weight gain

Posted by Nicher 19 yrs ago
Just now Goddess has raised a topic on snacking, I may as well start a topic on weight gain. I am in Week 25 and I've gained 20 pounds altogether. Doctor says I'm gaining too much weight and have to watch out on diet. He asked me to cut down on sweets. Basically I never touch on soft drinks or chocolates. Friends all comment that I don't look like I have gained that much weight. I wonder where all those pounds go to!! Anyway, because of this, I only have milk/ wheat crackers in between meals... worse than being on diet.

Just curious to know how much weight you have gained at different stages of your pregnancy. Anyone would like to share your experience?

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
Lucky you gogis! I hope I could lose weight that fast too.

And yes I also know two friends who gained a total of 60 pounds throughout their pregnancies!! And they were both skinny.

Not fair though, I have always been caucious on sweets and I seldom eat oily food. The only reason I can blame on is maybe I used to be quite active before pregnant. Then I stopped exercising in the first 4 months. So now I go swimming more frequently to slow down the weight gain.

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
LOL Cara what a dramatic experience for you! I had nausea too and I hate it so much but I still managed to eat, so my weight still went up gradually in the first few months.

Have to agree that doctors in HK tend to scare you by saying you are too fat. That's why I am doing this little survey to see if I'm within normal range :)

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Nicher, my advice would be to take what the doctor says with a pinch of salt. You may have gained 20lbs but find that you are still slim in the face, arms and lower body. This is a good indicator of the 'quality' of weight gain i.e. it has gone to nourishing your baby and is not an accumaltion of chocolate and junkfood. You may find that you have no weight gain anywhere else but up front in your stomach. This is a good sign.

What the doctor is worried about is the risk of pre-eclampsia and sudden and sizeable weight gain is a symptom of this.

You may find that your weight stabilises at 20lbs for a number of weeks and then gain a few more lbs running up to the 30 week mark. Do not worry, we all gain in differing ammounts at different times.

Like you, at week 26 I had gained 20lbs. The nurse told me I had gained too much weight, I told her to f*ck off. I knew that my weight gain and size was healthy for several reasons:

1. There was no weight gain anywhere but my stomach.

2. I go to the gym 3 times a week and do 20 mins cardio and 40 mins weights and am very mobile during my work. I am still maintaining my workouts even now at 31 weeks.

3. The quality of food I have consumed is good - plenty of fresh produce, lean protein , wholeweats and diary. Have gone off junk food.

I am now 31 weeks and have only gained 21lbs in total.

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white rabbit 19 yrs ago
I gained 22kg while I was pregnant!!! I am usually a model so you can just imagine how big I felt!!! bub is just over 5 weeks old today and I have lost loads of weight...I am breast feeding and have noticed I have lost my appetite not gained one.The weight has just dropped off me...I ate sweets Macdonalds...whatever my body craved when I was pregnant...don't worry about it...trust me even if you don't loose the weight streight away you look at your little baby and you just dont care...it's funny what I used to think was important...

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
i put on very little during my pregnancy because i was so sick for the 1st tri and for the 2nd/3rd, things improved but i wasn't pigging out either. baby was a little on the small side but HEALTHY. that's the most important...as long as you eat well, rest well, feel well and the regular check-ups indicates baby is fine, DON'T WORRY, every pregnancy is different.

good luck!

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
Thanks all for your responses. I feel much better now :) Indeed I agree with all of you that as long as I rest well, exercise well and eat well, and most important of all, baby is growing well, weight shouldn't be a concern.

Vulvic - just a few more weeks to go and you'll meet your lovely one! Good luck and stay healthy always!

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Starbucks 19 yrs ago
Nicher - I have heard from friends back in Europe that doctors there seldom tell mothers-to-be that they have gained too much or too little weight, the docs are primarily interested in:

- if the baby gaining weight & growing rapidly

- if your blood pressure ok and no warning signs of pre eclampsia

As long as above 2 things are ok, then whether you put on 6 kgs up to 25 kgs "does not matter" that much as long as you eat high quality foods with enough protein, fats and carbs.

In my case, I am only up 8kgs today at wk35 from 48 kgs and all on my tummy (I have always been petite). My HKG doc told me to try to gain a minimum of 10 kgs which I am still trying to do but he is not telling me off since baby is growing normally and is on curve to be 3.1 - 3.3 at birth.

I try to eat 3 main meals and 2 smaller snacks which is how I was eating before I became pregnant. The only things I have added are: big hot cup of full fat milk before bedtime (every night) and daily vitamins and maybe extra cake or nuts or chocolate if I remember. Then again, I never had any nausea nor issues with any reflux until last week - for which I use Gaviscon if and when needed.

Good luck - there is really no right or wrong here!

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