Nutrition and Snacking during pregnancy

Posted by the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
It's just sooo weird how my tastes have changed. I don't like most of the things that i used to like eating before.

What do you guys snack on? and what do you eat?

I barely seem to manage three meals a day - let alone 5.

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geiboyi 19 yrs ago
Chocolate breakfast cereal.

Wasabi peas/broad beas.

Ginger candy.

Masala tea.

Cookies (any kind).


Actually I eat constantly.

(@ 15 weeks)

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@@ 19 yrs ago
NewHK - I'm guessing you are having a boy!!!!

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@@ 19 yrs ago
I always love to take a guess! I went for a boy since I was like you when I had my son.

As for the locals guessing the gender, only one person got the sex of my daughter wrong, just amazing!

But don't rush out and paint the nursery blue just yet, LOL!!

Good Luck.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
I'm in my eigth week - i feel nauseous most of the time but have thrown up only once so far.

The problem is that all the foods that i used to like - can't eat them anymore.

Fish and meat are a complete turn-off, Am not so crazy about sweets either.

New Hk - i like vinegary stuff too - but each meal seems like such an effort - what to eat, what to eat???

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Dani R 19 yrs ago
When I was just sick as a dog, I could only eat applesauce (albeit in small portions) and popsicles (ice lollies) that helps you from getting dehydrated. Sometimes just eating plain crackers and biscuits before going to bed helped me from feeling more nauseated when I woke up in the morning. I was so sick to my stomach, but never vomited, wished I had!

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asianalien 19 yrs ago
I am 8 weeks now, and can't eat anything. Just the thought of fish sauce makes me want to vomit (and it's in everything here!!!). I really CRAVE comfort foods from my old life in Canada... cheese, peanut butter & jam sandwiches, dry toast and butter, you know. For a change I want nothing strange only food that is familiar.

I thought it was supposed to be some kind of a magical time... instead I feel sick all day, can't manage a bowel movement and have to urinate once every hour or more. Does anyone else feel like this???

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Hey Asianalien - u r not alone. I feel the same too. But being indian i crave indian food more than anything else.

I did find one thing that really helps with the nausea though - and that's aerated water. I just drank it all through saturday and found that my nausea went down a lot.

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Cubanita 19 yrs ago
NewHK, same here. I used to love chocolate and all the sweet stuff so muchh before.. and now it's just meat meat meat (it's got to be a boy after all), and really fatty fish like salmon and all things spicy and vinegary too. I'm not experiencing any sickness yet (week 6) but some smells like alcohol or tobacco or washing powder make me dizzy.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
I'm so totally off meat - does that mean that i'm having a girl??

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Well in the past 10 days I have gained 3lbs. Am 32 weeks now so the bubs is putting on fat and consequently so am I lol! I have been pretty healthy so far although this week have been craving chocs and biccies and I am EMBRACING the cravings. Just had a very nice cinnamon danish and cup of tea and feel fab.

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Catnip 19 yrs ago

For me it was around 14 weeks. And it tapers off - you don't just wake up one morning and feel fab, you still feel a little quesy every now and then but not constantly.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Try sipping cold sparkling water - like perrier or Soda - it really makes a big difference for me with the nausea.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Marie - yes i should've added that it makes me burp in the most unladylike manner - but to compensate the nausea is a lot less. Maybe you can try the less gassy kinds like San Benedetto.

I have to work too and know what you mean about not enjoying the pregnancy - neither am I. I have a really strong 'metallic' taste in my mouth that's quite horrible too.

Hang in there - hopefully it gets better soon.

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JJB 19 yrs ago
I heard that Preggie Pops are fab for morning sickness and also duing labour. I think you have to get them sent from overseas as I don't think anyone stocks them here. Just search "preggie Pops" on google and you will find them.

PG swear they are fantastic. Easy on the nausea but calories to keep energy up.

All the best.

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Cubanita 19 yrs ago
Well, I guess I got happy too early! Now I'm so sick I wish I didn't have to get out of bed at all! Whatever I eat tries to get out as soon as it gets in. And whatever doesn't just gives me awful acid. And the smells... God almighty, it's just not safe to breathe anymore!

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