I am into the second week from my first IUI. My basal temprature stays very high, like around 36.9 to sometimes over 37. I feel so bloated, and my tummy is uncomfortable, gets tired easily and cannot sleep through the night as I get too hot or just feel restless. Is it normal? I got two injection of HcG, using Utrogestan every night. On the other hand, I kind of think that the more you react to the hormone treatment, the more chance that you may be pregnant, but it probably is just my wishful thinking..
Anyway, can anyone advise me if the condition sounds normal???
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20 yrs ago
Hi macaron mania
Its greate that your BBT stays high. Bloated, uncomfortable tummy, tired, sore breasts are all due to injectibles and hcg. I also had the same feelings when I did my two IUI cycles. And also took Utrogestan every night & morning. I think you must be due in day or two for blood test. Good luck and share it with us to give us some hope as I have two failed IUI
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Hi Tillu,
Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I was told to call in if I didn't get the next period 16 days from the IUI.
Sorry to hear that your last IUIs haven't been successful, but try and keep your hope up! I thik it is just like other challenges in life...just when it seems that there is no hope, a happy ending is just around the corner! Let's get through this together!
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I had something sililar when i did IVF and my Dr told me it would really only happen then due to the quanity of drugs. I was told i am hypa sensitve and they need to be careful not to over stimulate me. What happened was i filled up with fluid, i couldn't sleep couldn't eat couldn't walk anywhere. It's hard to say whether it's the same conditon or not but it's probably worth calling your Dr and telling them or calling in. If it's fluid retention it could complicate this cycle of IUI. Best to be sure and speak to your Dr
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Thanks, Perthites. I should really call Dr and make sure... Boy, your condition sounds much worse, though! I can walk, just cannot run like I used to. (I ran like 100km per week, but now I feel like a snail walking really slowly...) My appetite has gone down a lot, too...and I feel very hot, especially my hands (strange place to feel hot...it is usually your head that you need to cool down...).
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Hi macaron, i had 3 cycles of it. What i can advice is please don't take your BBT, unless your doc tell you to do it,which i doubt, it will just add to your stress, and it won't be accurate at all as we are on progesterone, or whatever hormone drugs you're taking. It will definetely stay up and high until you finished the medicine. i know this 2ww is difficult, just don't think about it, ha ha ha.....i know it's easy to say. Good luck, my friend got preggy with twins with IUI.
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Yes Macaron. I too had all the pregnancy symptoms after my first IUI and when it didnt happen I felt really awful. But since then I totally ignore everything, dont worry or look for any symptoms and just have my fingers crossed. So then when it doesnt happen you dont feel as bad. Get your self preoccupied with other stuff. The meds even delay your periods and the first month I really thought I was preggy although I kept getting a negative on the HPT.
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I think I went for three ultra sound after I started the injection (I got the injection in the clinic for twice, starting Day2, and then did it at home until the day before IUI). Then I went for the blood test, and got HCG injection to induce obulation. Then the I-Day. After the insemination, I went for two HCG injections, the first one three days later, and then another four days after the first. After that, you are basically on your own, just using vaginal Utrogestan medicine to help keep the baby if you were pregnant. I was basically fine in the first week, just extremely tired, but not so down or anything. The second week became so much tougher, I don't know why...maybe it is just the usual PMS thing. I feel more desperate, and not so cheerful. My boyfriend and I are planning on two vacations next month and in July, that would make the treatment impossible for two months, which is making me feel more down, but I think we have to have relaxing time, too, especially for him. I don't want to make myself a baby monster, but it is hard not to think about it as I am turning 40 next year...
Well, sorry about moaning. Hey, best of luck to your IUI! I will get the result in a week or so at the latest, so will let you know. Millions of baby dust for you.
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Mmm, some people say flying is absolutely a NO. Check the other thread called "travel and pregnancy". But some say it is OK. Don't know about miscarriage, though. Better check with doctor... My friend had a natural pregnancy and traveled until three months before the delivery.
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Macaron manina,
I think those of us who have being going thru assist preg for a while know all about going on holidays. It's a hard choice to give up a month of trying i've been there a few times. But keep in mind that the drugs stay in your system for a up to three months so even though your not taking them that month they are still there doing some work! It is nice once your away not fusing about with it all and having a complete break, you realise the full extent of the presure and stress it puts on you both when you realsie how nice it is not to be going thru it all. Once back from the holiday you feel strong and refreshed to dive head first back into it all. We all need a holiday but WE really need a holiday the guys too. Have a great trip/ trips!
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Yes Macaron mania. I too agree with Perthites. I just got back from a holiday and yes I did feel the difference. You feel so refreshed and eager to start all over again. We missed long weekends such as Easter/CNY because of treatment and that too was getting on us. I feel this holiday did us a lot of good and have started thinking of our way forward all over again. Do take a break if you havent in a while and enjoy every bit!!!
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Thank you Perthites and AC1234! The Doctor's assistant made it sound a bit like "take the holiday if you really want to." And hearing about 40 years old is a big threashold in fertility (I am turning 40 next year), it suddenly dawned on me that I am not given the luxury of time. (Up until 1 year ago, I was more worried about getting pregnant!!!) But I agree with you both that missing two cycles is OK if it does good to us, feeling energized and feel the freedome for some time. In the end, I do have three or four more chances until the end of year. Doctor said my blood test was good for my age (how good, I don't know), so I will just try to believe in myself, and treat ourselves a nice vacation! Thanks!
AC1234, I am glad you had a good holiday. Where did you go?
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Dr told us that he encourages us to have intercourse after the IUI treatment just to cover the whole time spectrum of orbulation.
