Posted by
20 yrs ago
I just found out that I'm pregnant and I'd like to schedule an appointment with a doctor. I'm a little anxious since this will be my first. Does anyone know of any ob/gyns in Hong Kong that they could recommend? Given our posting and assuming all goes well, I'll probably be giving birth here so I'd like to find someone really good that will guide me throughout my pregnancy.
Congratulations, you are about to start a very exciting journey to parenthood.
There are some very good Obstetricians in Hong Kong, I can not recommend one over the other but if you would like a list of those that are registered with the hospital or have your own criteria please feel free to give me a call - 2849 0328.
P.S. can also help with antenatal classes, parenting classes and monthly information on what to expect!
Lynne - 2849 0328
Matilda International Hospital
Hong Kong
20 yrs ago
Dr. Phillip Ho is good. Also heard good things about Dr. Sally/Sara (?) Ferguson and Dr. Doo.
Dr Christine Choy (tel 2523 3007)is the best in Central. She is caring, patient and will explain everything to you. She is also a very talented surgeon/obstetrician/gynaecologist. We can't recommend her too highly.
I wonder whether you have found an ob/gyn for your baby. Dr. Joe Chan is very good. You can book to see him at the HK Adventist Hospital.
Dr Choy has her own clinic now still in central she is wonderful got me pregnant after a long battle. She always has time to speak to you and answer all your questions. Her new number is
3112 0480. She has new staff which can some times be frustrating but Dr Choys worth it!
Perthites is right. Dr Choy is now at Care for Women in New World Tower in Queen's Road Central
20 yrs ago
How much does Dr Choy charge per antenatal check-up visits? Also, Is $800 for a normal pap smear a little over the top? I've been to a couple of private clinics that charge from $550 to $800 and they were both very general check-ups.
Dr. Choy charges HK$700 consultation fee per antenatal visit and spends as long as necessary with you. Not sure about a pap smear but I don't think it is anything like $800 - call Care for Women and ask..
20 yrs ago
Thank you Mrs Mopp and congratulations to you Maria!
20 yrs ago
I fail to see how can you say that over 10 years medical experience is inexperienced. Take a look Dr Choy's qualifications, publications and experience at at www.careforwomen. She is also going to be made a clinical assistant professor at the Chinese University. She is a first class obsterician/gynaecologist. Get some knowledge before you critise people.
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I agree with F12. Dr Choy is first class. Cynical is just cynical. By the way F12 the website is
F12 and Mrs Mopp - You are obviously Dr. Choy's fans, as we can see from this and other threads. Don't be too upset as it is a matter of facts that no single person/doctor can satisfy every person/patient at all times.
By the way, being a clinical assistant professor is not something great. I knew from my friends that a fresh graduate from medical school can also be a clinical assistant professor!!!
20 yrs ago
mum2be I just think you can praise someone if they are worthy without having to criticize others (especially if that criticism is not based on fact!)
20 yrs ago
I think mum2be is brillantly. Dr. Choy must be good at communication but it is not everything. Any past staffs of a University department can be a honorary clinical assistant professor and her publication list is also not very good since her dissertation for her membership examination is also included or published in peer-reviewed journals without names. We are not critising anyone and that is why some inside stories were not mentioned.
Hi.. I'm 6 months pregnant.. this being my first time was very concerned about the doc..esp one who cud communicate well enuff in English... I was recommended Dr. Derek Lo in Central... Very good doc... the assistants are also extremely helpful...
I too have to agree with special. Dr Lo is an extremely caring and patient Dr. I am quite a fussy person and whenever I have a problem he's asked me to come in and he does a check-up free. I go to him for fertility treatment and all he charges is HKD1500/- per cycle and last month he has seen me over 15 times and each time he does an U/S as well. He even takes the trouble of calling your husband and explaining things. Excellent.
F12 has stimulated an interesting discussion. For me cmlo misses the point. The point is that Dr Choy is a brilliant surgeon (ob/gyn) and a very caring doctor. What more could you possibly want from your doctor!
Hi Mosy, Just for information sake could I know what your problem was? If you dont want to post it here you can send a message to my inbox - ac1234
20 yrs ago
Hi, I'm new to posting so I hope this works! I had to post a reply. Just been to see Dr Choy at Care for Women. What a blessing she is. I was referred to her by another doctor who thought I had a serious problem and it turns out not to be that serious at all. All that worry for nothing! I think its easy for doctors to say you have a problem and put you on all sorts of expensive medication/treatment but it takes more courage to say your problem is not that serious and give you minimal treatment. Maybe some people feel cheated if they go to a doctor and come away with nothing. Dr Choy doesn't over prescribe and she doesn't get you all worried about nothing. She is simply wonderful.
I would be keen to know who you went with as I'm in the same position and have just moved to Hong Kong. All the above opinions are helpful I'm sure but confusing when trying to choose.
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20 yrs ago
Elisabeth6 I was like you but now I wouldn't even hesitate. I'd go and see Dr Choy at Care for Women (3112 0480). I am sure you will be very happy and feel well cared for after seeing her.
20 yrs ago
Has anyone every used Dr Lam at the HK Prenatal Centre is St George's building?
Dr Joe Chan is very good and caring. He always listen to you and give you appropriate advice. I would recommend him without hesitation. His no. is 25233328.
I recommend Dr Lucy Lord. She is an English doctor who has been working in HK for many years. I think she is the best in the business. Her practice also has GP's, Pediatricians and a free baby clinic all under one roof. She is at Wan Chai and her number is 2824 0822. Her claim to fame was that she was present at the birth of Prince William.
I saw Dr. Choy and thought she was quite inexperienced. She was very friendly and supportive but could not answer or had not heard of some of the things I asked - did not inspire confidence. I would not use her again.
