
Posted by Laticia 19 yrs ago
This has taken a lot of guts for me to type this email and alot of tears to follow!! I am trying to get Pregnant but just had no luck, it is driving me crazy, I go to the shops and see parents with their little children, my heart wants to jump out of my chest and I just cry,I am going crazy. maybe I should see a pshycologist!! can anyone recomend what I should do about not conceiving, should I see a certain Dr or take certain tablets? I feel so very alone and just have no clue on what to do!! anyones advice or help would be so greatly appreciated!

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Hi Laticia,

Is your menses regular ?

Are you having irregular, no menses, or less than 6 menses a year ?

You should go to approach infertility specialist for full evaluation of physical, tube & ovaries by Ultrasound scan. Sometimes, suggestion may be given whether you need to take progesterone pills to regulate menses more than 6-12 a year.

Then, If your tube diameter is normal, not a PCOS (Polycystic syndrom) patients, ovaries scan to have only 1 follicles (eggs) in either side of ovary, suggest that you should measure your cervical mucus by finger or tissue every morning after taking you BBT (Basal Body Temperature).

This is to find out if you're normally having menses regularly & measure basal body temperature & cervical mucus sticky on day 9 - 14 (sticky) consider you're ovulate & the temperature tends to up to 37.2 - 37.8 celcious (ovulation).

For PCOS patients, they do not ovulate usually as the menses cycles usually irregular from 26 - 39 lenghts. High risk of miscarriage might or not having cyst, usually each ovary over produce male hormone & insulin resistance, overweight or obese. Sometimes, they might be a Diabetic Patients that cause them to infertility as they couldn't control their blood sugar well.

PCOS patients only 5% of them carry baby to full terms, what cause this syndrome (unknown) but usually has a families member or sister or cousin having similar or no menses situation.

PCOS patient tends to occur 1 in every 5 women nowsaday (for the world), take good nutrition & more exercise before you're refer to surgery for ovarian drilling.

I am going for the Laparoscopy surgery & Ovarian drilling to improve my regulations of menses without hormone pills to conceive naturally, as I am tested to be Clomiphene Resistance after 4 tabs max trial. After surgery, they would give me a high quality picture of what they found ^-^

After this surgery, it cost me abt SGD 5000 / HKD 24,500 for surgery, doc fees, & anesthesia.

After this surgery, they might sees & evaluate me again whether I should go for IUI (intra-uterine Insemination) it cost another (SGD 2000 -4000 / HKD 9000 - 20,000) as (touch wood - if the natural cycles invalid after 6 mths)

Please get yourself ready emotionally as infertility requires lots of patience & stress minds free a lots more of Aerobics, ABT could help to benefits more from the Laparoscopy surgery.


Hopes this could comfort you more,

Do not cry as much as I do,

Stay happy & travel to release stress,

Foot reflexology, aromatherapy, & exercise could help !!!



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Cubanita 19 yrs ago
Just a followup on the previous post. Concerning exercise, it's true. Bellydancing is best because it triggers certain processes in the lower abs, helps blood circulation and is generally good for all things "yin" in your body. Even known to cure mild forms of infertility.

Oh, and just in case, avoid eating soy products, there's some rumour going around that they might influence the reproductive system.

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Laticia 19 yrs ago
Thanks so much for your advice, I think I will go and see a specialist, Poseidon thanx so much for all the info.


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pinkie 19 yrs ago
Hi Laticia

I know there are lots of good fertility specialist in hong kong (search on these posts) but from personal experience Dr Christine Choy is very good. I didn't have much trouble conceiving although potentially i could have had troupbe as I have mild PCOS but I went to see her before i became pregnant and was very impressed with her proactive approach and it gives hope. i think her knowledge of PCOS helped me to avoid miscarriage in the first trimester - of course you never know for sure but i felt happy to be in good hands. your issue may not be pcos but any good specialist will look at all the issues and hopefully be able to give you some answers or help - at least if you see someone you feel more in control and might give you some good advice and options to help which might help you to feel better - lots of people are in the same situation or have experienced the same fears and distress to a greater or lesser degree so don't feel alone.