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Yep, apparantly the follicle (egg) is capable of being fertilized upto 24 hrs after ovulation and good sperm stays upto 5 days and having intercourse and the IUI gets more sperm in I guess!!!!
Macaron Mania Thanks. I was in Kiwi Land.
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i got a very faint line on my home pregnancy test. It appeared in three minutes, but it is very faint...compared to the other line that tells you the test is completed, it is nothing, but still has pinkish color! Does this mean I may be pregnant? But people who got +result on the test says the line was clear. I don't know what to think... I guess i will go and take a blood test tomorrow...
AC1234, I have never been to NZ, but it is one of the top destinations I want to go in the future! We are going to Cambodia in june, and Thailan (hiking and Chiva-som resourt, doing yoga and getting relaxing treatment etc.) in July.
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Hope it's a positive result Macraon mania! Fingers crossed for you.
I've been given some good news it seems i am having a completely natural cycle this month. Yep ovualing on the 14 day without drugs and everything. So we are crossing our fingers and going for our 25% chance for the first time in a few years!
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Mrs Miggins,
Thanks a lot for your very nice advice. yes, a line is a line, and if it is a pregnancy, I should see the Dr asap...like you said, I might need a lot of help to keep this possible pregnancy!!! Thank you so much.
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Thanks NEWHK! That is very encouraging! I will let you know the result. I think I will be OK even if I am not pg, as I have all of you sharing the same experience!
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20 yrs ago
Hi NewHK
You need progestrone to sustain your pregnancy & to thicken your lining. Generally the blood test is done to check the level of P4 on DPO7 and above 30 is considered good level for pregnancy (the level may be different for different Drs). The viginal tablets are used for best result, oral tablets are also given but vignal supp are preferred for pregnancy. In sever deficiency injactibles are also considered.
Congrats Macaron mania. I agree a line is a line so you are pregnant. Wish you happy & health nine months journey amd looooooooots of baby dust for you
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Hi Macaron mania. Hope its THE month for you. Do keep us posted and good luck.
For me its yet another failed month.
Have any of you guys heard if clomid or Gonal F has a higher success rate?
Wondering whether to do clomid or Gonal F next month.
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AC1234 so sad for you, i'm really sorry to hear that. How are you coping? I'm here most days if you need to vent or poor your heart ou.
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Hi AC1234, thank you for your kind words. And I relly feel for you. I think you are doing great, thinking about the next step and trying to gather information about different drugs. Unfortunately, I don't have deep knowledge on those drugs, but I will let you know when i find out anything about it. But in general, from what I learned from websites, clomid is the most common one and the gonal F is used for higher treatement stage like IVF? Gonal F is a kind of FSH, and I used the ingectibles which is FSH(injection can be done at home by yourself) , and in the booklet I read in the doctor's clinic, it is a new technology that is found very efficient in inducing ovulation. In some other countrieds, this type of infertility drug is not available yet. If I find anything else, I will let you know.
And thank you tillu and everyone...I haven't got the result...just yet...
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Thanks Perthites and Macaron Mania for your kindness. As you know I feel awful but it hasnt been as bad as the first month as I now realize that these things might take a while. But its just that I am a bit confused.
Perthites, I need to clarify a few things with you and will send a message to your in box.
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AC1234 hotmail server down but i promise i'll get back to you ASAP
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20 yrs ago
Hi AC1234
I did my both failed IUI cycles with Gonal-F. Clomid & Gonal-F (as per my knowl and discussion with Dr) are for increase your eggs, on natural cycles one generally produce one foll or egg. But with these medicine the no. increases. With clomid i had one egg (i took 50mg from d5 to d9) but my lining becames thin with clomid and with gonal -f both time I produced 2 mature eggs.. Do let me know for more detail or you can see the thred in moms & dad under IUI
Good luck for next cycle & lots of baby dust
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Thanks Tillu and Perthites. I too did one on clomid and one on Gonal F and had one follicle on clomid and three on Gonal F!!! I was really hopeful the month I had three but still didnt work. So will go with injections as the chances seem high.
Perthites. No worries. Just drop me a note when you do get a chance.
Tillu and Perthites, pls keep me updated on your progress as I seem to have similar issues as you two. Tillu BTW do you also have PCOS? Just curious as I have PCOS and my DB's motility is low. And guess what my husband has stopped the Proxeed as he thinks its not safe as it is not FDA approve and now got to look into an alternative.
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20 yrs ago
Hi AC1234
No, I don't have PCOS. I don't know what's wrong with me as every test is perfect even did HSG both tubes are open. I have not done any thing for this month just HSG but booked an appot for acupt. Will give break for next month also and may be then go for another IUI.
Proxeed is prescribed by Dr. Doo and it is very
famous, widely used medicine for Quality Improvement.
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AC1234 Not sure if you saw my post but i have managed a natural cycle this month. After the misscariage i had to wait till i got my natural cycle back and we did do any drugs except my Glucophage for PCO. This month we asked Dr Choy to just monitior me and we found i am ovulating myself and have a 28 day cycle. Obviously th break did some good so fingers crossed we're one of the 25%. It could all change next month who knows in this game.
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Thanks Tillu, Perthites.
Perthites, infact even I ovulated myself this month with no drugs whatsoever except for an HCG shot when the follicle was mature enough. That actually happened by chance because we were taking a break and I happened to see the Dr around day 16 and when he did the U/S I had a mature follicle, so he gave me an HCG shot. Unfortunately that too didnt work. But ofcourse as I told you I think I need to give it a bit more time. I do hope and pray it works for u this month. Its been a long walk for you. You really deserve to have things working in your favour for all that time you've been patient with.
