Various things you can try.
I am not sure of any one fertility specialist that deals specifically with PCOS. But I could be wrong. It can take a while for your periods to return to normal - up to a year for some. There are quite a few fertility Drs here and mostly it is who you gel with. I would not nec go to a OB/GYN but a fertility specialist such as Philip Ho, Dr Doo, Milton Leung, Stevenson, Danny Chan.
Besides long periods what else makes you think you may be suffering form PCOS? There are various websites that can help inform you.
These are some of the symptoms of PCOS:
infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods, and/or irregular bleeding
infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating
increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes
acne, oily skin, or dandruff
pelvic pain
weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist
type 2 diabetes
high cholesterol
high blood pressure
male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or thighs
skin tags, or tiny excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area
sleep apnea―excessive snoring and breathing stops at times while asleep
There is no single test to diagnose PCOS. Your doctor will take a medical history, perform a physical exam—possibly including an ultrasound, check your hormone levels, and measure glucose, or sugar levels, in the blood.
If you are producing too many male hormones, the doctor will make sure it’s from PCOS.
At the physical exam the doctor will want to evaluate the areas of increased hair growth, so try to allow the natural hair growth for a few days before the visit. During a pelvic exam, the ovaries may be enlarged or swollen by the increased number of small cysts. This can be seen more easily by vaginal ultrasound, or screening, to examine the ovaries for cysts and the endometrium. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. The uterine lining may become thicker if there has not been a regular period.
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Integrative Medical Institute will not treat PCOS per se but will put you on a programme to be in the best condition possible for pregnancy. It also involves removing any amalgam filling you may have and a hair analysis. The jury is still out on that so depends how far you want to go and how much you have to spend on it.
Owen Trodd and Partners do the Fertility Hormone Saliva Testing over a month. It sounds odd but it backed up my friend's convential medical tests so must be something in it.
Personally, if I were in your situation I would get a medical diagnosis.
Find a good acupuncturist, Troy Sing or Cecilia Te to name a couple.
Get the book "The Infertility Cure" By Randine Lewis
Visit her website www.easternharmonyclinic.com look on the left, choose Article and look for article RL-06.
If overweight start thinking about a low GI/GL diet. See www.patrickholford.com and www.thefooddoctor.com for good books. Most available at Bookazine. Plus at Bookazine there is the book The Low GI Guide to Managing PCOS.
There are some good personal trainers here in HK I can recommend.
I think that is about it.
Oh and a good prenatal multivitamin.
Remember that the ovaries need 3 months to recruit a new set of eggs. So allow that for the minimum time while doing any alternative therapies (or even conventional medicine ones like taking Metformin if prescribed for you).
Good Luck! (getting pg and reading all this!)
Please note that studies show PCOS sufferers may only show up abnormal glucose tolerance levels after the 3 or 4th hour. This means the standard 3-hr GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) may be insufficient. Ask for the long one.
PLUS you do not need all symptoms to have PCO/PCOS