
Posted by JJZ 20 yrs ago
Has anyone ever had a laparoscopy done? I have to have this procedure done soon, and I am wondering what to expect. Thanks!

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Perthites 20 yrs ago
Yes It can be a little painfull afterwards. The Surgen will make two inscions one thru bellybutton the other low down below your bikini line. My belly button has since been very sensitive and you can just see a tiny scar. I had bed rest for a couple of days but everyone is different and i suppose it also depends on your surgen too. It is however a very routine op and pretty minor. Good luck,i'm sure hubby will take good care of you for a day or two.

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JJZ 20 yrs ago
Hi Perthites

Thanks for your response. How long after the procedure were you able to try to conceive again? Did it also delay your period that month?

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Perthites 20 yrs ago
Haa JJZ i had mine years and years ago long before i was married or even thinking about children. But it's my understanding with ops of this kind that you might have to wait 4-6 week before even having sex as the area needs to heal and be void of any infection. You'd have a follow up with your Dr to check it's all ok then if so you'd get the go ahead.

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Matilda 20 yrs ago
If you would like to know more I can go through it with you.

Lynne (registered nurse) - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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s8899 19 yrs ago
I had a laparoscopy to remove the endometriosis at one of my ovaries three weeks ago. Three holes were made. One at the belly-button and two on the two sides below the bikini line. There was pain in moving my abdominal muscles on the first three to four days. On the third day, there was heavy vaginal bleeding for one day. It ended on the fourth day.

Three weeks have passed, I think I have fully recovered except that there are two small scars below the bikini line. The scar inside the belly-button is not visible. I have started exercising.

My doctors (including the doctor in Chinese medicine) told me that I can get pregnant at anytime after my menstral cycle gets normal. I had my menstruation 2 weeks after the laparoscopy at exactly the normal time that I should have my m. cycle. So I can start trying now.

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JJZ 19 yrs ago

I think the procedure cost around $44,000, and I had it done at Matilda. I recommend Dr Doo. His contact number at the Women's Clinic is 2523-3007.

If you have any other questions just let me know

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s8899 19 yrs ago
Hi, TDP, I had my laparoscopy done in the private clinic of the O&G Dept of Queen Mary Hospital. It costed me around HK$33,000+ including all medical expenses and two nights stay in a semi-private ward (2 beds). The operation was done by a professor or consultant, i.e. a very senior doctor specialised in the matter. The service and the medical attendance were excellent.

I started on Chinese medicine 3 days after the operation and recovered very well.

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Hi all,

the laparoscopy surgery comes with IUI packages or without & cost you guys HKD 33,000 to HKD 68,000 ?

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