BTW I am seeing an Endocrinologist as I am insulin tolerent (due to PCOS). He wanted me to do a Glucose tolerence test as well and he said if both were positive he will put me on some medicines. Most likely Glucophage if only insulin tolerent. Thank God the company covers me for this and hopefully I can loose a few kilos as I have put on 8 kg since starting infertility treatment.
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AC1234 Thanks for your kind words it's good to hear you ovulated naturally yourself also. I hope the glucophage is right for you as i think that was a major contributer to my getting pregnant. It isn't very nice when you first go on it thou. let me know if you do maybe my exerpriences can help you deal with it better.Yep i too know all about the drug belly! i had to go out and buy clothes, it's calmed down somewhat since i haven't been on the drugs.... now i only my lazy self to blame!
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I got the second test result, and the hcg level is very low, so the doctor told me not to expect too much. The level was at 38 2days ago and now 60. It should be around 200? Dr says there still is a chance but most unlikely... I am very sad.
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Perthites-Good luck with your this month try for the 25%!!! It is great that you naturally ovulated. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
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Hi Simplythebest,
The hard thing is, that I am indeed pregnant, as my hcg level shows, but just that is it not increasing rapidly as it should be...Well, God knows what the best plan is for me, so i will keep praying...
Good luck with you, too!
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20 yrs ago
Hi Macaron Mania,
As far my knowl IUI results in early periods because if you are on injectibles you ovulate early 11th or 12th day, as in my case I have always 29 days cycle but when did both IUI the cycle was only for 23 days, DR told me I ovulated early and they release the egg on 11th day. I read somewhere that you beats should be doubled in 2 days we all pray for your positive result.
I have one question to ask as before my cycles were for 29 days but last two month it was for 23 days because of IUI. I am taking break for this month so can any body tell me would my cycle will be on 29th day as normal or delayed or early. I didn't take any medicine or u/s just did HSG
Good luck and loooooots of baby dust to you both Macaron Mania & Perthites
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Hi Macaron Mania,
Come on mate you can get thru this, if you aren't all this is a big step to making the next cycle better. I'm sad for you it's just sooo unfair theres no other way to say it. Let us know when you've confirmed your result. Fingers crossed thou.
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Hi Macaron Mania, let's just hope and pray hard, it still went up and double, though it's not that high. But there's still hope....hang in there....hugs....
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Hi Crystal haven't heard from you for a while. Have you started the chinese med treatment?
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Thank you so much, crystal88. What is your situation? (I didn't find it on this thread...) Hope everything is well with you too. I am praying, and I will add you in my prayers!!!
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Hi, as i've said in my previous postings (i am the one who started the IVF doctor thread) i will be moving to Hk by July 1st, i will be there next week for house hunting. So, once i'm there, i want to start seeing a chinese doc first, maybe Troy. Then, Perthites, maybe you can help post the address or contact of Cristina Choy. I'm just busy packing and sorting out my things so i don't surf much. Is Cristina really nice ;-) My RE here still insists that Milton is the best and i should see him, as they are good friends. I just post on your soap thread - macaron. I have done 2 IVF but failed. Maybe a change of country will help me. Thanks.
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Crystal 88, good luck with your moving, and I am sure the change will be good. I must say the situaiton here in HK is excellent, and maybe because the whole thing about fertility treatment started in UK, HK seems like the next best place? Lots of doctors have studied in UK, I suppose. It seems like a long way to go, but we will all get +++++results sooner or later. Let's go through this together!
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Sorry Chyrstal i keep forgetting your not here in HK yet. Christine Choy is REALLY nice, i was told that i should see Dr Millton too but i prefer a women and we have been more than happy with our choice. She is very sensitive and compasionate. She always tells you the way it is, won't give you false hope which i appericate. She however a very positive lady who beleives she will get us all to our goal.
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It's alright Perthites, i'm also confused with our "names". Is it Tillu who will also try Troy?
I too prefer a women doctor, do you know anyone who got preggy with her?
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Hi Tillu! I think its not the IUI itself that delays your periods but the drugs. Apperently you get your periods when your progestron falls down and as a result your lining (corpus luteum)raptures. The injection that you take to release the follicle is progestron and it stays in your body 10-14 days.
The day you get your periods depends on your luteal phase. That is the day from ovulation until the day you get your periods. I've read that the luteal phase is ideally half the no of days of your cycle.
So maybe on a natural cycle you ovulate on d14-15 and since you get your periods on d29. But with drugs you ovulate on day 11 so ideally I think it would be D22-23 that you would be getting your periods.
For me I did both my IUI's on day 16 and my periods which were 30 on dot have now become 32. So I think this seems logical.
These are all stuff I have gathered surfing, so anyone pls feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Macaron Mania! Hords of baby dust to you and you'll be in my prayers.
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The 2 week wait is torture then you get to THE day and that is worse than the 2 week wait, stressfull and full of up and downs. If we make it thru that we will be soo happy and of course positive BUT we then have a 3 month wait! What a crazy crazy game this is! Good luck to those on their two week wait, ALL the best to those like MM on the big day wait. Yes we are all in this together and if any one does strick gold don't drop out from keeping us informed we will be happy for you.... a little envious but happy as it gives us ALL hope. Fingers, legs and arms crossed!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
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Hi Perthites, do you know anyone who got preggy with cristina? thanks.
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20 yrs ago
Hi Cryatal 88
its me goint to Troy tomorrow evening. And againa bad day for me got my periods today.
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Tillu sooo sooo sorry, man that's is so sad. I hope you and hubby can get thru this one. Lot of lve to you both.
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I am sorry to hear your af came...You must be very disappointed. But please do not feel too down about it. Please try to think of all the good things you have, and focus on the chance of conceiving in the next cycle. I know it is tough. But please try to lift up your spirit.
