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19 yrs ago
slight panic this morning, noticed a brownish-pinkish discharge when i went to the loo.
Have checked all my books for signs of early labour and seem to have a few of the symptoms. Have had cramps for about 10 days now but dismissed them as Braxton Hicks, also my indigestion has come back and having very loose movements. Have soken to my doc this morning and will go in and see him in 30 mins.
Am a little panicked as am only 31 weeks.
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19 yrs ago
Good luck Vulvic.
I noticed one of the differences of B-H and real labour was my stomache hardness.
When it was B-H, my tummy got hard, but the very top 'shelf' right below/in rib cage gap was not hard. But in real labour - that part was hard too. Not sure if that makes sense, but that was my indicator.
Good luck, be sure to post an update!
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don't worry, it could be false labour and even if it is indeed labour, i am sure you will be in good hands.
crj is right, the real contractions start from the top like a wave down if i remember my antenatal class correctly!
take care...
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judst back from the docs. The bleeding is from a slight separation of the placenta. Doc has also noticed some calcification which they normally only see at 36 weeks, basically have been overdoing it at work and need to rest. have to minotor the situation but if the bleeding worsens have to head straight to A&E.
Was bit teary when the doc told me this, more from guilt than anything. Just need to rest and hope this all settles down.
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This happened to a friend and it was quiet a severe case. She spent more than a month in hospital on full bed rest - she could go to the loo but only with a nurse. Her LO was born at 33 weeks and was actually the biggest premmie in the NICU. And by a strange coincidence, today is his birthday, he's six.
The weekend is here. Do absolutely nothing. And as for the guilt... as a parent, you'll have plenty of opportunities to be guilty about so many things for years to come.
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Good luck Vulvic, rest and relaxation seems to be what you need - eat and drink well and think happy thoughts!
I am in wk35 and got some panic on Wednesday due to Braxton Hicks every 15 - 20 minutes, which was not normal for me. Things have slowed down since though.
Understand separation of the placenta, but what is calcification?
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Hey Vulvic, we'll all keep our fingers crossed that all goes well for you, just stay calm and do rest and take good care of yourself and don't feel guilty..
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Thanks so much. Am at home with DVDs and just resting all sloth-like on the sofa. Will see how things are after the weekend.
Calcification is a sign of an 'old' placenta, usually occurs in last weeks of pregnancy. If there is too much or it starts too early, it can prevent the baby from getting any nutrients. At the moment it is only slight calcification so want to keep it that way.
Have not been prescribed bedrest yet so fingers crossed
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19 yrs ago
Sounds like you have a great doctor, and are doing exaclty what you should be - nothing!
Enjoy a lazy, feet up, relaxing weekend... and next week too if you need/want to. :)
Work can survive without you - belive me I am a former workaholic who now has a baby :)
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Take care Vulvic, everything will be alright.
Why did it happen? is it bec. you did some strenous exercise or walk for long, etc?
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overdoing it at work I think, finishing 8-8.30 everynight this week. Have also been on my feet a lot so that hasn't helped.
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rest well, i hope your hubby is well-prepared to be your slave this weekend!
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19 yrs ago
Our first baby was due on 5/6 and born on 3/6. Quite (very, in fact) small, so much so that everyone in the non-medical world was saying we had miscalculated and it wouldn't be born for some weeks yet. When the placenta was 'born' the inspection revealed it was quite 'gritty'. This is the same as 'calcification' and (as mentioned above) is an indication that it was appraching it's 'use by date'. Clearly there had been no miscalculation, our baby was naturally small, but she's now galloping through the 8-9 pounds.
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TC, that sound right. The 'grittines' is the calcification and shows that the pregnancy has gone full term.
Worrying however if the calcification shows earlier than this.
All is OK now and am back at work although will be leaving on time from now on and taking rests when I need tem.
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Vulvic -- OMG I am catching up on the posts I missed when I was in hospital having my baby and that was exactly what happened to me the day I went into early labour at 36 weeks. My doctor also told me that my spotting was probably separation of the placenta. I made an appointment to see him first thing the following morning, but I went into labour that night before he could confirm anything!
