Flying during the first trimester

Posted by the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Is it safe? Has anybody had any negative experience?

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Perthites 19 yrs ago
It's really what you feel comfortable with. I had a friend who travelled all the time for work during her 1st trimester and all over the place. I was more cauious during my pregnancy as we had tried for so long and had fertility treament so didn't want to risk anything but i flew a few times s'pore - HK but that was over only a 4hr flight and my Dr said it would be ok. I really don't think anyone could say for sure it was a flight that brought on a miscarriage

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mayafox 19 yrs ago
I flew incessantly in my first trimester (mostly long-haul flights at that) and was absolutely fine. That said, I would listen to your own body and your doctor's advice and definitely try to make your trips as comfortable and stress free as possible.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Well I'm thinking of flying to Bali - actually already have tickets booked and stuff. It's just 4 hours flying time with an hour and a half inbetween.

I feel fine - don't have much morning sickness - just a bit of exhaustion. But my mum is in a state of anxiety.

i feel pretty confident specially since i'll be travelling witht the hubby and not picking up heavy stuff.

Will talk to a doctor about it though.

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
i feel that being on the plane when pregnant isn't the main cause for's more about the availability of proper medical care at your destination in case anything happens...

that's what i think anyway...

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Dani R 19 yrs ago
My thoughts same as above. There is another thread re: this topic. I was 8 weeks along and flew a long-haul flight to and from the U.S. to GZ. I consulted my doctor as I was anxious and had previous m/c, but he said it was ok. It does differ with each person. Just make sure you stretch (I wore DVT/support socks), drink lots of water, tell the airline attendants (they will be quite helpful) and have hubby take good care of you! :) Have a relaxing holiday.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Thanks everyone, I feel a lot more reassured already :)))))))

I think i'll keep my booking and go to Bali.

A quick internet search shows that they do seem to have some facilities.

-just in case anyone else is interested.

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Dr Moreton 19 yrs ago

There is some concern about multiple flights on trans-polar routes because of the radiation.Probably should restrict thiose to about 4 in each pregnancy. Bali---mei wenti!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Thanks Hen and doc moreton. I still seem to be getting conflicting opinions on the whole thing, people that i talk to seem to be horrified by the idea that i would want to take a plane and go jaunting off to bali.

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wigwam 19 yrs ago
I flew from Melbourne to HK when I was 8 weeks pregnant (9 hour flight). I started bleeding very heavily on the plane. I was convinced I had had a miscarriage (I'd had one before and the symptoms seemed the same). As soon as I arrived in HK, I went to see an obstetrician and was shocked (and relieved!) to see a little heart still beating away. It turned out that I had a low-lying placenta and the obstetrician said that the bleeding was probably caused by the change of air pressure on the plane. I just had to take it easy a little and the bleeding stopped after a few days and my daughter (now 1) is fine. This experience wouldn't stop me from flying in the first trimester again, though.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
hi Wigwam, just out of curiosity - did your OB in Melbourne advise you against taking the plain.

I went to a gyn here in Shenzhen and her first reaction was 'no flights'.

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crj 19 yrs ago
You might want to check this thread for more comments and advice:

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wigwam 19 yrs ago
Hi Goddess...I hadn't seen an OB before I left Melbourne so I had no idea I had a low-lying placenta (was moving to HK so decided get everything sorted out when I got here...wasn't expecting to have to sort it out within hours of landing though!). How far along are you? Have you had an unltrasound yet? Maybe you could ask your OB to clarify exactly why she is advising you not to fly?

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Wigwam, the doctor that i went to was quite something. She just heard that i was pregnant and said - flying is not ok. It's not like she did an ultrasound on me and came to that decision for a particular reason.

Anyways - i was just curious. I'm going for a scan on saturday and hopefully to a doctor who's a bit more professional in giving medical advice.

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
yes, ask the other doc this saturday about flights. unless there is a very valid reason (e.g. high risk pregnancies), i don't think flights are that dangerous to pregnant women.

that said, if you do go to bali eventually, make sure you:

1) have contacts of good local hospitals for any emergencies

2) take things easy, pregnant women do tend to get more tired

3) don't eat anything that's not properly prepared, now is really not the time to try anything too exotic and risk food poisoning. stay away from cut fruits and ice, etc....

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
What food to avoid besides cut fresh fruits & ice ?

pls advise.

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
well...i only travelled once during my pregnancy, to Bintan (a more sterile version of bali)....i avoided the cold cuts they served during breakfast, yoghurts, cut fruits, ice....basically anything that isn't freashly cooked or if you're not sure how long it's been lying around...

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crj 19 yrs ago
In the link I posted above I wrote a post that said the below:

I travelled for work and holiday in my first trimester to Beijing, Shanghai and South Asia as well as other countries, here is my advise:

1. you might be more tired than usual, so schedule time for naps/rests between meetings. plan on taking taxis when you might have walked. if possible, try to have a bag with wheels, rather than something on your shoulder.

2. your stomach is more delicate than normal - so even if you are an adventurous world traveller who has never gotten a stomach bug, you are more likely to get one now - so be extra careful about water (ice, etc...)

3. If you are at a stage where you have not told anyone yet... feel free to tell a 'white lie' - you are just getting over a flu, have an upset stomach or you are on antibiotics so you are a bit tired and cannot drink alcohol.

4. carry snacks on you at all times - just crackers, pretzels or whatever it is you like to snack on. you are only 6 weeks now and might not have any need to snack yet, but in a couple of weeks you might need to snack every couple of hours - not a lot, just enough to settle your tummy. Same thing with water - be sure to drink a lot.