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Chyrstall Last year Dr Choy got ALL her clients pregnant i was the last one. It's only 5% of women who end up like me and i'm sure they aren't all her clients. They are impressive numbers, if only you could see the waiting room at the Women's Clinic you'd know how many people go thru those doors i see a differnt face every time!
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20 yrs ago
Thnaks All
Thanks for the words but I am feeling soooo low
I am in office and cann't hept myself and just crying.feeling so helpless. My hubby is out of town and I dont want to upset him by calling him and crying on the phone.
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Wow, this thread is becoming bigger and bigger. It is hard to keep up! I am so glad!
Simplythebest, the hcg lvel should increase as your embryo grows and produce more hcg hormone. It should double in very 2 to 3 days, and there are certain levels for certain level of conception that are assumed to be "normal pregnance" and others for "high possibility of chemical pregnancy or misscarriage". My doctor's assistant told me, though, that it should be tripled by yesterday...so, depending on a sort of research findings you turn to, you get different readings.
Thank you so much. I have been browsing through other threads under feritility, and leaned that you have been givin lots of encouragement to all the girls here. I admire your kindness while you youself must be facing a lot of challenges. Yes, we will all get through this and big smiles on our faces, someday very soon!!!
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I understand your feeling. I cried so much from yesterday, and I didn't want to cry in front of my boyfriend, as it would just upset him as well, and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it as it was our first time and not many people are so lucky to be successful at the firt time. But hey, if you need to cry, it may do good to you just to let it go. I understand it is hard when you are in the office...I am working from home office, so it is easier...I wish I could help you. I know there is nothing we can do to heal your pain, but we are here, just hoping the best for you.
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Tillu, sooooo sorry to hear that AF came. I think thats what we all dont want to have. But cheer-up my dear. I am sure we will all make it sooner or later. I too just cant stop crying when it happnes and its always happened at office for me too. But I think I've accepted the fact that I need to give it a little more time and this time when AF arrived I didnt feel misserable as before.
I think Perthites definitely is a source of encouragement for all of us. 5 IUI's and still going strong. I wish I can be like you all way long Perthites.
Macaron Mania, its great that you've accepetd it so well being the first time. My first month was the worse as I had very high hopes and was even thinking of delivery and stuff!!!
Hords of baby dust to you all.... Yep who ever who get through this pls keep us informed.
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Tillu i'm so sorry your dealing with this on your own having hubby away makes it all the harder to deal with i've been in that situation a couple of times and you feel even more alone. But remember your not you have us!I am sending you a message but i can not connect to my email so if you reply i won't be able to read it.
Thanks MM it's a tough business all this and i have my moments where i don't think i can keep playing this crazy game but it doesn't take long to remember why i'm taking part. We've all been thro a lot and there is always some one who's stroy is worse than yours which makes you think you don't have it so bad. But in saying that our problems are all very real to us and not matter how small or big we each deal with them differently theres no right or wrong way to go about all this we are learning as we go along. I'm a rather sensitve soul, i'm a crier! (a sentimental ad can do it! it's the cancerian in me)so it's hard for me not get a bit emotionaly envolved with everyone going thru this. But i think we are all supportive and positvive, how can we not be we're all going thru it! Yes MM big smiles. Your excused Tillu we will get you smiling again tho.
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20 yrs ago
Thanks Macaron Mania & AC1234
Yes I know and every month i promis my self that will behave properly and accept whatever the outcome. But whe the time come I just lost every thing all promises. Its so difficult again to start next month and passing through same situation. I think I too obesessed with babies, all my thinking, future planning moves around of being getting pregnant. I am relly depressed since last month i am passing through hight BP because of stress. I also want to be strong but can't be may be I am like that every time so weak, low and desprate. Sorry for writing so long
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I have sent you a messaged and i can actually read a reply from you.
Tillu don't be so hard on yourself your not weak, it's a sad and stressfull business and it's extrememly emtional it's easy to say your not going to get your hopes up but when it comes to the result how can we not be disappointed.I would cry for days after each month i wasn't pregnant and i still cry now you saw my post last month you know can get low. This is NOT easy but it will get a little better as you progress thru this, i truely believe that. Now you have your high BP to consider in all this you have to take that seriously stress is a contributor of infertility we have to find you something to help ease your stress maybe a yoga class or a course at the w/e or nights.Massages one a week i know of a great place in Central. What do you think? What do all you other ladys do to destress? lets help tillu out with some ideas to get her BP down.
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Hi Tillu, you cry for one time and that's it. Think that there is something good to look forward to, like you have set an appointment with Troy. He must be the answer, with those herbs, maybe our body will be more prepare to hold a baby. I've had 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs and now, i'm just looking forward to my HK stint, i'm not losing hope. I'm so glad to find this thread, i now know where to go once i'm ready to give it a try again. Don't lose hope ladies, we'll have what we are praying for very soon. It's my birthday tomorrow, adding one more year, time is ticking, have to act now.
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Hi Perthites!
Just went to the Dr and he did put me on metformin. Gosh I am releived about that. I think I am very happy with my Dr and will stick with him. When things werent happening after 2 IUI's I got a bit frustrated and thought of getting an opinion from different Gynos and that when I landed at the womens clinic and also somewhere else. But having done all that I now know where I am most comfortable.
BTW just thought of letting you guys know, in case it helps someone. My Dr today prescribed a chinese medicine called "Bak Foong Pills". He said it was available at watsons/mannings or any pharmacy and that several of his patients have had success with this. So thought of putting it if anyone is interested and maybe can ask their DR.
I know we all here are desperate to see things happen!!!
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It's great you found the Dr reliable. It is exciting to start the treatment again, isn't it?
