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19 yrs ago
Hi, I had my first IVF in April and got a -ve result. So frozen embryo transfer will be done in June. Any friends here will be doing IVF or FET in June?
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Hi s8899. I had my first IVF in May and was not able to sustain the pregnancy. Started bleeding recently and as expected I am going thru a miscarriage. I am taking a break from fertility treatment but like you, I have a few frozen embryos and we are thinking of using them perhaps in July or onwards. How are you coping with all these? My mind is kinda blank at the moment.
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19 yrs ago
Hi MsPiggy, I was very depressed and emotional initially.It was so embarrassing when I cried in front of my doc in the clinic on the date I got the -ve result and tried to discuss about the future treatment.
Please give yourself sufficient time to greive (if you need it) or just to stay blank. Pamper yourself. You will feel better.
I needed to take a break from work and be alone for some time on the day I got the -ve result. I talked to a friend about my sadness. I went for a big meal and ate the things that I were not supposed to eat if I were pregnant. I then went shopping and got a good massage.
Keep positive, our time will come.
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A big long cry is definitely warranted in this kind of situation. I am trying to keep a positive outlook but all those creeping thots of " will the next IVF be successful? What can I personally do to make the next IVF successful?" keeps playing in my mind. I certainly hope that our time will come very soon. It seems to be such a very long, roller coaster journey for me.May I ask who is your doc? Mine is Dr Doo.
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Like MsPiggy said, a long cry is good, after a few days, life goes on.......FET is less stressful compared to a fresh one, there are reports that FET also has a higher rate of success. Try to eat healthy for now, i know it's hard but this is the time to relax before going for your FET. You can combine it with acupuncture too. Good luck!
I did it twice but failed, looking back, IVF has done me good in a way. It makes me realized how strong i am to handle that -ve, and to continue to fight for the infertility battle. I'm now 5 months preggy, keep on trying and don't give up, your time will definetely come. Take care.
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Hi Honeypie. Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I am happy to know that there are women out there whom went thru similiar experiences in infertility issue but are now happily pregnan. It gives me hope and courage. Can you advice me where I could go for acupuncture specific for fertility treatment here in HK?
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Hi Ms Piggy,
I've sent you a PM.
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What is FET?
I just went through my first IVF and THE TEST is tomorrow. I think it was not successful... felt to have my 'normal period' feelings yesterday and have no other symptons like swollen breast etc..nothing :-(( I have 4 more frozen embryos so can try again in July maybe..
I was so relaxed about the whole thing, not much stress at all... till I started to doubt the last couple of days..
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Hi Flower,
FET is frozen embryo transfer. Not everyone has the symptoms, and if you have those symptoms, it could be just the effect of progesterone. be positive. Good luck!!!
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19 yrs ago
Hi, I'm about to embark on my first round of IVF in July. One question to ask is...where did you have the eggs removed? Was this done at your docs or at a hospital? My doc says that this will be done in the surgery and the eggs will be transferred to a lab for the ICSI process. Is this normal? I would have thought that the eggs would be removed/fertilized in the same place? I'm worried about the journey between the docs and the lab!
Also if you don't mind the many eggs did you have removed, how many fertilized and how many embryos were put back in?
How long do you have to wait between each IVF cycle?
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s8899: Tomorrow I will know if I can start IVF treatment later this week. I got my first chinese IVF in march and a FET in april. Both negative.
buz: I heard about egg transportation before, but maybe it's possible for you to go to the hospital where the fertilization will be and have your eggs removed there. Just ask your doctor about the possibilities. And about how many eggs removed/fertilized etc. That's different each time. I had 21 eggs removed one time, but at one IVF I had only 5. They will get everything you have. Most of my eggs get fertilized. Last time I had 9 eggs and 8 were fertilized. In China they put 3 embryos back in. In europe the max was 2, but they preferred 1. And (in Beijing) there must be 3 months between 2 egg retrievals.
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Buz, you are with a private clinic? HK Island?
Then you will go to the IVF centre in the Sanitorium. Not sure where its done on Kowloon side..
Egg retrieval and lab processing is done in one location. You have to go in twice to same clinic within 3 to 5 days depending when they put them back.
I have to go for FET since my first transfer after IVF did not succeed :-( Also have to wait one month extra since I have some 'leftovers' cells which happened to me before during IUI. Need to take The pil to clean up first)
So I will be back in July....
