Troy Sing

Posted by crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi ladies, esp Tillu....i want to ask if it's possible not to do acupuncture but just consultation and taking the herbs? Or is it really necessary to go for acu as it's his specialty. How do you find him tillu? Thanks.

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vvv 20 yrs ago
Hi Crystal,

If you don't want to do acupuncture, I don't think Troy will force you. I am sure you can just go for consultation and take the herbs.

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tillu 20 yrs ago
Hi Crystal

Troy is good, he speaks very good English as friday was my first session It was long discussion about my history and all sort of questions used to ask by specialised dr. He explained me all about acupuncture. I did it as first session good experience, the niddles are not pain full at all. Also gave me some medicine first day was horrible with medicine but now fine I have another session after 10 days. Crystal I think acupuncture doesn't has any side effect may be it will give you some positive hope, because if I got something new to try for conception in any month, a new doctor, process or medicine I feel my moral very high and positive.

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crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your replies. The reason i'm not into acu now is bec. i've tried it here for 3 months, though i didn't combine it with any herbs.

I'm not scared of the needles now, and i feel that acu helps me become relax with my IVF. My acu might not be "good" as every session he just ask me to lie down and he puts the needles in, without even pulsing me or check my tonque ;-)

I heard that you had a hard time getting an appt. Maybe i should have it scheduled one month+ in advance, when is the right timing CD 5-10?

How much did you pay total, tillu? Thanks.

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tillu 20 yrs ago
Crystal, I paid $650 for first appointment plus $190 for herbs, but from 2nd appointment onwards I have to pay $580.00. If i will pay for 5 visits it would be $530 and if paid in advance for 10 visit then $500. Actually mine was D1 but now I will go around my ovulation


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crystal88 20 yrs ago
thanks of luck to you, it will work ;-) I will call his office on Wednesday for an appt next month.

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crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi Tillu,

I got an appointment on the 7th. How is your session and the herbs? how many times a month do you have to see him?

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tillu 20 yrs ago
Hi Crystal

I had two appointment with Troy. During both visits he gave me some herbs powder to drink for 5 days. I can say nothing about my sessions right now, well it was relaxing. But now I have to go for one day during my D1- D5 and i thing again near my ovulation days. He told me to waite for another month before going for another IUI.

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crystal88 20 yrs ago
hi tilu,thanks for the info. i might re schedule my appt, the email i got frm sec. is not correct. I am not free on the 7th.

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crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi Tillu,

did you buy the package, i'm thinking if it's worth it as it's 10 sessions?

Hi Mrs. Miggins & VVV,

did you get preggy just by taking his herbs or you combine it with IUI or IVF? how long did you see him before you became successful? thanks.

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vvv 20 yrs ago
Hi crystal,

My husband and I did acupuncture and herbs with Troy for 1 cycle and got pg that cycle. I think it was just my luck. I saw another Chinese doctor for 2 months before Troy but that didn't do anything for my body.

I always buy the 10-session package as it works out to be cheaper.

Have you seen Troy yet? What did he say?


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AC1234 20 yrs ago
Hi vvv, Congrats !!!! BTW would you mind sharing what your problems were? and also how long have you'll being TTC. Did you combine it with western medicine (IVF/IUI)? If you dont buy the package how much does he charge per session and what day of your cycle should you first see him?

Thanks and Good Luck to you with your PG


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tillu 20 yrs ago
HI AC1234

TROY chrage hkd580 per session plus hkd150 to 190

for medicine. its better to go between d1 to d5 and if you are interested you have to book an appt as he is very busy. this month would be my third cycle with him and will go for IUI in next cycle. According to him it takes 2-3 months for acctp to work.

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vvv 20 yrs ago
Hi AC,

My problem is polycystic ovaries syndrome so I don't ovulate every month. We have been ttc for a few years but gave up many times. I also do foot reflexology though, not sure if that helped as well but it was very relaxing for me.

Troy said it's better to see him between d5 to d8 of the cycle. It's best to call the moment you get your menstruation so you can get an appointment soon.


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crystal88 20 yrs ago
Hi vvv,

thanks for your reply, that's good to hear from somebody who got successful with him.

Yes, i've seen him twice. but i haven't bought the package yet.