Can you tell me what does Bak Foong Pills do exactly?
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AC i'll send you a post about the side effects of the meds just so you know what to expect. I'd be interest to know what Bak Foong pills do too.
MM have you started any courses yet or joined any associations?
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20 yrs ago
Hi AC1234
I also want to know about the chines medicines. I have an appointment with Troy for acupuncture lets hope for the best.
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Hi All,
The follwing links will take you to two articles on "Bak Foong".
However it is supposed to cleanse your blood and also nourishes your uterus. Although they say it is for mesntrual regulation its supposed to be good for your entire body and the Dr told me that he had some cases where the only different thing they did was add this to their medication and voila... got pregnant. I personally dont know anyone who's used it but something as inexpensive and with no side effects wont hurt I guess.
Tillu, yes you can ask Troy too about this. And how often do you go for accupuncture Tillu. I did one yesterday and will probably go again after the IUI.
Perthites. Thanks. Are you on the 2 week wait now?
Good luck ladies!!!
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AC yes i'm on the dreaded two week wait but this time my hubbys stressing more than me! Says he's not going to think about it but he can't help it.
I'm feeling especially positive this month so heres hoping i'm right. If for soem reason i'm wrong (but i'm not!) i will look in to organic/nautral soaps and ask my Dr about Bak Foong.
AC i enquired before about you to see if you'd started any course or joined any associations.
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What kind of courses and associations are you talking about? I am fairly new to this world, and not sure what they are...If you can tell me what they are quickly, I'd really appreciate it. Also, I am so glad you are feeling positive this month! Have a faith in yourself, and keep that positive thoughts! Positive mind always makes things happen. Also, I think wheather or not you are pre-pregnant or pregnant, it is good to use non-chemical soap if you consider how good it will do to your basic level of health over time. Of course, nothing critical or urgent about it.
AC, sounds like a very good medicine. I will look into the links you posted, thanks! Though, I haven't given up on this one yet. I haven't started spotting, and I have been reducing the amount of work and taking it easy, eating healthy food, and just trying to keep the positive attitude. I feel (it may sound crazy) that some miracle is happening and my embryo is picking up on its pace of growing, producing more hCG!!! I lit candles and pray to all my grand parents and my boyfriend's father who passed away last year to help us grow this embryo. Also, I have learned that all I can do as a mother is to give as much support as possible but let the child grow on its own pace...I mean, if not this time, but in the future, my boyfriend and I become parents, then all we can do is to provide the best environment and lots of encouragement, but the rest is up to the child. I am starting to learn that...
If this time wasn't my time, then I will also ask the doctor about the Chinese medicine AC mentioned...my doctor has never mentioned anything alternative-like including chinese medicine or acupuncture...
Lots of baby dust to you girls!
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I meant "briefly", not "quickly"...
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Hey Perthites/MM,
Good luck!!! I am sure this is going to be the month for you guys!!!! That would be great and you both can continue to chat on stuff that comes thereafter. Having all my fingers , hands, feet crossed for you two...
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As i mentioned the YWCA has loads of course the "At Home" one being for new comers. There is the Australian Association and the American Womens Association these both have a coffee morning once a week as well as outings, walks and other activities. The Australian Chamber of Commerce (this is more business networking).
Let me know if you need an more info.
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Ah, yes, you told me! I totally forgot about having "fun" actually in the last two weeks! I will certainly look into those resources you listed. Thanks!!! By the way, do you do yoga? Last week I did yoga as usual, but I could do the easiest pose I used to do no problem. And thought I shouldn't force myself into those poses as they might not be good for pregnancy...I don't want to tell my yoga teacher just yet, so I am going to skip the next class, but would a pregnant-to-be or maybe pregnant women benefit from certain types of poses or yoga styles? Should any specific poses be avoided by pregnant (pregnant-to-be) women? Does anyone know?
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No i don't do yoga MM far to lazy! I suppose there must be some poses pregnant women can't do otherwise the instructors wouldn't ask if there was any pregnant women in the class or maybe thats to cover their own arse! Maybe you could ring up and ask say your just inquiring.
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Hi AC, what is metformin for? Hi MM, i do yoga too but i stop it after i've done IVF/IUI or even ovulated, just do don't those difficult poses. My payment is on a per session basis so it's alright to come and go. I know someone who got preggy after 8 years just by doing yoga, so i was influence to take it too. Hey ladies, do you know the course for those new comers in HK? I know there is but can't remember where? thanks.
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Crystal do you mean new comers yoga course or new comers "At Home" course at the YWCA?
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Hi Perthites, it's not yoga course. It's the course for those new comers in HK, they orient you on the place, culture, etc. I'm going there next week for house hunting, hope i can find a nice place, and it should be near Central as it looks like i will be going there often.
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Hi perthites, thanks. I will ask the yoga teacher...I skipeed the last class anyway just in case. By the way, when are you going to take the test? Are you feeling any symptoms? Keep us posted. I pray that this time is really for you!
Hi Crystal, I think it is wise that you don't go to class after IUI. I mean, I did one class, but barely managed to do all the poses...I just gave up! The instructor was telling me, com'on you can do it, but I refused to push myself. Now, it seems impossible to do even the easiest cobra pose. My entire stomach is stretched, and it is hard to twist my waist. And Perthites told me before that there is a YWCA courses, and American, Australian association. Here is the YWCA link, so you can check out if there is anything that fits your visit in HK! http://esmd.ywca.org.hk/
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Crystal do you need a real estate agent i have a good one i used. Her agency caters to expats and she got me exactly what i wanted. She gives you a list of the palces and a map so you can keep record as you go. She also showed me how to get my octopus card (travel card) the use the train and the bus to my now apartment.