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Perthites 19 yrs ago
Laticia, well i can totally understand what your going thru. I have been thru it all myself and it is difficult and sad, but it's good to see you haven't given up hope yet and you are looking for advice.

The first thing you should do is get your self a good Dr in obgy and gynie (there are many threads on Dr's to use in HK) tell them your situation there could be any reason for not getting pregnant, age, health, stress, smoking etc. The Dr should do some blood test on the 2-3 day of your cycle and then later around the 12-14 day to check if your even ovulating. They might also want to do a flushing of your tubes to see if there is a blockage. Your partner will also need to have some tests to see what his sperm count and mobility is. I suggest you do the simple blood test first and the sperm tests. A word of advice witht he sperm test if it comes back low in count ask to repeat the test in another couple of weeks. We were told that my hubby had low sperm count and that was the reason we couldn't get preggie. A the time we were living in S'pore when we moved to HK they had to do all the tests again as the Dr in HK had a different way of doing the tests and so didn't really understand the S'pore results. The sperm test results came back the comeplete opposite of the S'pore results hence the issue lay with me not hubby so the few months we were being treated in S'pore were a waste as they were treating the wrong problem.

Lots of women on this forum going thought fertility issues use acupuncture with modern fertility treatment. But honestly you might just be getting ahead of yourself Laticia just ake one step at a time and go and find out the basics it might be a simple issue. We are all here for you when your feeling down and need some support. I have been usin g this forum for over a year now and it's been a great source of help and support. Good Luck and if you need anything else just post again or PM me.

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Laticia 19 yrs ago
Pinkie and Perthites thank you so much for your kind words, it is just such a tough thing to go through, I am going to make an appointment with a Dr this week and face the facts and start working on the problem. Thanks so much


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Perthites 19 yrs ago
Laticia i also saw Dr Choy when i was living in HK. She is soo lovely and caring and has all the latest machines you'd be in good hands if you choose to see her. Good luck to you remember it might be all bad!

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Claire 19 yrs ago

Approximately 15% of couples have difficulty achieving pregnancy. It has been found that female factors are responsible in 40% of cases, male factors account for a further 40% and in the remaining 20% of cases there is a combination of female and male factors.

So you are not alone and you definitely should not blame yourself.

The good news is that there are many treatments available to help you. As the other ladies have said, your first stop is the doctor because you need to find the cause and so can choose the best treatment.

BTW, I figure if medical advances can get a 66-year-old woman pregnant, there is great hope for every infertile couple.

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Laticia 19 yrs ago
Thanx Claire, your words have really made me feel better, I have made an appointment to see Dr Ho at The Well Women Health Clinic.


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JH1 19 yrs ago
It's great that you've decided to see a doctor (Dr. Ho seems highly regarded on this site). If you want to gain more knowledge about women's fertility issues, the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" is an excellent resource.

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JJB 19 yrs ago
I second JHI book recommendation.

I just met a 40yr lady that had no idea that she could only get pg on a couple of days in the middle of her cycle. She thought that bar the period she was fertile the whole way through.

I was amazed to be honest.

A book like this, helps dispel any myths and educates us how our body works.

Other good books are:

Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Dr Northrup

The Infertility Cure - Randine Lewis (about acupuncture and Chinese medicine).

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Adding to the suggestion books are :-

1) 6 ways to improve your fertility.

2) Living with PCOS

3) Living with infertility & get help soon !!

4) Diagnostic Laparoscopy, IUI / IVF could

really help with relaxation technique &

quit your job / stress, get a good private

Doctor to guide you thru.

5) Think everyone suggesting Dr Christine Choy,

she must be a person like Dr Cheng in S'pore

with 15 yrs of doing Infertility surgery &

issues with correct dosage of hormone pills.

6) Do not fear alone, use this forum as support.

I had found this support not long ago too.


Hope this is comfort

do not cry

Let us take deep breath 4 sec & breath out 4 sec.

joining spirit to fight infertility together.

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