It sounds like you are in great hands with your doctor, and I'm glad to hear that the scare is behind you. Enjoy those DVDs and rest up!
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Hi Mayafox!
That was the worst week of my life. Luckily my OBGYN is great and I am glad I saw him rather than running to QMH who would have just put me in a bed for the weekend. Instead I rested at home and put my feet up. The good thing is that I have slowed down considerabley although I still need to be told to take a break now and again.
Was so scared that it was early labour though as I had all the signs. Luckily just a warning for me to take it easy instead.
So I am now at 34 weeks and am seeing the doc weekly for check-ups. Getting a little impatient to meet the bubs now, want to finally put a face to the name , lol.
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You are right -- once you step into K9S at the QM, they will not let you out... Which was lucky for me as my contractions started in the middle of me trying unsuccessfully to persuade them to let me go home at 3am. Baby was born two hours later!
Once your labour does start, I would still try to spend as much time as possible at home before going to the QM though. Being in a room full of moaning, screaming women is much more bearable when you are moaning and screaming yourself.
Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. It's a whole new world once your baby is born! I spend hours just staring at mine and have quickly turned into one of those moms who thinks their kid is the cutest / cleverest baby ever.
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Mayafox - I hear you, I am going to try and stay hoem as long as poss although I know I'll prob panic and run straight to QM at the first regular contraction, lol! Have stocked up on sleep masks and ear plugs in prepration.
Cara - that sounds lovely. I don't think you can ever give children (or adults) too much affection. I grew up in a family where we had to hug and kiss our parents goodnight - even when we were adults. As a result both my brother and I are highly affectionate people and I think that is good thing. Kids thrive on affection and love, it makes them confident and secure.
Well my news - went for a scan yesterday and baby is now facing head down but not engaged. I'm convinced I could feel it turning last week.
Am now taking it much slower as don't want baby engaging and popping out like a cork before hubby gets back from China, lol!
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So sorry to hear that Cara. Have you had to stay overnight at QM before or is this your first time during your pregnancy? I've a friend with high blood pressure who often has to 'check-in' for the weekend.
I know it's boring as hell but at least you kno that you're in a safe place where they can keep an eye on you.
How many weeks are you now?
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Haha! I'd have hit her Cara!
Is she the expat dietician at QM? I think my friend used to see her when she had liver problems.
So all this procedure is old hat for you as you've already done it before. How long do you think they'll keep you in for?
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Cara, I had the same 'glucose intolerant' verdict at Tsan Yuk, and after totally petrifying myself with too much internet research on Gestational Diabetes, I followed the (horrifically irritating) dietician's measly meal plan for the remaining 8 weeks of my pregnancy. First diet of my life! And it was NASTY -- I fail to see how eating Kraft Cheese Slices could be better for my baby than fresh fruit, of which I was only allowed one piece a day!I was dying for XTC ice cream by the end of it and the first thing I demanded after I gave birth was chocolate chip cookies. That said, I was in much better shape towards the end of my pregnancy than when I was before I went on the diet. But who knows -- maybe I went into early labour because my baby felt sorry for me. Give mom a chocolate biccie already!
Vulvic, I'm with you about affection. Me and my sister still hold our parents hands when we go out together! I'm going to have to steel for myself for the day my little boy thinks it's uncool to hold mine.
Best of luck with the next week, you two.
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Yikes Cara, I feel for you --that is a long time to be eating Kraft Cheese Slices washed down with skim milk! Maybe you could get a second opinion from a private dietician you trust?
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I definitely found that denying myself sweet things made me crave them even more!
A friend of mine who had full blown gestational diabetes slipped off the wagon more than a few times and her tests came back fine. I am sure you just need to keep your sugar intake in moderation. The odd twix bar probaby won't send your levels flying out of control.
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Kraft slkices!!! You must be kidding. That isn't even food, it's processed plastic with a bit of colouring. really think you should get a 2nd opinion. The very fact that the woman won't even listen to your answers and constantly contradicts you does not instill much confidence.
Def ask if you can get a 2nd opinion.
Mayafox - don't worry, all boys eventually grow out of that 'cool' phase. Besides it's usually in public that they shun the mum, in private they are total softies. I have a 40 yr old one to prove it, lol!
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