MACARON MANIA I am not feeling any symptoms it's only my first week of my two week wait. I'm not expecting to feel any at two weeks anyway i will just wait to my 28th day and see for my self as i'll be away from HK.
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Hi simplythebest,
I have been trying for two years without fertilization treatment and I just got the first IUI. I guess the chance of getting pregnant is naturally very low even if you don't have any known cause... At least you are basically healthy and all the natural treatment you have been giving yourslef has made you very healthy and ready to have a healthy baby!!! Maybe the God said you needed time to build your baby house for 18 months and the next month he will give you a baby! I think your attitude of trying everything you can is very very good, please keep it up. When it happens, you will be able to appreciate all the efforts you have made! Good luck with Dr Ho. He is great. I really trust him. He is very busy, so may not be able to answer detailed questions but if you need to ask casual questions like what you should do and you shouldn't, Kelly, his assistant knows very well, so ask her. Don't get me wrong, Dr Ho will give you all the necessary information, and asks you if you've got any quesstions, his answer is just a bit crisp and not have time to hang out talking about small issues for a long time...
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Hey Simplythebest i have known/worked with a women in your situation and she did all the things you did but didn't go down the IUI route as she mangaged to get pregnant. All of her female colleages told her it was stress as she was desperate to get pregnant. Once she relaxed it happened for her after a while. Not sure if any of this relates to you but at least it's nice to know someone else went thru some thing silmilar. Maybe the IUI is all the help you need!
Good luck.
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I respect your attitude of not reading into the symptoms...I guess it will take time for me to learn that!!! I get worried with every little pressure and pain I feel...although they may be just normal stomach problem! hhaha.
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It's only beacause i learnt the hard way hahaha! I think when your on the drugs you get more symptoms as well so makes it harder to tell. This month is all natural so i figured i wouldn't be able to tell for about 3-4 (like "normal"people) if i didn't do a blood test at 2wks which of course i WILL BE doing!!!!!
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Hi Perthites,
Our company will assign an agent for us, i'm coordinating with her now, i want a new apt but it seems there's only a few choices in HK island. Don't want to stay in kowloon side as i want it to be near central. Thanks.
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Hi Crystal! Sorry for the late reponse. Metformin is for insulin resistance, which is a result of being Polycistic / PCOS. Sorry if you have mentioned before, but what exactly were you diagnosed with or is it unexplained. I was diagnosed with PCOS and gone through 2 IUI's. But this is the first month on metformin.
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Hi AC1234, oh thanks, i don't have PCOS, don't know what is it, but i always hear that. Didn't bother to ask my RE as she didn't say anything about that. Mine is unexplained.
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Hi everyone,
I got the third blood test today and the level of hCG went up to over 800. Still not stable, but seems like it is still growing, inspite of the Dr's warning that I would probably soon miscarry. Thank God. I am just so greatful for everyone here who supported me, and wanted to let you know my current situation. Thank you, and lots and lots and lots of sticky baby dust to you all!
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20 yrs ago
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Tillu, Thank you so much. I wish you the best of all in your attempt too! You will be in my prayer.
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Hi Mrs Miggins,
Thanks a lot. Yes, I do have a same feeling as to the Dr being pessimistic. He always tries to adjust my optimism whenever I look too happy. I guess that is good and bad. I will try to keep my positive attitude but also be strong in the face of challenges.
My next challenge is the next week's ultra sound. I will be mortified if we can't see anything.
Best of luck with your pregnancy, too. At 6 months, it must be fairly stable and you must be reliefed.
By the way, how much of which vitamine should you take? I am taking 12mg of iron, 300μg of follic acid, vitamine E and C.
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Mrs Miggins,
That's an interesting information. Thank you. I will check with my doctor, and also check out materna!
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Hi, Simplythebest and all,
I am excited for your first IUI!!! Have you been on injectibles? How many follies did you have? It will be a long long 2ww, but hang in there! Try to talk to people here on the forum and eat healthy food with lots of folic acid (recomend wheatgerm mixed in oatmeal in the morning), and take a lot of rest whenever you can. I think it helped me . I went to the first ultra sound last Friday and found out there was one gestation sac with a white shade which is supposed to be the baby, and some faint blinking which are the heart beat. Doc told me to come back in a week for another ultra sound. He said the next time, we should be able to see the heartbeat more clearly, if not that is not good...(but I am more confident now so not much worried if things go wrong.) The percentage of this baby not being good is now down to something like 8% according to the doctor, which is a dramatic change from 2weeks before which was like 99%!!! The doctor says the baby's size shows 5.5weeks, when it really should be a bit more than 6weeks, so 4days late...I don't know how that happened. Did the egg didn't conceive for four days after the IUI???? Or it did, but just kind of rested before dividing into two and four?? It's a mystery. I really appreciate all of you hear who encouraged me to go through this. I pray for everyone to get the good results soon!!! Lots of baby dust to you all.
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Hi Simplythebest,
How exciting and frustrating for you! Try to keep busy to keep your mind off it and i do understand that thats not an easy task but remember stressing is BAD. Keep us up to date nad take care of your self. All the very best.
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Hi Simplythebest. Thanks for your wishing me luck. I understand how you feel...you must be younger than me though, as my friens's baby pic stopped coming around ages ago for me...haha.
Are you taking folic acid tablets? You should start taking 600mgm every day. Most of cereals are fortified with folic acid, so if you cannot take wheatgerm, go for the cereals. Wholegrain ones are better, and check the ingredients for folic acid. Don't eat papaya. I also found some anti-itchy cream like the one you use for mosquito bites contain something bad for fetus. (I used it a few times without knowing in the last few weeks, kind of worried, but not massive amount, so should be fine...) The point is, now that you may be pregnant from your first IUI, you should always ask your doctor if there is anything You aren't sure about. Best of luck to your 2ww!!!Keep smiling, that would help, even ifyou don't feel like smiling!