Hi, firsttimemom, I would recommend Dr Joe Chan to you. I previously had my ovarian cyst removed by him through a few holes in my tummy. I am now 8 weeks' pregnant and he is looking after me and my baby. He is very good, professional and caring. He is someone you can trust and rely on. I totally believe that he won't disappoint you. His no. is 25233328. Good luck and take care!
Thanks much mum2be, I'll bear that in mind. I am seeing Dr. Joseph Woo - any comments on him? I found him via other internet references and then did a search. I'm quite fanatical about eating the right foods, nuts and seeds, omega 3 oils and natural/herbal therapies (eg, raspberry leaf tea etc), so to have someone who doesnt dismiss all of this as mumbo jumbo would be a nice thing. Also don't want a C-section or to pay an arm and a leg... :D
Is this all too much :D heh
20 yrs ago
hi there, i am also a first time mom to be and posted this same question 6 months ago when i found out i was pregnant. I would highly reccomdend Lucy Lord in Wan Chai, i have been seeing her and really like her. I am also a bit of a health freak and vegan so had lots of concerns about diet and alternative therapies. I have found her knowledgeable and supportive with any thing that i have gone to her with. Good luck and congratualtions !
i totally agree that there are her many fans on this expat site,i wonder why.10 yrs of experience is definitely not enough as a doctor,compared to what most of the doctors 'experiences in central i been with.however,i would say that she is caring and patience.i guess i will choose her for treatments as she will listen but not having a surgery or a birth.she is a good sales person though.:)
Agreed with funqd. Something happened to me in discussions with her and her resultant notes that was not what she told me and that I had seen myself which led me to lose faith in her abilities.
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20 yrs ago
Anyone else out there who's seen Dr Joseph Woo? I know 'firsttimemom' sees him but I'd like to hear more about what he's like and is he costly? Actually I'm planning to have my baby in Australia but won't be going back till I'm 7 months so I really need a Gyno/Ob to take care of me for the first 7 months...any advice?
He is far far less expensive than the others quoted here, and I trust his judgement. He does not know about herbs and such and thinks I take too many vitamins (I only take a good multivitamin, and when I was pregnant took a prenatal - 6 tabs a day). I was only 4 weeks and he refused to do an ultrasound so early, booked me in to come back at six weeks. I know some who would have done one anyway and charged the earth. His manner is straightforward. I can handle difficult truths, so I don't mind such straightforwardness. He is always available to take my calls even though I've only seen him twice and am not pregnant any more. I've called him three times since then and asked some things, he has no problem with that.
Lets see what happens next round.
20 yrs ago
There have been some negative comments regarding doctors on this thread (one that would likely be considering libelous) - such comments are not allowed on this site as clearly stated in the rules on the forums.
The reasons are:
1. We have no idea who is placing the comments - they could be someone with a grudge against a doctor who places untrue comments that damage the doctor's business.
2. If this happens then it is likely we will be sued for publishing the commments - damages for contributing to destroying a medical practice will be massive - and in the event that this were to happen the person posting the comments will definitely be identified by their IP address and if the commments are proven libelous and damaging they will be sued as well.
Thse forums are not meant to be an ombudsman and we will not allow them to be used as such. Feel free to make recommendations when asked however negative comments will not be allowed - and, if we see comments like the one I just deleted implying malpratice (naming the doctor - and a the full name of a women who the member accused of killing their baby) an immediate ban will result.
We simply will not allow such outrageous comments on the site.
I will absolutely not debate this as I have been through this on many occassions. Suffice to say that we are a commercial web site with over 400,000 visitors each month and as such we have obligations to individuals and companies not to allow their reputations to be destroyed (regardless if they are our advertisers).
If you cannot live by the rules then please refrain from posting here.
20 yrs ago
I think the best way to deal with this and maintain the utility of this forum would be to say nothing about a certain doctor who may be unqualified if a recommendation or opinion is requested - and instead recommend a doctor that you feel is able to offer a high quality of service... if there's a trend for more than one member to recommend certain doctors then this resource remains useful.
The last thing we all want is a huge law suit against this site and anyone who has posted comments that someone or company deems libelous...
I've been seeing Dr Choy for a year noe and have found her nothing but professional and honest. I have had two surgeries wth her both without any problems. I've got pregnant twice the first one we lost due to a chromosomal problem the 2nd is coming along nicely at 13weeks. I have (since july) moved to S'pore and am still flying down to see her in HK at least till the next check up at 18weeks. My husband and i are upset she won't be delivering our baby. I was so shocked to see some of the negative comments on her and sad for you that you didn't have positive experiences with Dr Choy. Picking a Dr expecially if you have fertility issues (as i did) is a very personal thing and you should always have someone you feel you can trust and are comfortable with. I feel that with Dr Choy and "I" think she's worth every cent.
I gave birth yesterday at the Matilda Hospital and Dr Alex Doo delivered my little girl.
It was my third baby, in as many years, so I was hoping for a short and sweet labour. Turned out to be 15 hours long but I put that down to having to be induced. To cut a long story short (literally) I went from 4cm to 10cm in 10 minutes! Even after receiving an epirdural, I began to get breakthrough pain as I dilated so quickly.
Dr Doo raced in to the delivery room as soon as they told him I had dilated from 5 to 10 in 10 minutes.
He delivered my baby in 2 pushes without any tearing or cuts and he truly is an amazing Doctor.
I saw Dr Doo throughout my entire pregnancy. He was wonderful every time.
If you are looking for the best Obstetrician in Hong Kong to deliver your baby, then look no further than Dr Alex Doo. You can find him at his clinic in Central, at The Women's Clinic in Central Building (3rd Floor).
Thanks Dr Doo, you're the best!
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