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19 yrs ago
I will need to have IVF done. As I am an expat from Singapore based in Shanghai, I would like others with similiar experience to share how long they need to fly back to home country etc. Also, does acupuncture really help in IVF? Any good recommendation in Shanghai?
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Hi Chris, I am also a Singaporen based in Shanghai. I see that you posted 70days ago. Any luck with your ttc?
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What is TTC? I have yet to try ivf yet. Am still debating whether to be back to singapore to do it. How about you?
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TTC stands for trying to conceive. Well, I have done one round here last year but obviously did not succeed. At first also contemplating whether to do it here or back home.. but then, considering that DH (dear husband) is working here, so for the sake of convenience and also have found one reliable clinic here, we did our fist one here. Have you found the IVF acupuncturist here yet? I am also trying to look for one, hoping to be in time for my May/Jun IVF cycle, but was told that taking herbs is as effective as acupuncture. I have been taking TCM (traditional chinese medicine) since the failure of the first one. Hopefully with all this effort, I am able to bring home some baby(ies) 9 months later.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Tracy06. I would be very grateful if you could give me the contact information to an IVF clinic in Shanghai (web adress preferrably). Could you please also briefly tell me about the price, the waiting time and wether you are satisfied with their services?
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Hi SMV, the clinic which I go to is called "Shanghai JiAi". I think for some reason, their web-site is down, used to be Anyway, here is their main-line and you can call to enquire:63459977 ext 0. If you speak Chinese, that is great. If not, you can try speaking English and hopefully they understand English.
I personally find that JiAi so far is the most organized IVF treatment clinic compared to others which I went surveying. The RE see patients in a private room (well, they are doing renovation at their clinic and is currently doing consultation at the hospital next to it). They entertain Westerners but not too many as I observe (so this shows that they understand English). About the charges, the last one I went through (IVF cycle + the investigation testing) costs us about RMB30k, but that depends how much you need to be stimmed and if ICSI is required. I am satisfied with their service except that they quite follow the standard protocol when treating patients (long and MDL protocol). I was put on MDL protocol the first time and the dosage of stim is rather small (150iu Gonal-F) for 6 days. I am trying my luck again and hopefully to start stimming end of this month. More questions are welcomed.
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(... to add on to my previous posts). In general, the waiting time is 6 months. But again, you can always call and ask. I read from other IVF patients in US/UK/Canda and found that patients know exactly their blood work results and REs there are very interactive in that they discussed results with patients and are opened for patients' idea and suggestions. Well, be prepared not to receive such attention here. Normally blood work happens in the morning and u/s followed after blood work. Same day in the afternoon, you will need to come back to the clinic to listen to how much medicine to take and then purchase the required meds on the spot (yes, they make you buy the exact meds needed for the x number of days after each blood test results come in). About the success rate, well, they used to show a number in their clinic and I remember the last time I saw (sometime last month) was about 5500+. One thing I don't really know is if this is take-home baby number or +ve beta number. I think they started operation since 1998 (don't quote me on that).
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Hi, Tracy. Any reason why you did not choose the foreign hospotals like worldlink and american ob gyn? Are you working? I am working so wondering if we need to go so often.. how to balance work
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Hi Tracy, I have been looking for IVF in Shanghai for 2 years. Unfortunately the foreign clinics can only test, not do the procedure. I went to Ji Ai but it was such a dump I could not deal with it. The hospital that associates with Worldlink is too far from my house (Pudong) and terrible service. I went to Ji Ai last week and it has been renovated. It was so much more professional. Do you know a good doctor there? I met a Dr. Hui.
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Hi Bikini, i was also referred to ruijin hospital by worldlink... but am looking for other, perhaps more professional clinics. where is ji ai clinic, do you they speak english? thanks
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