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Hi MM,
Congratulations!!! It's been a while since i last surf here so i don't know what's the update, been busy packing my things. Hope you can still teach me how to make soaps when i'm settled in HK. ;-) Take care.
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Hi Simplythebest,
The ingredient in the mosquito bite cream, or any anti itchy cream such as hemorrhoid may contain steroid type ingredients, and that may cause anomaly to the fetus, especially in the first trimester. Small quantity is OK but I stopped using them all entirely just to be on the safe side. I will ask the doctor tomorrow if he can prescribe me some safe cream. The more I learn, the more I become worried as things that I have already used or eaten are not very good for early pregnancy...but better to change now and stop worrying about what I already done.
Hi Crystal88,
Thank you very much. You must have been busy preparing for your move. I am sure this change will be a good one for you to start fresh. Don't exhaust yourself from packing, though. Take some rest and do it slowly... Of course, I look forward to showing you how to make soap!
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hi all,
I went for a second U/S and found out that there was no heatbeat anymore. The sac was not as big as it should be etc...Dr said I will have to get an operation to clean out the uterus soon, but will give it a few days to confirm the death of the fetus. I feel bad about giving you bad news as it may add to the concerns anyone with early pregnancy... It is quite hard, but I think I will be feeling OK soon. My boyfriend and I talked about how lucky we are to be able to conceive, so we just have to try again, and we should notice that we are happy to have each other with or without a baby, and should focus on that positive side.
On a positive note, I will get to know you guys more as I will stay on this forum longet than I thought...haha. Lots of baby dust to all of you girls!!!!! I really pray for all of you for good results in every stage of fertility you are in.
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Hi MM,
So sorry to hear of the bad news. You will be in my prayers and hope you are feeling well. I really appreciate how you guys have taken it up. Yes. as you've said now you know that you can conceive, so probabaly God has better plans for you.
Take Good care of your self.
I am on my dreaded two week wait which will end on Monday. I have has an awful month with severe abdominal pain and bloating since Monday. I really dont know what to expect. Dr said that it can be good news but not to test until Monday. So fingers, legs and everything crossed....
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AC, I am very excited for you. Seems like a good sign to me. Let us know how it goes on Monday!!! I will be keeping my fingers, legs, everything crossed for you. And thank you for your very nice thoughts for us.
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Thank you for sharing your experience with me. It must have been hard for you last year when you had miscarriage. It sounds painful...the bleeding and cramping. I really feel for you. And how exciting that you entered the 2ww. As much as it is a frustrating week, it is actually an exciting one. Hope you will keep busy until the next weekend, and really hope you will get the ++++++ result!!!! The dr said the same thing, that it is a positive sign that I did get pregnant (at my first IUI), and there is no need for changing things around, so will wait for 2 cycles after D&C and start the same treatment all over again. They will send the fetus to tests and find out the cause of miscarriage. (I hope it is just a one time cause...)
You see, I haven't bled a drop and it is wired. I just started feeling more normal (i.e. less preg symptoms) from two days ago. Today I woke up feeling too well physically, and that made me sad. I want to get it over with it and start fresh.
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I think I am in denial. I am still not convinced that the embryo is dead. No bleeding, still having morning sickness etc... I don't want to be a crazy person to hang onto the dead body, but I just want to make sure it is really reall dead before going in to D&C... Have anyone sought for a second opinion on diagnosis? It isn't that I trust the doctor, but I would feel much more convinced that I have done everything to check all the facts and not making a big mistake.
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Hi MM,
Sorry to read the news....i had the same experience years ago and i had bleeding too, like simplythebest, that's why i went for ultrasound and there they found out there was no heartbeat. It was 5-6 weeks. I didn't go for 2nd opinion as the doctor is my cousin, so i trusted her. If you don't have bleeding, maybe it's better to ask for a second opinion. Not to give you hope, but just to make sure before you go for D&C. When is your schedule?
My friend was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy, so it has to be removed. She went to another doctor and guess what? The doctor did something, i don't know what and take some medication. she has a baby girl now. Try your luck. You'll be in my prayers. Take care.
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My opinion about the state of the fetus swings between "should not give up hope" to "want to get over it asap". But I think you are right...sensible thing is to try to keep level head and still make sure what is really going on and then move forward. I will wait until Wed for another u/s scheduled by the doctor, and if I am stil not convinced (i.e. the sac still growing but no heartbeat), I will wait another few days and seek for a second opinion. I don't think it will increase danger of infection if I waited a week or two before I go ro D&C? Do you know? Would it be very very dangerous? If I am risking the chance of conceiving again, I don't want to wait.
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Thank you for sharing your experience, SM. I think I will get through this week, and I am sure we will come to term with the fact when it is obvious (i.e. no pregnancy symptom, or no heart beat whatsoever, or fetus shrinking or HCG level goes down etc.) I will get D&C after discussing the timing with the doctor. It is just a very cruel week...I have to get over.
I hope you will be successful soon! I heard that D&C sometimes improves the fertility by cleaning things up. Lots of baby dust to you!
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20 yrs ago
Sorry to hear your news. But one thing positive that you had responding well to IUI in first attempt that means nothing wrong with you and will get pregnant again. One more thing If you have any doubt or not convinced you must go for for second openion, as one of the symption of pregnancy is you feel like pregnant. I think you must go for second openion. Miracles do occur we all pray for you.