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Cordelia 20 yrs ago
Hi can you give me troys E mail adress or phone number.

Thanks very much

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tillu 20 yrs ago
Hi Cordelia

Troy's Add & Phone

Suit 1001, Winway Bldg,

50 Wellington Street,


Ph : 2526 7908


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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
My first visit to Troy was in Jan. He struck me as very knowledgeable & professional, but a man of few words (p.s. he does attend to questions thoroughly). Not only has he improved my cycles, I have learnt an enormous amount about my body temp, ovulation and diet etc. In addition, he has definitely helped to improve my general health. For someone who used to get at least a cold/ flu once every 3 months, not getting one from Jan - Sep is a complete miracle. Needlessly to say general health is the backbone to good fertility. Anyway, last month Troy suggested that I went to visit a western fertility doctor to complement his TCM, so I did, only to find out this month that I am up the duff!!! I have no doubt that Troy has helped - and whether it's due to the acupuncture or the medicine that I took religiously, I really don't care. Troy is very popular and not cheap, but he's worth every minute and dollar.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago
I have heard from other people that he is not cheap - but how expensive is he. What does he charge for one consultation? Thanks.


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Havefaith 17 yrs ago
I have heard from other people that he is not cheap - but how expensive is he. What does he charge for one consultation? Thanks.


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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
For the very first consultation, he charges about $850, that's inclusive of the 1st acupuncture session. For acupuncture alone, it's ~$650 per 60 mins. They have a computer equipment to track the state of your internal organs (e.g. sluggish liver) so Troy can pinpoint (literally) on those problem area(s). There are always a few needles on my belly. For medicines, he charges about $290 (5 days) plus consultation of $240 on top. I only went to him 5 times/month - first on day 3 (consultation + medi only); 3 times during ovulation (consultation, medi and acupuncture) and last time on day 21 (again consultation + medi only). So on a monthly basis it costed me about $4K. Some people choose to do more acupuncture sessions, but I really couldn't afford the time as I do not work in Central and the last appt for acupuncture is about 5:30pm. Acupuncture is only painful when my muscles were tense (say, after a hard gym session). Otherwise, it's manageable - and it's coming from someone with v. low pain threshold.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

Thanks for that. I have made an appointment to see Troy in three weeks' time. That's great that you have seen results in a short 9 month period. Well done!


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crystal88 17 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

I'm the one who posted this thread 863 days ago. To update you, i also got preggy after consultation with him for 6 months. Too bad that he now charges too expensive, mine was package that is just HK$500 per visit, i saw him 3 times a month. Medicine was also cheaper. But like what aussierules said, it's worth it - as i have a baby in my arms now. Good luck to everyone who is trying to conceive.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago
Cystal88, Thanks for your message. I look forward to being treated by him. HF

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crystal88 17 yrs ago
hi havefaith,

i seldom check this board, i now go to moms and dads, if you have questions on anything, please feel free to PM or ask me here, i have done EVERYTHING, even stupid ideas, whatever can help or i hear, i'll do it. I'll check this board every now and then.

Oh, by the way, for your info, i'm 37, been TTC for 8 years, had m/c, done with 3 IUIs and 2 IVFs that all failed. Had a smooth, no complication pregnancy, conceive naturally.

If Troy fails (sorry for being negative, but just to keep all options), you can try cecilia, i heard she's great too, my friend got preggy with her help.......bottomline is, TCM can help.

Keep the faith, it will surely happen if it's the right time.

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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith,

I am sure you have been tracking your ovulation, but just in case...... First of all, pls make sure you track your Body Basal Temp (BBT) and record it on a chart. You have to take your temp before you get out of bed, every morning at the same time. Secondly, my friend from Aust gave me an amazing device called "Maybe Baby", it's not made in Aust & can be ordered online. It can help pinpoint THE day you ovulate. Thirdly, use those ovulation sticks you pee on, they also help to identify THE day. Remember, after you have sex & before you shower, lie in bed for at least 20 mins and during that time put a pillow under your bum. It's not an old wives tale. TCM really helps, but it also takes discipline, patience and perseverance to success. Like they say: persistence beats resistance. Take care and best of luck. It will come to you one day when you least expect it. P.S. Sorry if you already knew all of the above.

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