5. due to your hormones, you will also be going to the toilet way more than normal - so always note where they are when you are somewhere new, and always have your tissues with you. BTW, you go less in the 2nd trimester, it is just the 1st and 3rd that it is all the time (really, all the time!)

6. Medicine - there is very little you are allowed to take when you are pregnant - paracetamol (panadol) and CTM (an antihistamine) are two of them - speak with your doctor about what they say is safe, and carry these with you. My biggest mistake was not having anything handy, and not being able to find the 'right' medicine when I needed it. You will probably want tums, and maybe mints with you too.

Also - just in case of emergencies, have your health insurance card with you and know where you migth go if you need to - ie United Family Hospital in Beijing or the SOS Clinic, The Clinic in Bali, etc...and somewhere in the places you will be.

It might sound like a lot, but it is really just being aware that you are not the super-working-travelling-machine that you were just 2 months ago. So travel, go, have good meetings, a great time and just be aware that you might not be able to 'do it all' like you could before. And be more cautious (but not paranoid).

Safe travels.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Thanks Cri - I'm supposed to be off next week.

Did anyone have mothers that went in total panic attacks at the idea of their pregnant daughters flying at 10weeks?

My mum seems to have totally flipped. When i first told her that i was pregnant - she was like 'no big deal - happens all the time to everybody, all will be fine' - now she's asking me if i've lost my mind.

My doc said no problem - you can fly, but my mother is so anxious, and her anxiety is rubbing off on me.

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dizzydog 19 yrs ago
i would check that your travel insurance covers pregnancy related emergencies aswell. the only one that i found in hk that covered pregnancy (up to 32 weeks) was blue cross.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Ahhhh the older generation. Mothers will always worry, chances are she is going to flip out many more times during your pregnancy. Try not to let her panic you too much.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Vulvic - That's unfortunately easier said than done.

Cara: mothers, you cant' live with them and you can't live without them it would seem. It's terrible that they have this power over us.

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mum of 2 19 yrs ago
On the flying thing goddess, I was advised by a miscarriage expert that her only concern with a 'normal' pregnancy is that if something goes wrong, it can be more traumatic to have to deal with it away from home. If you have done your research and know where you need to go in an emergency, that helps. Hopefully this will never be needed though! Have an incredible trip! Holidays will be very different next year!

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gidget 19 yrs ago
Lot's of good advice about what to do during flights above.

This pregnancy I have flown to 6 different countries, {some of them twice}, for work and pleasure. I have done 3 long haul flights , my last one at 6 months.

I have found the flying and travelling to be easy while pregnant at all stages.

The research I have done shows that the radiation in commercial planes is not harmful to you or your baby.

Here is a pretty good website about the radiation side of things:

The really important thing though, that I wanted to add, is what 'mum of 2' referred to above. Think hard about where you are travelling to and who you will have with you for support.

Unfortunately my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, after a flight to Shenyang {in far north China} for work. There was nothing about the flight or my travel that caused the miscarriage, but the consequences were that I had it alone in essentially a third world hospital, in appalling conditions, a long way from home {it took me 24 hours to get back here for treatment.} I have 'flash backs' and nightmares about it to this day.

Needless to say, this pregnancy, with all of the flying I mentioned above, I have been with my partner, or going to big cities with international standard hospitals, when travelling alone for work.

I think your holiday to Bali sounds like a great idea. We went there when I was about about 20 weeks pregnant for our 'baby moon'. Enjoy your holiday.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Mum of 2 and Gidget - thanks very much for your answers. I was originally panning on being more adventurous and going around indonesia - but now i've decided just to stick around in Bali that does seem to have some medical facilities.

I'm going with my husband so he will be there to help in case (touch wood) something goes wrong.

We also have a friend who actually lives and works in Bali, and hopefully he should give us some guidance, so i think i should be ok.

My mother gave my number to a doctor in india who called me and explained that between the 12 and the 14th week - there's some switch between the corpus luteum and the placenta and it's a rather delicate period - so i'm cutting my visit short by a week - just so i can be at home during this period.

I can't wait to get away from the office and the computer and not do anything for a couple of weeks.

Thanks so much for your replies and support.

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cd 19 yrs ago
I went to Bali when I was 6 weeks pregant with my 4th child. had a great time, also went when I was 24 weeks pregnant with my 5th. The only down sides was that both times I couldn't go on the slides at Waterbom Park!. I also flew several times whilst pregant with the 1st 3. Had no problems. I don't think flying poses any dangers, its like the above poster said, the worry is if something does go wrong, up there, theres' not a lot that can be done. But that can be the same with any illness, my son suffers from Epilepsy, and we always worried that he would have a fit on board, but he never has, although he did have an asthma type attack once, that was pretty bad, the captain even came down and asked us if we wanted the plane diverted.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Just to update - i went to Bali had a great time and got back all in one piece.

Just had one moment of panic 'cos i had to take a teensy weensy plane from Lombok to Bali. I was sure that the cabin wasn't pressurised and that this would be the end of it all.

Went to the doc yesterday for a check-up and it's a relief to see that all is okay.

Cri - i took your suggestions and must say that it's really excellent advise.

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crj 19 yrs ago
glad to hear it went well, hope you had a great holiday!

Hope your mother is now okay with you travelling :)

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Thanks. Oh my mum!! she sent me a couple of panicked emails when she didn't hear from me for a couple of days. She is definitely relieved - but i wouldn't say that she's totally alright with the way i do things. That's just mums for you i guess.

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