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Thank you so much for your advice and encouraging words. Yes, I do belive I am fortunate have been pregnant on the first IUI, and it is definitelly a positive sign. I will see what I see on the next u/s, and if i am still not convinced, then I will go for a second opinion. I don't need to rush into conclusion just yet. Thanks for praying for me...you will be in my prayer too. How are things with you? Please keep us posted! Lots of baby thoughts in your way!
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Hi Simply the best. Cheer-up. I know several people out there who've done several IUI's and been succesful at the end. I've done my 3 rd IUI and failed. Got AF last Thursday and on top of it I am now having two large functional cysts which means I will not be able to continue treatment for a month or two. It's awful and I am feeling really down too. But dont give up hope. Just keep hoping for the best and it will happen to you sooner or later.
MM- BFN as I know is Big Fat Negative. something we all dont want to get.... BTW when are you going in for surgery. Hope all goes well. You will be in my prayers.
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Hi AC, thanks for answering my question, and very sorry to hear that you are having cycts...It must be hard, but try and take this opportunity to have a stress free time, enjoying something you can't do when you are going through a treatment. I know hot it is disappointing...So I feel for you. You get a lot of rest for a month or two, and you can start fresh again!
Simplythebest, sorry to hear your situation. It is always disappointing to see the cycle fails...but one of these days, we will be amongst the 20% who get pregnant. You can try again next cycle, right? I really pray for you it will be the time for you.
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simplythebest try not to lose heart i am living prove you can get there. I know every ones situation is different but i did 1 IVF and 5 IUIs before i got there and then when i did i lost it at 8 weeks and now i'm 6 weeks preg and it was on a natural cycle only drugs were the PCO meds. It will happen and it takes time to find the right drug balance. Not too many of us are lucky enough like MM to have got it on the first go. Sadly MM lost her baby too but the fact that it can happen is always a good sign.
It's a terrible time that "day" each month but i always say it's a month close to finding the right balance and what works for you and your partner. All the best.
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I was thinking about arcupuncture too.
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Yep, simplythebest and MM. I too consider Perthites as a living example and who'se battled for almost a year with so much courage. I guess it is diffrent to each person. I have done TCM and accupuncture for one cycle. I've heard lots of people who've been successful on it. Infact it was Hulda at annerly midwives who introduces me to a TCM practitioner and she said that she had lot of patients who were succesful. But ofcourse I guess it is a long process. 8 months and not successful... I have my doubts...as they say it should work within 3-6 months. But that said again it would depend on each individual. I have not tried TCM that long so cannot commnet. And moreover if you are trying it together with other fertility treatment its costly as well. Since its an added 3-4k percycle... Good luck to you all and lots of baby dust to us all here...
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20 yrs ago
I am doing acupunture with Troy. This is my second period along with herbs. He told me that generally it take 2-3 month for a body to respond to acpt. May be I will go next month with my thirs IUI and acpt. If you need more information, let me know
Good luck for BFP
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20 yrs ago
hi SM
Actually when i booked my first appt in may by chance that was my firt day of the period and than he called me around my ovulation. As I am the case of unexplained infertility, my periods are regular and so is the ovulation. During my present cycle he called me between d1 to d5. Yes he is very busy. Are you working if no than absolutely no problem you just booked an appt and can go any tim but if you are working than its bit difficult. As he called me for my second
visit around 1-2 days before ovulation but didn't able to get an appt so had it yesterday on d7 during lunch time now i have to go in 10 days so I left on his asst to fix a day and asked for the evening apt. You have to manage the first apptm once you became their member thay will try to work it out. Good Luck
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Hi Ac and Tillu,
Thanks for the information. I believe in arcupuncture as once it worked for me when I had unexplained asthma before. I will try and book Troy on my next or next next cycle when I decide to try conceving again. Yes, simplythebest, I feel the same way, anything for conception!
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hello ladies,
wow! so much had happened since i last surf this site. CONGRATULATIONS perthites, happy to hear your good news.
I will be in HK tomorrow.....yehey..looking forward to my new home/country. I know HK will bring me the luck that i want.
I will be seeing troy too next week, hope we can meet up there ;-)
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Hi Crystal88,
Welcome to HK. Hope you won't be too tired from the move!
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20 yrs ago
Hi Crystal
A big welcom to you
Yes, Hong Kong will be a good place for you and hope an addition to your family soon
Bye & Good Luck
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Hi Tillu,
I have postponed my appointment as it is better to go there on CD1-5. Maybe next week. I'm here in Hk but haven't moved yet as my container is help up in the customs for a few days now ;-) Talk to all of you soon.
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20 yrs ago
Hi Crystal
Welcom to HK. Do you have already booked your new appt as he is realy very busy I was suppose to go yesterday but not getting an appt though I had booked it a week ago. So no option I have to miss this visit and already booked for next cycle yesterday. Good Luck
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Check this out!
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Hi Tillu,
Error - my container was held up by customs, not help up ;-)
Anyway, yes, i have booked an appointment on Wednesday, i find it easy, maybe bec. i'm not working and anytime is alright with me. It's good timing as it's my 5th day. Though i had a tooth extraction yesterday, stress after stress, i don't know why my tooth ache at this time, maybe it's good though before i get preggy, eveything will be in order. I'll let you know how's the outcome of my consultation. I'm taking antibiotic for 5 days, don't know if it will affect troy's medicine. How many times should i see him after my first visit?
Hi macaron, that's a good article.
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Hi, I have been on Utrogestan for the last 10 days and my period is due in 2 days. Is it normal to bleed while on this treatment? my doctor prescribed it because she was not sure if i was pregnant and used it as a control of miscarriage. I have had spotting and cramping and yesterday, the pain became intense and bleeding was even more than usual. Am i having an early period, is this a contraindication of usuing utrogestan(pessaries)? HELP!
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