Dr Christine Choy

Posted by a-mann 19 yrs ago
We are considering engaging Dr Choy as our OB/GYN. WE've visited her a couple of times and we're quite happy with her ... does anyone has any comments?

Thanks in advance.

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Perthites 19 yrs ago
excelent Dr we got pregnant twice with her. She is a lovely lady and has the lastest equipment. Also she will work with you not dictate.

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Mrs Mopp 19 yrs ago
Dr Choy is first class. There are lots of recommendations from posters on Asiaxpat

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Colleen 19 yrs ago
Hi Ladies,

I saw a message asking for info on prenatal yoga in Singapore. Just to let you know that I teach at Mother & Child at Tanglin Mall. It is a super venue, carpets, cushions-very cosy and popular. Take a look at their website - www.motherandchild.com.sg.

I also teach prenatal yoga at Gaia Yoga on a Sunday morning - see their website www.gaiayoga. Hope this helps.


Colleen Simmonds

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hkgrl7 19 yrs ago
I also agree that Dr. Choy is just wonderful and I would highly recommend her.

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Perthites 19 yrs ago
I can't remember the price of everything but when i did IUI with Dr Choy (2yrs ago) it was $15,000. The rest of it will depend on how much of the drugs you need how many blood tests and how many ultra sounds. If i recall blood was $400-$800 depending on what they were testing for and ultrasounds were $500 i think. Consultation $700. I also have PCOS and Dr Choy got me preganant also put me on metaformin for PCOS and that made all the difference for me.

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Jackie1973 19 yrs ago

With my first appointment I just paid for the consultation and did not have to pay for the scan (Dr Dawkins) but I think normally you have to pay for both. Maybe I just got lucky. Consultation is $800 (I think) and I think scans are around $850 not sure on that one.

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