Wish everybody good luck!
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19 yrs ago
Hi Flower, thanks for the info. Yes I'm with a private clinic on HK Island. I'm with Dr. Choy and seems she will carry out the retrival at her clinic...I'll double check this with her again. Maybe I have got this wrong :-) I'm looking forward to trying my first IVF as it's moving in the right direction, but stressed at the same time. Not sure I can cope with people telling me just to stay relaxed so I've decided just to tell my closest pal! It's good to talk to others here that are also going thru the same thing. Obviously some of you have had more than one go at IVF, I admire your courage. I'm already emotional about the first go. How do you keep yourself emotionally sane? I suppose I will just have to take it day by day!
Good luck in July!
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hi, im looking forward to have my IVF, i read all the experience about IVF, its scares me a little bit, i have no problem og having babies, i have 3 children already my youngest is 8 yrs old, but i am tubal ligated now since my last baby, my husband died, 5 yrs ago then i merried a divorce man again, he have children too, im just 29 yrs old at the moment...we plan to have baby on our own, is that possible we can do IVF? how much and how long its gonna be?please give some idea because i really wanted to have baby....
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I AM PREGNANT! My FET from earlier this month was successful :-) Its quite unreal still.. don't feel too much yet. Have a second blood test tomorrow to see if the numbers doubled.. Early april next year.. wow, I wil be mum :-))
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19 yrs ago
Hi flower,
Congratulations!! I am so glad for you!!
I also had my FET 30 days ago and am now pregnant!! Yes, I feel so unreal. I do not feel any pregnant symptom.
I had my first scan a couple of days ago and saw the embryo inside the womb. It is like the size of a bean 6mm in length. Doc pointed to me the heart which is beating. It is so amazing.
A life is inside me.
My doc told me not to eat raw food and avoid cold food. According to the Chinese tradition, keeping your body warm is beneficial to the baby. The first 3 months is the most unstable period, let's keep our body in the optimal condition for the baby.
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flower and s8899 Congratulations it's an amazing time it took us months to really beleive we were flinally pregnant. Enjoy every second and take good care of yourselves, those of us with fertility issues tend to over compensate in this area but hey if it gets us thru 9mths what the heck!
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s8899, congrats to you 2! That great to hear the news. I think I will go back in 2 weeks to do the first scan... oooh very exiting.
Today after the second test result I will call my parents & brother. They have been waiting anxiously as well :-)
Yes started reading about what to eat. My mother i law already told me not to drink any cold drinks.. My hubby is Chinese so I get all these things first hand (although not from him.. he's very British in a way..)
I am with Dr.Doo from The Women's clinic in central. I like him and as said by others, he has a good bed side manner. He is very busy though but still I never really had to wait too long.
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dear flower and s8899... this is such a wonderful news to know that you both are pregnant!! It gives me hope as I was feeling so despair after my failed IVF as it subsequently led to an early miscarriage. I will be doing my FET sometime in August and am so worried that it will not be succesful as I have read that FET has less chance of implantation as opposed to fresh embryos implantation. But you have erased the doubts for me. Enjoy the pregnancy and the very best wishes for the both of you. xx
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Hi Ms Piggy,
How much do you spends on FET procedures after the fresh 1st cycle of IVF failed ?
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Hi Poseidon
As I have yet to start on my FET ( targetting sometime in Aug).. I am afraid I am unable to answer your question. I can only imagine that its less costly than a full-fletch IVF egg retrieval process... so maybe an estimate of HKD40-50k ( including blood samples etc etc?? I , too would be interested to know how much did Flower and s8899 paid for their FET procedures in HK.Can you ladies share some light here if possible? Btw, Flower.. my doc is also Dr Doo.
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19 yrs ago
Hi Candy and Poseidon
I did my IVF and FET in the private clinic in Queen Mary Hospital. The cost for IVF was less than HK$60,000 and for FET about HK$10,000.00.
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congrats to S8899 & flower....
I am still long way to go from age 29, As per my Dr Cheng; he need to do Diagnostic Lapro to clear my block tube & after 3 mths recovery, I could start by clomiphene, or clomiphene + IUI or Clomiphene + IVF (depends how well body response).
May god bless all of you mum's to be successful,
Anyway, god healing & touch is so comfy.
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