Turn breech baby

Posted by Yogini 20 yrs ago
Does anyone have any experience in turning a breech baby? Has someone tried mobustation in HK and where they do it?

Any advice is appreaciated. I am in week 35 now. Baby was always facing down until week 31 und suddenly turned the wrong way around now. Would like to avoid cesarean.


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wendy7 20 yrs ago
Hi. Have a chat with your homeopath. Pulsatilla is a well known homeopathic remedy used for mal presentations of pregnancy, especially breech. Do internet search ("pulsatilla breech" is sufficient) and this will give you a reasonable amount of information. All the best.

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Meiguoren 20 yrs ago
My nurse-midwife turned one of mine at about 36 wks. I understand it gets harder and harder as the baby gets larger. She had me lie in a special position and she used her hands to "encourage" the baby to move. It was more complicated and she pressed harder than I would have imagined, and she told me she had special training in how to do it. Good luck!

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RA 20 yrs ago
I delivered a breech baby , with the baby facing up, without a c-sec, and had no problems at all.

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Donna12 20 yrs ago

The optimal time to turn a breech baby is between 34 - 35 weeks however it is possible later as well especially if there is a lot of baby movement and there is enough space for it to move. Moxa is used over a 10 day period with a few sessions of acupuncture. China claims a 80% success rate however I think it is more likely 40%. If that means 40% less casesarians that ain't bad. I work from Graham Stuart Bradshaw's and you can call me there if you like.

ph 25237121


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my2thoughhts 20 yrs ago
I agree with Ferrari Girl. My baby was breech and I had a c-section and in hinsight it is not bad at all. Infact, I will prefer to have a c-section next time. I was really upset the first time about the c-section and tried every method to make my baby move, but now that he is out I can see how stubborn he is :). So try all the techniques, but if they don't work, don't stress out. Both option involve some pain and loads og pleasure in the end. Best of luck. Email me if you want to talk more about the c-section.

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bluesky 19 yrs ago
Can anyone give an up-to-date opinion on this?

At 33 weeks my baby is in breech position...

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hkchoichoi 19 yrs ago
Hi Bluesky -

my baby was small and kept turning around and around - at 33 weeks I was breech, 35 back around, 36 vertex, and then 37 breech again. It was quite crazy. (I ended up with a c-section) I hope you have good luck - the cats pose (on all fours, leaning forward) is supposed to also help with breech.

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mamouna 19 yrs ago
Just one quick reply

a breech baby doesnt have to be delivered through a C-Section and can be born NATURALLY.. with the appropriate support of course...

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bluesky 19 yrs ago
Giving birth to a breech baby does involve a huge episitomy though, doesn't it?

Furthermore, I heard that forceps will likely be used and trying to give birth naturally could still end up with an emergency c-section...

I am not sure what the best is to do...

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Yogini 19 yrs ago
I opened the thread a year ago and my baby turned the day before delivery. I went swimming and did lots of head stands in the water. Not sure if that did the trick but the baby turned.

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sharefitness 18 yrs ago
I am 36 weeks with baby boy breeched and very nervous about having to have a c-section. Dr. says there's little chance of him turning but didn't explain much - I may have to call him and ask him to explain further (was too shocked and disappointed at the time) He says if baby doesn't turn by next visit in two weeks (16, Nov) he will have to schedule a c-section for me & honest to god never ever thought I we would have to ever consider this at this early stage...Please, has anyone here had successful manipulation and if so, please refer me the info a.s.a.p...the baba's measuring quite big so time is running out! I have read all the possible info from the feedback from others on this site - anything new??

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bluesky 18 yrs ago
My little girl was breech until week 36. I then decided to go to the Integrated Medicine Institute (web site mentioned above) and see Gianna Buonocore. After 2 sessions of acupuncture (spread out over 7 days), 10 days of moxa and a week of taking pulsatilla little bubba decided to turn during week 37! :)

I don't know whether all of this was the reason she turned, but it is worth giving a try as their are no negative side effects.

Good luck!

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sharefitness 18 yrs ago
Thanks bluesky, I am seeing someone from there today for acupuncture & moxa...wonder if anyone has someone successfully help to manually "turn" the baby - based in hk.?

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Romastar 18 yrs ago
Jean Sutton has done a lot of work on optimal fetal positioning. You can google her for more info but I think she has written books on the subject

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