be very lucky!

As for what to do next - not much for a while! Don't rush to the OBGYN (although I am sure you have picked one out from your fab spreadsheet!), but make your first appointment for when you are 6-8 weeks. By then you should be able to see the heartbeat on a scan, any earlier and it might not be there yet. In the meantime, as others have said, start taking a good prenatal vitamin if you are not already, which has folic acid in it. There is quite a long list of foods which you should avoid to ensure you don't get listeria, a bug which is in some foods and can be harmful to baby - if you do a search for listeria and pregnancy you will get a lot of information.

Other than that, fingers crossed you avoid morning sickness. Don't overexert yourself but light exercise such as walking is great.

I am so happy for you!

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
Wishing & Hoping,

Congratulations! I know how much you've wanted this. You should defo go see a doctor and get a scan - they do one to check it's not ectopic or anything, and just look after youself, with the critical time being between wk 8-11 or thereabouts.

Enjoy it!

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Squiggles, Miffy, HK2, PinkLotus, pmjolley, and Cara:

Thanks so much for your kind words and helpful advice. I actually didn't know about the foods you mentioned--gulp. I'm glad I asked...I guess I better get reading. Perhaps a silly question: I have a dental appointment scheduled for next week (a cleaning)...no reason not to keep that, right? It's just fillings that are a problem, no?

Again, many thanks to all of you and, Cara, we are all looking forward to hearing *your* happy news soon. I know you have a had a rough time of it...I hope you are feeling okay at the moment. Take care.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
Cleaning at the dentist should be fine - Xrays and certain drugs are the problem. Just make sure you tell your dentist when you arrive, then it will be fine.

As for reading, there's a couple of excellent books around that are like the pregnancy 'bibles' - one is 'What to Expect when you are Expecting'. Worth buying in my opinion.

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, Miffy, and congratulations on your Golden Pig baby! Look forward to chatting with you more over the coming months. : )

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Well2 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!!!!! :)))))))

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Congratulations!!!! :-)

I'm still trying..... ahh...... I'm expecting my period on the 15th. Please wish me luck.

I remember with my first pregnancy, there was once I waited for 6 days post period thinking that I was lucky and then bam!! I got my period. Then the second time I waited for 8 days and then got lucky....

Now we're trying for no. 2 and I'm still as nervous as I was when trying for no. 1 ;-)

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Oh well done!! Congratulations!!! you must be soooo thrilled.

I'm not going to list foods that are prohibited - 'cos honestly at the end of the lists that i got from the doc, chinese friends, my mum and my husband's italian side - there wasn't much left that one could eat.

so here's hoping that you have a great pregnancy - without morning sickness and a lovely maialino d'oro (golden piglet - which is what mine will be too if he hangs in there for another 5 weeks!) at the end of it all :))

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
Many many congratulations!!! Love the fact that you did 5 tests in one day - my record is 4, so glad that someone is a tad crazier than me!!!

Agree with the recommendations re. the 'What to Expect' book. I also liked Kaz Cooke's 'Rough Guide to Pregnancy' for a more light hearted, week by week approach (with some serious bits too). Best of luck!!!!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
WNH, so happy for you, congratulations. i am just going to repeat what others have already said. schedule an appointment with dr around 6-8 weeks, any earlier you can't hear the baby's heartbeat and that will make you worry. HK2 is right about avoiding papaya and bitter gourd, my doctor also advice me on that. reason being that papaya and bitter gourd has an enzyme that will cause natural abortion ( miscarriage ), it has been scientifically proven. right now just rest rest rest, dont over exert yourself, hopefully you will not get morning sickness. enjoy the pregnancy, i am 13 weeks now. my bleeding has stopped so has my morning sickness, i am begining to enjoy the pregnancy a little bit more now. keep us posted on your situation.

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ahacha 18 yrs ago
Re: morning sickness, I didn't have suffer from it, but otherwise, I have a high susceptibility for travelling sickness. Taxis and buses here make me nauseous, high speed trains and even the London tube do too.

Just to say that I have discovered these little bracelets with acupuncture pressure points that they sell in pharmacies here (around HKD60 if I'm right), and I went with them whilst pregnant on a long jonk trip once..... knowing myself I should have been sick within 10 minutes, but with the bracelets, I actually enjoyed the whole day without any nausea! Unexpected and miraculous!

They are especially recommended for morning sickness too (can't say from my own experience if it works, but definitely worth trying for those who suffer from morning sickness, I should have thought).

Congrats and good luck for the "journey"!

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thank you Ahacha, mother2005, mrsl, mayC, and well2. Very kind of you to share your advice and good luck to all of you.

And thank you, Goddess Kali. Hope you are feeling well. Are you in India at this point?

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
W&H: You're most welcome. i'm well thanks. just very sleepy all the time.

Due to a lot of boring and complicated reasons - two of which are that getting all the babies papers processed in india would have involved a bit of running around and the hubby not being so pleased that he would be abandoned to his own resources for a couple of months - we decided that my mum is coming over and we'd have the baby here.

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freddo 18 yrs ago
Hi Wishing and Hoping,

Just wanted to say a big CONGRATS! I have not been on the forum for a while, and today I was scolling though the threads and I noticed this one! I am very happy for you, what wonderful news. Goodluck.

This forum really is so great for sharing news and feelings, I must make sure I keep up with what's happening.

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, Freddo--very kind of you. Good luck to you too!

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